Dual Drive Freewheel on OCC-XL Choppers

The second link is the heavy duty hub that I used on my bike. I'm sure the length of the axle wouldn't work for you, but you might be able to use the freewheel part and make an adapter to fit your hub.

I could have sworn I put this in my first post in this thread.
What is the spacing (distance between the rear dropouts or the distance from lock nut to lock nut) of these OCC Choppers? Aren't they quite a bit wider than a normal MTB? I think that the HD hub is going to cause more problems than it solves? I don't think the HD Hub is even close to having a long enough axle to fit your chopper. Also the spacing between the spoke flanges of the HD Hub is going to cause problems when you go to rebuild your wheel. I think that Neat Times original Idea of taking apart your current rear wheel and having the left side of the hub threaded is in the long run the simplist way of accomplishing your goal. The way I read Neat Times eariler post he was saying that you need to take all of your parts to the machinist so he can do all of the necessary machining at the same time. (Thread the hub and enlarge the hole in the driven sprocket to fit the smaller freewheel body.) If you are paying for shop time and probably there is at least a one hr. minimum charge, you want to have everything ready to go and not have to come back later to have additional work done that could have been done the first time.

As for the idea of using the flanged LH Freewheel for the HD Hub Kit, I dont think that this freewheel is the same 1.375 X 24tpi that you are looking for. I think it is quite a bit larger dia? Call Jeremy at birddog/bicycle-engines.com to confirm?

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I could have sworn I put this in my first post in this thread.

Sorry bout that Civlized you did post it, I need to get my eyes checked.

I was thinking I'd take your suggestion and just buy it even though I won't be using the HD Hub axle or sprocket, just the freewheel & use my own sprocket, this I like.

What is the spacing (distance between the rear dropouts or the distance from lock nut to lock nut) of these OCC Choppers? Aren't they quite a bit wider than a normal MTB? I think that the HD hub is going to cause more problems than it solves? I don't think the HD Hub is even close to having a long enough axle to fit your chopper. Also the spacing between the spoke flanges of the HD Hub is going to cause problems when you go to rebuild your wheel. I think that Neat Times original Idea of taking apart your current rear wheel and having the left side of the hub threaded is in the long run the simplist way of accomplishing your goal. The way I read Neat Times eariler post he was saying that you need to take all of your parts to the machinist so he can do all of the necessary machining at the same time. (Thread the hub and enlarge the hole in the driven sprocket to fit the smaller freewheel body.) If you are paying for shop time and probably there is at least a one hr. minimum charge, you want to have everything ready to go and not have to come back later to have additional work done that could have been done the first time.

What is the spacing (distance between the rear dropouts or the distance from lock nut to lock nut) of these OCC Choppers?

Pictures I've heard can say a 1000 words!

ocscully, the axle measure's 8-1/4", and from dropout to dropout measures 6-3/4",
and from locknut to locknut measures 6" and left side hub from flange to locknut measures approximately 7/8".

Do these measurements look like I'll be able to have enough area to have machinist thread it for the freewheel adapter?

I'm going to a friends Machine Shop tomorrow morning, and show him what it is that I'd like to have him do. Consultation is free whew!

Dropout to Dropout is 6-3/4"

Left side of hub Flange to Locknut is 7/8" area to be threaded

Axle to Axle measures 8-1/4"

Here's a pic of the Hybriped or Ped-Power Adapter


Let me know if anyone thinks the OCC Chopper rear wheel has enough room on left side hub to be threaded for the bicycle-engines freewheel sprocket if so I should be able to add my own sprocket!

I think my measurements are close to accurate.

Neat Times, Civlized, Oscully, and all those who are interested and trying to find a solution to this challenge awesome work trying to get this accomplished.

I to have been trying to make something happen been OCD'ing about this, and there's nothing on the internet.

I did find this Check Out This Link For Lida Dicta Brand Freewheel Click Here:-->
Free Wheel / Sprockets its the Lida Machinery Co., Ltd. Free Wheel / Sprockets Product ID: A8H-3 / A8H-5
Free Wheel / Sprockets

* Size:
o A8H-3 1/2" x 1/8" x 3 Holes
o A8H-5 1/2" x 1/8" x 5 Holes
* Grease: Normal or greased
* Weight: 0.18kg/pc
* Color: Brown

I don't want to order direct from china there has to be a distributor here in the USA I looked in QuickBikeParts catalog nothing there.

I went to my friends machine shop this morning, Precision Engine Machine Co. in Hyattsville, Maryland. He only does engine work race cars and he suggested two other companies that are general machinists who do mostly threading type work, so I'll try them for the left hand threads on my hubs.

It will happen sooner or later if we all try, I'm grateful for our Forum it's members and all our sponsor suppliers. So we may have to purchase our left hand threaded freewheel hubs from SBP, or Bicycle-Engines, as complete kits to get the freewheel hub only, thanks to everyone.

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No emails back yet but I am still looking, if I can get my lathe together soon I might just do it with that. That is a whole other project in itself though. I hope the other machine shops can do something with what ya got. I hope I can find one around here that can do the same for me! I really wouldn't think these would be so hard to find. If they can do that for you I wonder if I could have them cut those threads on a motorcycle rim I really don't wanna trust my bike rim at 60 maybe I'm just paranoid. Wife said she'd kill me if the accident didn't...lol
New 5-hole freewheel hubs be here on Tuesday these are left hand thread and will work perfectly for my application.

My 2 new 4-stroke chinese cloned Honda Pit / Dirt Bike engines were shipped on Wednesday May 27, 2010 and they are already here well they're at the local UPS Hub /Depot waiting to go on the truck for local delivery. They might come tomorrow or Monday May 31, 2010.

