Excalibur ‘09

You didnt miss it Curtisfox, Mr B uploaded it all in one go.

Mr B i find myself coming back for a look. I think this is now my favourite bike, the detail in this bike is absolutely amazing..... i doubt anyone could have built this one in a few weeks like you said youve seen others do on here..... i can understand why you took years to build this beauty. Hands down this is the most detailed bike on this site IMO.

GREAT JOB, i absolutely love this bike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
buba here


just as i set about a bunch of diverse builds in my driveway

i look in the background of every builders photos shop/garages and see so much going on in the way of tools and screw boxes etc it is daunting but i will see what i can accomplish

Thanks Man,

Coming from you, high praise indeed!

But, there’s no denying I travel at a deliberately slow pace.

And with all the mistakes I made along the way I imagine I’ve actually built this thing about three times over. :-)

buba here


just as i set about a bunch of diverse builds in my driveway

i look in the background of every builders photos shop/garages and see so much going on in the way of tools and screw boxes etc it is daunting but i will see what i can accomplish


Ha!, Cleaning the basement is high on my bucket list!

It's true Mr.B, with your bike there is no one part that catches the eye, and I mean that in a good way. No part on your bike looks out of place. Everything is so well thought out and executed. It really does look like a vintage motorcycle...... PERFECTION!!!!!!!!!
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I spent a lot of time looking at your bike today while I was at work. I put a photo of it in the corner my monitor and would glance at it every time I was saving or loading a file.

How did you paint the logo and pin stripes on the tank? The next big step in my build is paint and I'm slightly intimidated to hand paint over the fresh paint job.

Is there any way we can have the mods sticky this thread? I think it would be cool if we could have all of the builds that really stand out in one place. I'm not trying to single anyone out, but you have to admit that some are just one of a kind works of art that have something truly unique about them that others can be inspired by.
How did you paint the logo and pin stripes on the tank? The next big step in my build is paint and I'm slightly intimidated to hand paint over the fresh paint job.

Any surface rust was just left as is. Heavily rusted or deeply pitted areas were ground clean.

Any zinc coating (screw heads, etc...) was burned or wire brushed off.

Any new steel or newly exposed metal was treated with a product sold for furniture restoration that is meant to “antique” brass.

I believe the active ingredient is ferric nitrate acid(?)

It was a no-name home brew bottle I bought from a elderly hippie at a flea market ( the old boy was still acid tripping ) :-)

This immediately darkens the steel and promotes a quick “coat” of surface rust.

I had experimented with salt water and found it to be way too aggressive.

Then treated well with rattle can (Krylon) rust converter.

Painted the base coats with rattle can Rust-Oleum.

I cut a frisket paper mask to rattle can paint the logo (Krylon gold) and outlined the edges by hand with a technical pen filled with India Ink.

The pin striping was done with Testers model paint by ruling pen & paint brush.

All of the new paint was lightly scuffed with steel wool and more so in logical wear areas to re-expose the underlying rust.

Treated again with rust converter.

And everything got a thorough final coat of rattle can Minwax matte poly.
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I have to BUMP this to the top again, I agree with Lurkers comment earler, this thread should be made a stickie and remain near the top. Im still going back and learning a thing or two (ok a lot more then that). Your diary (especially the link you gave) is the most extensive and would truly be of great help to anyone building a bike. This build is insane and i only just noticed the headbadge you made yourself... is that right? If so you are a true craftsman and this bike continues to blow my mind. This bike is truly inspiring. GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your welcome, but im just calling it like i see it.

Your bike is so full of detail, its above and beyond anything ive seen on this site....... Its dare i say..... PERFECT!!!

I find myself coming back again and again and i seem to see little details that i missed last time. Unbelievable!!!
Mr. Bill,
I've been wondering when you were going to share your build with everyone and then missed it until just now. Having spent the past couple of hours happily reading your thread and studying your pictures, I am much impressed with your accomplishment. Well done, sir! There are so many fine details to appreciate. I love one of a kinds and creative tinkering with an artistic bent, using what you've got and running a tight budget.

Curious that just a week ago Fasteddy asked what I though about taking our Indian tri -car projects to the Davenport show at the end of summer. His is a camel back and mine is the Indian Hiawatha. I said I thought it was a fine idea and mentioned to him that I was in Davenport briefly 67 years ago, but didn't have much opportunity to look around.

I was there in 1945 to be delivered into this world by my Grandfather who was the head M.D. at St. Lukes Hospital. He had delivered my brothers and sisters through the years and now it was my turn. A few days after this grand event I took a train ride home with my mother to Ottumwa, Iowa. Can't say that I recall much anything about the train ride, the delivery or Davenport, so I think it is time for a return trip with my eyes open this time.

It would be even better if you and Bicycle Bill were there along with your builds. I'd like to see your bike in person, meet you guys and jabber some about old motorcycles and making stuff. Maybe we could all go for a bike ride, too. Old guys and old bikes rule. Woohoo!
Curious that just a week ago Fasteddy asked what I though about taking our Indian tri -car projects to the Davenport show at the end of summer.

Meeting you guys in Davenport would be too cool!

I know you'd dig the show and revisiting your home town is always good, but I bet things have changed there a little since ‘45 :)

How far from your Minnesota address I wonder...? If time allows take the Great River Road from Minneapolis= Beautiful scenery!

btw: Best day of the show is Friday, that night they have the antique races. By Saturday noon a lot of venders are already packing up and leaving.

My home in Minnesota is 250 miles north of Minneapolis, just south of the Canadian border. Don't know how far from there to Davenport... a long ways for sure, but hey, what a fun event. I guess we'd need to reserve a camping space ahead of time someplace in the area. Steve has a camper van big enough for him, a dog and a bear. Dogs allowed? I'd bring the bike with the sidecar instead of tri-car front end so she can ride. How big is this event? Can you ride your bike around in order to look at things? I'm a little gimpy and Steve's a lot gimpy. We'd probably come down on Thursday and rest up that night, stay through Friday and head back sometime on Saturday. Fun thing to think about and plan on.

I just Google mapped Minneapolis to Davenport and the fastest route is 355 miles (just under 6 hours)

Going the Great River Road only adds a single mile but bumps the time up to just over 7.5 hours...

Yikes! Either way that’s quite a haul!

I believe there is camping at the show.

And yes you are able ride through the fairgrounds at low speeds, but to get a better feel of the show here’s a Youtube “Davenport AMCA swap meet” search page...


According to Google maps going through Anamosa Iowa adds a little less than a 1/2 hour to the trip- You really should consider a stop at the National Motorcycle Museum on the way back.


BUMP!!!! I keep coming back for a look at this bike, and everytime im still amazed. One of the best, if not the best build on this site!!!!!! PERFECTION!!!!!!
Thanks Harry,

You’re very kind.

Later this morning I’m finally heading to my Brother in Law’s shop to weld the broken frame & a whole bunch of stuff for my other bike build.

The weather here is really turning nice now & anxious to get rubber back on the road!

Im not so much being kind, but rather being honest.

What is your next build?.... will you keep us posted while building the next one rather then holding out until the end? Im a slow worker like you said you yourself are so that doesnt bother us. Im sure we would all love to share in your build and benefit from some of your skills.