Creativity without bikes

I meant the guitar feed and the wire to the speaker. If one is good what can more than one per lead be but much better.

The guitar has only one output socket. I know somebody with a Roland Midi guitar with 6 individual channels though, where the strings are only signal generators, which are then processed through synthesiser channels. It's an interesting device, but it doesn't make my hands play any better.
People are strange creatures; there is a fashion, in Britain, for buying at considerable expense the cajon. It is simply a drum device, with it's ancestry in South American packing crates, but look at the prices some people are charging.

I found a free piece of varnished ply, part of the sad remains of an ex wardrobe. I had an already found wine box. Somebody's lost the plot, and it ain't me.

Cajon a 11-9-2019.jpg
Cajon b 11-9-2019.jpg
Cajon c 11-9-2019.jpg
I tried it tonight at an open mic. Not enough volume, the ply was too thick. Never mind, this time next week it might be a speaker cabinet, I have a 12" to go in it.
I took 9 screws out of the sound board, leaving just 3 to locate it. It's louder, how much more, I find out tonight.
Yes, letting the wood move around has let it sound out a bit more. Now I need to find something to use as a snare at the back of the board.
The final incarnation has the two screws at the side each going through the board into what is now a short piece of wood to connect it to the crate. Loud, a bit rattly, and still iconoclastically CHEAP. Lordy, ah feels gooood!
So much for final incarnation. I'm going to put an idea I had ages ago into practice. Making the noise take the long way round to escape, hopefully enriching it in the process.

Cajon e idea.jpg
I did the simple internal panel tonight, initial quiet sounding indicates more sound leaving by the front slot, and it is deeper in tone. Interesting.
The final "finally". Two wooden bars screwed and glued to the plain end as feet. The other, printed top end, the back, the sides are coated with PVA. The volume and range of sounds it gives is much increased over the simple box without the internal baffle.

Now I need to find myself a speaker cabinet instead of using this box. I hope I don't have to spend money. :(
Finally final finally: There's a piece of nylon cord going into 2 holes on the back as a carrying handle.

Other exciting world news, the old Phoenix hybrid valve/solid state amp is going in for overhaul in an attempt to remove a 50hz buzz and interference from outside sources. Get it right, and it becomes a radio, picking up commercial stations designed to cause immediate mental atrophy to the victi.... sorry, listener.
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I am sending some mp3 to Fast Eddy via the inertnet, anyone on his address book may feel free to avail themselves of these audio nasties. :) I'd post them here, but the system doesn't do audio.
Sat back in the chair with the ear phones on and enjoyed. When there were photos I just looked for the sharply dressed lad with the Nudie Cohen jacket.

The lap style, that was on the Friday I think, at the Harry Ramsden's Fish Restaurant. Someone's autocorrect renamed the place for us the whole weekend by changing it to Harry Ramadan's. That was an entirely acoustic event, over 3 days and 5 sessions, aimed at amateur participants, and encouraging beginners. A couple of pro players came in as well, added to the ambience without overpowering it. Percy was running the show and summed it up as being one of his happiest musical experiences.

There were two electric small scale jams as well as the big stage variety, comparatively low volume and equally friendly and lacking in egotists. Sunday night's, for me, was simply a slice of heaven on Earth with the way the music came together. I'm still slightly stoned from the sheer good feeling of it all.

Photo: Kevin on violin, an orchestral player but plays also with a reggae band and does blues as well. Del Boy Stimson on resonator Telecaster, Percy Paradise on tricone resonator.

A video of the Saturday electric session may appear, waiting for the owner to upload to Youtube.

This was Del on the afternoon at the YHA prelude to John MacClean's band's spot.

Stick with this, a bunch of people who meet twice a year at best, giving it full on Miissisippi juke joint. Stay with it past the feedback, trust me.
