Dax gp50 9hp wow !!

Clutch is kicking in at around 4000rpm. How about yours? Any pictures? How is yours running? What size rear sprocket are you using? Any pictures?

Have not had to adjust auto clutch yet since my install is not even finished yet. Break in is 5 hours. Avoid full throttle operation for 5 hours the book says..
You had a tach on it or are you just guessing?
I am guessing.. Factory says between 4000-5000 rpm for engagement. And from my Experience, I would say that is about right..
I do not have them.. But Check or Google KTM 50 Mini Adventurer and see what you can find for them as they may be posted. There is still some good info posted on these motors even though Air coolers for racing have gone away in favor of Liquid since 2006-2007 for most manufacturers that have race bikes. Air cooling is what I prefer for bicycles for Axiomatic reasons. Enjoy the ride..

Here is a Link to a lot of the Engine specs..

This should get you started... Check around for more links as these engines have been around for many years..
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Hey for an exhaust pipe, do you think a Morini exhaust pipe would work? It's seems like a high performance exhaust with a silencer, but correct me if I am wrong. With such tight spaces, the way the Morini exhaust fits great on Morini engines inside tight frames is unbelievable and still looks great.
yes the pipe will fit cause its a replacement for the morini in 2002 to 2008 KTM50 Adventure, Air Cooled Models. so it will fit. but the port in the non morini clones does not have the 2 o ring grooves so they leak really bad but just shmeer a bunch of hi-temp rtv and let it dry, problem solved!
you can cut and reweld the chambers to angle right for youre bike. thats what i did on my 20" cafe racer. i used a pipe from a kx 65.... cut it and reworked it for my frame!! same goes for ktm pipes...

check this site. this is the place i go for parts ect for the clone engine..http://www.motomx.com/ktm50_adventure_engine.html

they are a clone of the S6 engines but the drive sprocket has diffrent splines, electronics are diff, intake wont swap over, the carb is a clone, ect. they are a S6 clone but diffrent enuff to not get introuble. these have been around for a while so they last ok.... get one on ebay for 399 then get a real carb from treats land and come out about 50 bucks cheaper!! lol
IreBo. Thanks for that positive review of these type of engines. This sounds like a promising addition for me.. I offer a 90 day warranty with all my Engines. IreBo. What kind of warranty did you get with yours? How long have you had it? I am interested in any and all feedback from those that have this style engine. Also.. The RT cables fit this Engine Carb perfectly. I really like this factory carb that comes with this engine. I only need to find a good Expansion chamber that is inexpensive. Also an Air intake filter.. I am on the hunt.. Well.. I got my new chains and heavy duty wheel.. Weather is looking up.. So.. I will see about installing all of this tomorrow.. I will let you all know how it goes.. Enjoy the ride.. :)
As of now.. This is what I have. With this 56T rear on a 26 inch rim and 2.25 tire, it is still geared too tall. so.. I went around the block 2 times since it was running so well and no big hills to climb in order to take it easy on clutch and motor since it is all new. But.. I can tell you.. She is an amazing runner. DID Gold 420 and home made pipe. Still loud, I think that with some HT RTV Red around the pipe would seal it and make it 6-9db more quiet. I must say, it was the most excitement ever !! I was able to hit 40mph on my street and did not wish to go any faster as to make the neighbors mad at me. Still.. It was short of the pipe. No kidding. I was close to hitting the pipe.. I could tell.. I was close.. But at 40-45 mph on that bike was a thrill. At any rate, I proved to myself it can be done. For sure with a 26 inch tire, it would need a 67-70T sprocket in order to make it clutch properly. This 56T would be about right for a 20 inch tire, but 26 is just too tall. At any rate.. This is proven. I will take it out tomorrow weather permitting and punch out 50 mph or so, and then put this engine and bike up for sale. My Test is done !! It is a hoot for sure.. But it is just too fast for me .. For those that have such a need for speed.. Here it is !! Since the motor has less than 10 miles on it, I will sell it as new with warranty.. Contact me after tomorrow if interested.. If you are looking for power and speed.. This is it !! For those that do not know me.. I have been in business for over 20 years. This is what I do and enjoy doing. I build to test, and when I am done testing, I sell it. Enjoy the ride..


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Hey Dax. Do you have any idea how they get 9HP outta this thing? Cause I'm curious, I know I couldn't make an HT anywhere near as powerful as this thing but maybe I could get some good mod tips from it. Is it shorter strokes with a wider piston? Is it really big intake-exhaust ports? Whatever it is it'd be fun to know.
You ain't never gonna "hit the pipe" 'cause you ain't got no pipe.

You have a header and a happy time muffler.
You ain't never gonna "hit the pipe" 'cause you ain't got no pipe.

You have a header and a happy time muffler.

Every exhaust has a resonant frequency, 2 stroke or 4 stroke. That tubing that he used to make the exhaust is large enough to act like a poor man's expansion chamber.
Nothing spectacular like an engineered expansion chamber mind you, but still much better than a pea shooter exhaust.
At the right RPM's you would certainly feel when it's resonance matched up with the engine's operating characteristics.
Yea I don’t think that pipe has any beneficial charictorics.. it has no taper to squish the pulses to bounce back.... what ever feel that bike may have to coming on the pipe is probly the engine getting into an rpm that produces power. All 2strokes have an inherent gain at midrange cause of the super charged way they work. that pipe does not seem to be able to help power.. A banana pipe for the ht will work way better and you have room. a x1 or x2 pipe will work great tho...

the morini clone is able to produce 9 cause of the case induction and the reeds... that helps a lot!! keep in mind that the 9hp engine is about 17 or 18 cc smaller too!! a ht can make 5 to 6 if a moped head and can is used bit will eat crank bearings quickly...
Actually.. I am keeping it for the moment.. I am having so much fun with it.. But.. You can make me an offer for the motor only if you like.. I will consider it.. I really need to keep the bike for testing other motors and setups, but the power plant I can sell. Make me an offer. Thanks
Haha I have no doubt! Sounds like a blast. I'll have to see what I have left over after I buy this car. I was hoping to drive over and get an RT carb and cable when you get them in stock, maybe I can check it out then? I'm not sure if you do that sort of thing though.