Coming Soon...4 stroke Full Suspension Bicycle!

That's a cool looking Bike! I am in Pleasanton and look to start a club here. I think we are are on the same page. My PK80 is pretty cool. Those tires like mine are a great vibration absorber! Milpitas Cool lets get together with all the rest in the area Half Fast MBC


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All I can say is whoa is that really a 50cc? You guys do the coolest projects Hey by the way I need a full time job I would love to learn from the masters LOL you guys really rock. Everything you could ever want in a motorized bicycle NICE NICE NICE can't wait to see it in paint. And when can I start adding these to my website, I wish Keep up the sweet work you guys should be proud to be a part of all the coolness Cheer's and Thanks guys
Sorry for the delay guys. I was just testing it a while back. The bike will climb pretty much any hill. During my run up Calaveras Rd. there is a really steep hill (in fact its in one of my videos). Well it can make it up that hill at top rpm. I know since then Dean installed a smaller rear sprocket so the top speed is a little faster. Also, he found a website that sells aftermarket perforance parts.
For the last 6 months I've been slammed at work so I haven't had a lot of time to swing by the shop to see the lastest upgrades. What questions did you want me to find out?
Videos pic's of it finished some people want to know the price and if they can buy one???
and Thank you
good skills bro...

Good skills bro....
thats the bigger brother of my one....


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That's a pretty nice bike Alexander. What type of motor is it?

Dolimitless, Work has me so busy that I haven"t had a chance to swing by the shop lately but I did speak with Dean and he's been riding the bike without any problems. Top speed is in the high 30's since the motor is bone stock. The bike is super quiet and can be ridden around without annoying the neighborhood.
Its a Honda GX 35....

RE: "The bike is super quite...", i am working on a pipe with a valve so i can switch from 'normal' to 'super quite'....

....looking forward to more of your (Dean's) project....

have fun,
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