When I was 15, I lived in an abandoned car. That was miserable! Scared, dirty and board out of my wee little brain. Whom ever had owned the car musta loved the beech 'cause the back seat (read bed room, snork) was full of sand. Was in a bad area so had to roll up the windows and lock the doors. It would get real hot. Waking sweaty with sand stuck all over you was not fun. Then, had no where to go anyway.
Did I mention it was miserable? At the time, I thought of it like Huck Fin living in a barrel. I tried staying in school, but was always dirty. So kinda drifted away.
The thing that makes me angry till this day, every teacher knew. Lovely, eh?
This sounded like I am whining, but truth be told, it set into motion a really, really great life. I ended up hitch hiking around the country until I was 18. Then signed on a cruise ship. (where yrs later, when working for them again, I met Carol. 23 yrs ago come Oct.) Seen 2/3s of the world, made a ton of cash and enjoyed the fine company of many great people. Of which I most certainly mean You's guys. (NYC accent, snork)
You folks are some of my favorite lunatics.
....and sorry about the TMI. (not really. felt obligated to say that. snicker snork)
If we had a contest for the most rambling member, think I would have a shot at 1st place.