Cranbrook Springer Forked BTR YD100 Replica Build (without fabrication)

Co Bappe/Lurker really did raise the bar. Rick and I got in on his T-shirt offerings. I did some off forum with him.
Very nice guy. But in a single built he pretty much "shot his wad". I hope his lady got the rest. (^) .


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Been away for a few days guys. Had family and friends over all of memorial day weekend, then apparently got a little bout of food poisoning Monday night. This is the first time I’ve been out of bed or off the toilet since then. Anyways I was able to venture out of the house for the first time today also and picked up my drill press. Once my energy returns I’ll get back to working on the bikes.
Food poisoning or as we used to refer to it, The Hershey Squirts. Recovery time can take a while since it beats you up so badly.

Hope you feeling well soon.

LOL! The Hershey Squirts. my dads old hunting partner, they had a stand with a wood box, inside was a coarsen lamp for heat. Dad would always have a pint of coarsen, and a pint of water, both were in pint whisky bottles. Partner climbed up and dad tossed one up and garbed the other and was going to toss, here is partner took a good swig off the coarsen. His partner always snacked on Hershey bars, so on the way back to camp about every 100 yards it was true Hershey squirts................Curt
"Lamp oil stupid."
I ain't stupid, I's ignint. Or so my Mississippi tenant used to say. He meant well.
I have no excuse .
I never ever did lamp oil or white gas in Deer Camp in the same sentence Curt. My Norwegian Bachelor Uncle Arnie Peterson's Deer Camp, benefited from FDR's rural electrification program. I was conceived in the same Huff Valley of Ontario, WI
I grew up with "coal oil" , white gas was another term heard along with kerosine, lamps for lighting, just no electrical service in the rural area, but as soon as lines got close my Dad paid for a line run to our home and wired everything one of the first purchased items was a television and fridge (ice box) pup house for water and septic system for indoor rest room. Talk about uptown! Out house to pent house for reals!

Rick C.,