Cruiser with a BTR flavor


Well-Known Member
I am converting this bike to a Cruiser along BTR lines. Paid $5 for this 24" bike. It will feature: 24x3" tires, tubular in frame tank, leaf spring front suspension, 5HP 2-cycle Lawn-boy engine, manual controlled variable ratio belt drive.
I will be posting pics shortly. Wasn't quite sure where to post this build!


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Chain, Yes that is the bike I was thinking about building. Adapting the motor took some time but it worked out.
Here are a few pics.

Frame,fork and manual ratio-variator.

PS: That ride you got together last summer was "GREAT" will have to do a few more when the weather turns!

Cool start.
Is this the one you were talking of when you came down for that ridenthis summer?


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Great job on the frame! Curtis Fox & I had talked at one time about the lawn boy engine as a bike motor. I'm glad to see you're doing it.
Nice frame & fork.
Now i have to watch this because as SilverBear said we were talking about useing a Lawn Boy engine. So will have to see what you come up with.

Were did you get the ratio-variator? that looks KOOL...........Curt
Beautiful bike- Id like to put together another ride when the weather gets better. I dont know what bike will be done but for sure another ride-it was a blast.
Manual Controled Variable Ratio Belt Drive. Tried to use what I had on hand.
tell us more about the VRBD that is nice. dennis


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Nice frame & fork.
Now i have to watch this because as SilverBear said we were talking about useing a Lawn Boy engine. So will have to see what you come up with.

Were did you get the ratio-variator? that looks KOOL...........Curt

Threw the lawnboy engine on just for picture and to take crank measurement.
I have run this engine and let me tell you it sounds like an animal!

Alignment has worked out well. Am on hold looking for an afordable 1" centrifgual clutch. I had bought one but it could only be mounted with it's sprocket mounted outboard, of course I need the sprocket adjacent to the engine block.

The variator is a DIY variation of a standard variable sprocket.

Jim E(Russell)


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I like that frame more every time I look at it. Pleasing to the eye and different. That engine should have plenty of power.
I see you made a intake manifold for it how does that work? Loveing it more..........Curt

It seems to work fine, however I will build another without the 90 Deg. angles(when I have the time). Also had to fab Exhaust header.
Threw the lawnboy engine on just for picture and to take crank measurement.
I have run this engine and let me tell you it sounds like an animal!

Alignment has worked out well. Am on hold looking for an afordable 1" centrifgual clutch. I had bought one but it could only be mounted with it's sprocket mounted outboard, of course I need the sprocket adjacent to the engine block.

The variator is a DIY variation of a standard variable sprocket.

Jim E(Russell)
very good construction, the drive is very well designed. I want to ask two questions, the engine is working as vertical cutter gramma, the bike is horizontal axis so changes the deposit of oil, will he sprinkle the oil to lubricate? also had to run the carburetor right? excuse my english
thank you
very good construction, the drive is very well designed. I want to ask two questions, the engine is working as vertical cutter gramma, the bike is horizontal axis so changes the deposit of oil, will he sprinkle the oil to lubricate? also had to run the carburetor right? excuse my english
thank you

This engine is 2 CYCLE. It will run in any position as long as the carburetor is level. If you install a diaphram carb, it can easily operate in any position.

2 CYCLE (no cranckcase resivor) fuel mix provides lube.

Visited europe in my youth, the people of Portugal were the best!
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This engine is 2 CYCLE. It will run in any position as long as the carburetor is level. If you install a diaphram carb, it can easily operate in any position.

2 CYCLE (no cranckcase resivor) fuel mix provides lube.

Visited europe in my youth, the people of Portugal were the best!

thanks for your quick response, I was thinking that the engine is 4 cycles. The friend knows Portugal! I'm glad the idea was that the Portuguese people, is really true this little parents planted at the entrance of Europe with a history of big hits, is going through a bad phase and economic finaceira, though the world in general is not well. But forward is the way it is. Any sharing of knowledge is welcome, it has the Menssagens PM'll be happy to answer
Jose Pinto
You are 100% correct. On one of the Autocad pictures you will see a 3 pc ball bearing that the fork/cam contacts. The cam portion of the fork is cut as to maintain pressure at the centerline as it is operated.

I have changed it to having two seperate cam/levers rather than the fork.
Just recieved the material for the fuel tank, can't wait to get started on it.
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Being a Lawn Boy enthusiast I always thought how you could adapt one to work on a motorized bike and look decent, very good job! One the best 2 cycles ever made. Is that a "V" series engine "Duraforce" ? How did you attach you exhaust manifold?, I always thought that would be a big problem using a LB engine. What did you make your intake manifold out of? Great work, cant wait to see more.

More guestions Could you take a closer shot of your ideler pully on the rear? What year engine did you use seems for a few years lawn boy had some bad CD's and are expensive to replace?.........THANKS.......Curt