Creativity without bikes

The Phoenix amp is back from being serviced, the interference problems were all to do with poor earths and dirty connections. It's screwed down tight and all cleaned up, so now it's silent right up until the point where some oaf sends a guitar signal through it. Then it sort of stops being silent. ;) The tonal range is gorgeous, all analogue, and it has it's own scorched overdrive. Me happy bunny.

On the banging and hitting thing front, the cajon is now in a bag with a folding stool as a stand so it gets played with heavy brushes and the plywood side up.

All I want now is some talent.
Cajonitis again. It now has a small baking tray held above the sound board on 4 small angled brackets. It's very strange, it's starting to look like an intended thing, instead of the rolling set of ideas and solutions that it actully is. Picture to follow.
Well, 2 pictures, a bit fisheye lens and poor lighting, but good enough to see how it's developing. The sound isn't huge, but that makes it better for low volume/acoustic performances. Next is finding a cheap tambourine and finding a way to anchor it so it can be hit easily. Maybe even find a cowbell from somewhere.

Cajon f.jpg

Cajon g.jpg
The box went to Henley in Arden on Sunday night, it did the job as anticipated. I also used my old Phoenix amp and tripped over a Muddy Waters slide sound with it. I am a happy bunny.

On the development front, this will take care of the jingle sound I was expecting to get from a tambourine. I need to arrange an easy on/off mounting. Only the cowbell to find now.

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;0And the latest! Me and Clive played at an open mic in Lichfield, on leaving, he noticed this hdpe barrel being thrown out. It is now rehoused :) and has a canvas skin cross it's mouth. We will see how well it performs and how durable the canvas is when played. This picture is of the same size & colour, although mine held mango chutney, which still lingers:
Cajon floor tom.jpg
Monday night's open mic at the Swan in Coleshill (quite an ancient town if you believe the archaeoligists) saw the full kit in operation. It works quite well. A new career beckons based on £14 of equipment, rather than 34 years and thousands on guitars. Strange old world.
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Mind you, the time spent learning to hang on to timing and reading the moment in an improvisational context is never to be dismissed.
The floor tom now has a shammy leather skin! It is heavily affected by humidity, I'll have to carry a hair dryer everywhere to maintain optimum tension. It does sound much better though.

The cajon has been modded as well, the sound board is replaced by thick fabric on a frame for more of a thud than it had before, and the metal tray is reinforced.

Cajon floor tom shammy skin..jpg
Cajon h.jpg

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