ChickenShirt Motorbikers


Dec 29, 2007
Gang, I took Wifey to a Deli in Sac where we often go for BBQ Chicken, I did not see any bikes out front. Everything seemed ok, I've been there many times, had a few beers, and some Chicken, and it was ok, (well,actually VERY GOOD chicken).

Today, something seemed different! There was no-one in the joint, it was quiet, a deathly still about the place! The tall guy behind the counter kept looking surtively over his shoulder and around the room as I ordered a pitcher of Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. Then I told him "we'll figger out what we wanna eat when we git the beer!" I went to wash my hands, as we are just back out of the Fab Shop to work on the new Model 10 Racer. As I came back, I immediately spotted the problem! Now I know why that tall guy was looking so nervious! At a table, over by the window, (where me and my guys usually hang out) there were a couple of ChickenShirt Motorbikers!!!

It was plain that these guys were out for trouble! I could have taken Wifey to saftey, and just baled, but, daymn I'd already paid for that Pitcher! I knew it was a big risk, but I have my knife in my front pocket, and a 15mm combination wrench in my back pocket, I can take these guys! I didn't get anything but a frozen cinnamon roll for breakfast and by Gosh I was gonna eat me some chicken!

I walked up to the tall guy and said, PLAIN and out loud, I'll have 2 Half-chickens! I thought I heard a noise behind me, and looked out of the corner of my eye, but, I'm a big guy, and I could see they were trying to get thier nerve up to try to deal with me. This could get ugly! They continued to drink thier beers and mumble (kinda squak actually) back and forth. These were a couple of rough looking guys and I kinda hate to put thier mugs out here on the net so that others have to see thier ugly faces as I did.

I had finished making my order, and I spun round and made a quick move toward thier table, the tougher one flinched, and I though, well, this might just go MY way! I gave them a break, and went back to my table to drink my beer with wifey.

What? You say you wanna see the menace that was in Reed's BBQ today??? It is your choice, here are the ChickenShirt motorbikers that I had a run-in with today:

I hope no little kids are gonna see these desperate criminal MotorBikers here.




LORD VADER Moderator
Jan 16, 2008
pampa texas
Chicken shirt, Mike I was hoping for a shirt. Boy I'm glad I caught this before I posted you wouldn't believe the word I printed the first time for shirt.rotfl
Err ya you would.rotfl
That was a funny picture.


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2007
Kalamazoo, MI
i am actually sitting here drinking a cold beer and a mouth full just went all over my computer and everywhere else. that was awesome mike lolololol. damn that was funny rotfl. guess i better clean my screen and keyboard


LORD VADER Moderator
Jan 16, 2008
pampa texas
We need chicken shirt motor assisted bicycle shirts,
I subscribe ti the Horse mag. and Have a The Horse Back Street Choppers shirt wit old Charlie Horse himself on the front so why not a Chicken Shirt Shirt?
Got chicken?
Last edited:


Dec 29, 2007
Hi guys, at the time, it never occurred to me to make a shirt, I put that "r" in the word so it did not get auto-censored!

I think the idea is cool, one of the chickens and a bike BUT the chicken would need to be cartooned, as those two desparado's belong to the Foster Farms Company, and I'd sure hate to be up to my Butt in Chickenshirt with that company!!!

Even tho thier costumes were jazzed up by Reed himself, they are still the Foster Farms Reject Chickens.



LORD VADER Moderator
Jan 16, 2008
pampa texas
My son is a professional artist. Maybe I could talk him into doing it. You can see his work at
Gabe Leonard fine art and illustration
I hope that's right as I put my site on wrong here a while ago.
Some of his art should not be viewed by children as its has nudity. If it's viewed as art, which I think the human body is a very fantastic piece of work. He does his work I think in good taste and is not vulgar.


Dec 29, 2007
Hi I looked and you did the link right! I too love a good nude and was pleased to find no-one there who looked like me!

