don't know why I still come here

That is a very depressing thought, that there actually are people out there worse off than myself. I've known this for sometime, that don't make it any less depressing.

I did manage to get a number for the owner of the franchise sprint store and am expecting a call back from him sometime today. I know he will not like hearing about how one of his employees is doing business.
I'm not allowed to discuss politics here, but might be ok to say you will see change, and must become accustomed to having less than those who preceded us.
Try for at least a little improvement each day.
Good luck
This is a little off topic, but a little on too.

In Vietnam I was hit by a machine gun. So there I was, 20 years old and both legs up in the air in traction with pins sticking out of both legs. After 1 year in traction and cast I was still flat on my back in bed. Actually it was 13 months. I blew up one day at the head nurse, a major at that!

She made arrangements for me to be taken to another ward to see another guy on another ward. He had been hit by a claymore mine. He lost both arms, both legs, his eyes and the "family jewels". Lots of other internal injuries too. He was expecting me...and really put it on me. Basically he told me I didn't have it so bad after all. Needless to say he was right. After 23 months in that place I walked out on my own. I had both legs in braces but I WALKED out. He had no stumps for artificial limbs so his life was 100% dependent on others.

I actually had it pretty good I guess.


Amen Terry, that's the best i have heard it put , it could be worse ,and there are some who are much worse off , there are Folks i know right now that have come home to , no legs ,no house ,no kids , no wife, { she left cause she said she couldn't handle it } crapping in a bag , back to living with their mom .. , i thank the great spirit in the sky everyday for being so blessed with what i have and what i still can do ....
Trust a good ole Tennessee boy to bring it all back into focus. I am very thankful that God saw fit to let me live when the Dr.'s weren't sure if I would.

Too easily I forget all about this great spiritual battle going on all around us, all the while unseen by us. Too easily I forget this battle has already been won. I want never to forget that this is not my home, I am only here for a little while. Soon enough I will see my true home and I long for that day.
Somehow I will defeat this flea problem, hopefully I'm smarter than a bunch of fleas. lol I have a friend from church that does tree work. He told me about the cedar or walnut shavings making the fleas stay away. I am hoping he can save me some when ever he comes across 'em.

The thing that is really bothering me... Because sprint doesn't seem to care if the have liars and thieves representing their company, I will likely be without out a phone some time in the next week or so.

There is no justice available, unless you can afford it.

That is the main reason I'm so doggone frustrated with just about everything these days. I see our county commissioners refusing to let their free lunches go, that costs the taxpayers 25k a year, but they will fire some poor sap who makes just 25k a year to save money in the budget. Greed and avarice run rampant in the world today and it makes me sick to my stomach.

Iffin you could get the top off the house i would send a plane to dust it.
Nunya, just found your addy and will send anti-flea stuff about noon tomorrow.

Virgin Mobile I don't know any thing about this company but they have a $25 a month plan and some inexpensive phones. Going to look at em now. Will let ya know. Some bummer reviews about service but 25 a month with unlimited web/text sounds to good to be true. (300 talk mins. I use around 200 a month now)
Thanks again Dan for everything. I'll look into that with Virgin Mobile.

I talked to the secretary of the owner of Wireless Direct, the company that owns the sprint franchise store where that nightmare started. Within the hour the manager of the store I went to on the 18th of last month and we talked for about a half hour. The rep that tricked me is likely fired. I hate to be the cause of that happening in this economy. I just wanted to get this nightmare fixed and I can't, yet and not without spending more money than I can afford.

On top of that I lost my whole contact list in my old Cricket phone. Now it wont turn on. Oh well. I rebuilt that list before and I'll do it again.
Just in from looking at em Nunya. I went with it. (2 phones and the $25 a month plan) Down side is no free minutes or family plans and only 3g. But the guy showed me the web (I opened the forum here) and was sold. Cheapest phone with them (no free ones but no contract either) was $99. But will pay for it self over the alternatives in the first coupla months.

Will report how they work in real life.

Not suggesting these. Just thought it might help
Just a plug for being poor, I have not invested money in my "projects" since I bought my first Happy Time and got hooked. Between freecycle, craigslist, and slowing done at all "free" signs. I have enough bikes and engines for two more projects when I finish this one. I stopped collecting "junk" until I clear out what I have, but I have plenty to keep me going all summer. It takes a little bit of time, but once the word gets out you can almost pick and choose your "junk".
I looked at those plans and then I went to Crickets site and looked there. I called and talked to this sweet young thang name of Carolina, nice, southern girl, accent and really helpful.
She will call me in the morning and my dear sweet landlady is loaning me the money until next month. So I will be back with Cricket, with a new phone and great service for an affordable price. Cannot tell how relieved I am to finally see an end to that nightmare,

And ferball, if I had a decent four stroke cargo type trike I would cruise around all day collecting cans. I love cruising around like that, have found cool stuff laying in the road like that before. Then I would buy a tool, first a welder, then pipe bender, some other tools. And would start to build some frames.