I have 2 sprockets already for the freewheel, those will be put on as soon as machining is done.
I still need a wiring harness and battery, carburetor, muffler, and motor drive side chain.
I have almost everything coming together, slowly but surely.

Anyway for those of you who are thinking about using this application, you could contact Jeremy at Bicycle-Engines and he can set you up with the 4-stroke freewheel, axle, sprocket and band brake kit, or you can possibly just order the toothless freewheel left hand thread and mount it to your own OCC Stingray Chopper / XL Chopper after having your left side hub threads machined.

Peace Crazy Horse.
I can't get over the price on those motors. Unless I'm looking at the wrong site these are cheaper then the China Girls. Almost swayed me away from my BT build, almost. :D
Took a few pic's of the XL Chopper & OCC Stingray Chopper rear hub's and both are almost exactly the same, except OCC Chopper seems to have 1/4" longer axle. The freewheels are the same 20 tooth freewheel sprockets on pedal drive side ( Right Side ).

This pic show's pedal drive side which has right hand thread freewheel sprocket.

This pic show's left side wheel where it will receive machining for left hand threads for the new freewheel which sprocket will mount to for motor drive chain.

This pic shows axle length on XL Chopper it's 8"



More pic's to share after machining.

Neat Times, aka Ron.

From what I understand you are an American Genius of Ingenuity you just improved their, HyBriPed
System Sprocket Adapter.

If I'm correct in your suggestion is that you don't have to bolt the rag joint thru the spokes, you only have to install the hibriped sprocket to a left hand threaded hub and you can then put the pins in when you want to have power from the motor or pull them out to have the motor drive side as a freewheel thereby preventing motor drag when in pedal power only mode.

Here's what some us may like to use it's similar to the 5-bolt hole freewheel adapter for mounting a sprocket onto.

This model is for Electric or Pull Start Engines:


This model is for Pedal Start only Engines:


Here's the Exploded View:

This is exactly the same Hub Adapter that I ordered it's the one that has no teeth only 5-holes for bolting your sprocket to. The one I ordered has the left hand threads. If I wanted to use this same application on a Stretch Cruiser I'd order the complete heavy duty axle kit.

Since this is for my OCC Stingray Chopper & XL Chopper builds the axle kit would not work as it is to short, the OCC Chopper & XL Chopper axle measures 8" in length.

Peace Crazy Horse.
You guys are awesome!!
I'm glad to see you found what you needed, both of you. Even if it did take a little tweaking. It wouldn't be yours if you didn't.

On a different note, my little girl was born Friday night! I'm a proud dad for the 1st time. She's still in the NICU. She was about 3 weeks premature, but she is doing ok. You guys have fun, I'll check in later. Just got the wife home from the hospital and we are about to fall out. Never go to a hospital for rest.
You guys are awesome!!
I'm glad to see you found what you needed, both of you. Even if it did take a little tweaking. It wouldn't be yours if you didn't.

On a different note, my little girl was born Friday night! I'm a proud dad for the 1st time. She's still in the NICU. She was about 3 weeks premature, but she is doing ok. You guys have fun, I'll check in later. Just got the wife home from the hospital and we are about to fall out. Never go to a hospital for rest.

Congratulations Dad. That's a pretty big deal for sure. Your announcement made me think about my own children being born back when I was much younger. My oldest son is 41 now, middle aged. Unbelievable. They grow up fast. Nothing much sweeter than a little one like that with itty bitty fingers and toes... May you have an unbreakable bond of love between you forever. She will always be your little girl even when she's 41 and has her own children. And you will always be Dad. I'm glad for you, bud.
Now, you have about three years to come up with either a kiddie trailer of a spiffy sidecar, you know.
Thanks guys!

Ron, the sprocket thing is the kind of stuff that keeps me interested. I love custom stuff and helping with figuring out how to get people what they want. I enjoyed it. You guys have a good one.
Great news my neighbor friend who owns a service machine shop, thats a machine shop that doe's machine work on shafts, coils, motor rewinding, fans, pumps, balancing, etc etc...

This guy doe's not do engine machine work his work is mostly shafts balancing, making huge drive gears for large equipment, his clients are the National Institues of Health ( NIH ) in Bethesda, MD and the National Naval Medical Center ( NAVY MED CENTER ) in Bethesda, MD and National Institute of Standards ( NIST ) in Gaithersburg, MD, and various other federal agencies in the Greater Washington, D.C. area!

He will do the Left hand threads for me on the OCC Chopper & the XYZ Bicycle Company's,
XL Chopper Rear Hub's for the left side drive freewheel adapter to mount my sprockets. I had the wheel with me today and went over to his shop and he said where's the Left hand thread freewheels, I said I should have them any day now.

Of course the freewheels showup in the mailbox when I got home, man I wish I could have gotten them yesterday.

Oh yeah the 5-hole left hand thread toothless freewheels arrived today, now I can take the wheels & freewheels to machine shop on Monday June 7, 2010 for machining!

I'll add some pic's of these later, duty calls's gotta go out to dinner with the wife.

Peace Crazy Horse.
Hey CH,
You have really peeked my interest in this idea. I was wanting to use a 3spd internal or a mutli-spd hub for a my trike project. I had pretty much realized that the best/cheapest idea was to go with a disc brake adapter and just have to deal with the motor chain spinning. But if it is possible to do this with a rear hub, I would definitely go for it. You have any ideas on what hub would be good for this type of conversion, remember this will just be the drive hub for a trike, no tire. Thanks and I can't wait to see how the machining came out. L8R.
Going to machine shop tomorrow Friday June 11, 2010 to find out if the machined hubs are a success, will post some news tomorrow!

Peace Crazy Horse!