*wanders off day dreaming about bike frames*
Well, my phone nightmare is NOT over yet. Apparently I was mis-informed yesterday.

Why is it so easy for rep's to lie to a prospective new customer? When they lie, or mis-inform people, they really can mess up their finances.

And don't even hope these companies will have a lick of compassion for you, ALL they care about is profit, profit, profit.
Reckon I should update everyone, if I can complain about stuff then I really should share when things get better.

My phone problem will be fixed hopefully tomorrow sometime. I went ahead and went back to Cricket Wireless. My monthly bill will be what it always was and I will have a much better phone than I did before. My best friend, who also happens to be my landlady, has loaned me the money it's costing to return to Cricket. She is letting me split repayment over the next 4 months. Things will be a little tighter than they usually are but I will survive.

My flea problem is much better, thanks to Dan and his wife. I am still fighting the fleas but Tobias T. Tiger is not suffering like he was. When a flea bites him it dies, they don't stay on him, the just die and fall off. I am not having to fight them off near as much as before and less each day.
Have you checked with your state's Dept. of Human Services? It seems you're a good candidate for food stamps, rent subsidy, Medicaid, even SSI.

Good luck and stick around, my man. I'm praying for you.
Have you checked with your state's Dept. of Human Services? It seems you're a good candidate for food stamps, rent subsidy, Medicaid, even SSI.

Good luck and stick around, my man. I'm praying for you.

Got all of that except for the rent subsidy. That's why everything is so hard to do at this time.

One bit of good news. My local bike shop is pretty cool. The owner is letting me do some painting for bike parts. He also knows what I deal with as far as traumatic arthritis pain and he don't push me to get it done now. At least I will be able to ride my pedal bike soon.
I remember back in the 90's I spent most of the decade homeless on the streets. Drifting about worrying where my next meal would come from. The most perilous times were living on the streets of Seattle back in '92. That was the year I ate a partial corndog for my Thanksgiving meal. I was selling my blood plasma for food money. Thank god I never even considered doing drugs or even drink booze. I probably would have gone beyond the point of no return.

I eventually ended up on disability. I settled in california and took advantage of a state paid college education program so my tuition was paid for. I also got a pell grant that paid me $1800 per semester for 4 years. Nothing like being a professional student for a few years to get me on my feet and a couple of degrees too. Sometimes one just has to be creative to find ways to get by. So many people focus to much on what the don't have and what they can't do it almost completely masks what they do have and what they can do. That is a serious impediment to working one's way to a better lifestyle.

My only advice would be to never sell yourself short, to always look for opportunities, and try to get the most out of what you can do. It's surprising what one can achive with a bit more positive reinforcement from oneself in our daily lives.
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When I was 15, I lived in an abandoned car. That was miserable! Scared, dirty and board out of my wee little brain. Whom ever had owned the car musta loved the beech 'cause the back seat (read bed room, snork) was full of sand. Was in a bad area so had to roll up the windows and lock the doors. It would get real hot. Waking sweaty with sand stuck all over you was not fun. Then, had no where to go anyway.

Did I mention it was miserable? At the time, I thought of it like Huck Fin living in a barrel. I tried staying in school, but was always dirty. So kinda drifted away.

The thing that makes me angry till this day, every teacher knew. Lovely, eh?

This sounded like I am whining, but truth be told, it set into motion a really, really great life. I ended up hitch hiking around the country until I was 18. Then signed on a cruise ship. (where yrs later, when working for them again, I met Carol. 23 yrs ago come Oct.) Seen 2/3s of the world, made a ton of cash and enjoyed the fine company of many great people. Of which I most certainly mean You's guys. (NYC accent, snork)

You folks are some of my favorite lunatics.

....and sorry about the TMI. (not really. felt obligated to say that. snicker snork)

If we had a contest for the most rambling member, think I would have a shot at 1st place.
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Yeah, I had a homeless phase ~20 years ago. And while I'm not as broke as I was back then, I am as close being that broke as I can be without being that broke, if'n ya know what I mean.

Got my phone nightmare fixed now. I got my number ported back over, so I still have my same number I've had for the last 13 years. I canceled the sprint account this morning and returned the phone I got from them, so no charges there.

I would love to share more good news with you fine folks here but good news 'round these parts comes few and far between.
Cool about the phone thing. Is important. keeps ya connected.

More importantly, that your feeling better. Really is great to read/ hear Buddy.