I think, if there were enuf interest, that I'd like to be involved in the creative process, (certainly not the art!) if such a thing were undertaken.

I would, However, have to put my foot down on one thing and that is NO NUDES!!! Those ChickenShirts are Ugly enuf with out me having to bear the thought of seeing them "DeFeathered!!!".

let me know what you are thinking,



Dec 29, 2007
A Public service, beware of the ChickenShirt Motorbikers

Hello, I was just thinking, that it had been so long since I had offered this word of warning, and that there are sooo many new motor bicyclists who perhaps had never gone to page ten to see post #8, that, as a Public Service, I should reming the newbies, and the experianced crew also, of the dangers that exist out there in the "Real World"

Think clearly, and act carefully, should any of you encounter a situation as dangerous as I found myself in, both for my sake, and that of protecting my wife, from the devastation that could have been.

With tongue planted firmly in cheek:
I remain:



Active Member
Aug 19, 2009
San Diego, Kaliforgnia
My son is a professional artist. Maybe I could talk him into doing it. You can see his work at
Gabe Leonard fine art and illustration
I hope that's right as I put my site on wrong here a while ago.
Some of his art should not be viewed by children as its has nudity. If it's viewed as art, which I think the human body is a very fantastic piece of work. He does his work I think in good taste and is not vulgar.
The slide show on his site no worky for me. :(


May 25, 2008
Har DJ, 2 funny.

(There is a beer in South America with a chicken on the label. You could litteraly say to the Capt.; "Going up the hill to get all "clucked-up" and was a valid excuse to leave the ship! lol

Man, more and more I am missing my well spent youth. Now that I am old am all sorts of worried about stuff killing me or hurting.

Carol would kill me if I died.

Salty Gator

New Member
Aug 3, 2009
Gang, I took Wifey to a Deli in Sac where we often go for BBQ Chicken, I did not see any bikes out front. Everything seemed ok, I've been there many times, had a few beers, and some Chicken, and it was ok, (well,actually VERY GOOD chicken).

Today, something seemed different! There was no-one in the joint, it was quiet, a deathly still about the place! The tall guy behind the counter kept looking surtively over his shoulder and around the room as I ordered a pitcher of Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. Then I told him "we'll figger out what we wanna eat when we git the beer!" I went to wash my hands, as we are just back out of the Fab Shop to work on the new Model 10 Racer. As I came back, I immediately spotted the problem! Now I know why that tall guy was looking so nervious! At a table, over by the window, (where me and my guys usually hang out) there were a couple of ChickenShirt Motorbikers!!!

It was plain that these guys were out for trouble! I could have taken Wifey to saftey, and just baled, but, daymn I'd already paid for that Pitcher! I knew it was a big risk, but I have my knife in my front pocket, and a 15mm combination wrench in my back pocket, I can take these guys! I didn't get anything but a frozen cinnamon roll for breakfast and by Gosh I was gonna eat me some chicken!

I walked up to the tall guy and said, PLAIN and out loud, I'll have 2 Half-chickens! I thought I heard a noise behind me, and looked out of the corner of my eye, but, I'm a big guy, and I could see they were trying to get thier nerve up to try to deal with me. This could get ugly! They continued to drink thier beers and mumble (kinda squak actually) back and forth. These were a couple of rough looking guys and I kinda hate to put thier mugs out here on the net so that others have to see thier ugly faces as I did.

I had finished making my order, and I spun round and made a quick move toward thier table, the tougher one flinched, and I though, well, this might just go MY way! I gave them a break, and went back to my table to drink my beer with wifey.

What? You say you wanna see the menace that was in Reed's BBQ today??? It is your choice, here are the ChickenShirt motorbikers that I had a run-in with today:

I hope no little kids are gonna see these desperate criminal MotorBikers here.

No wonder our jails are over crowded.....the dregs of society have overwhelmed us ....and and now we're paying the price.......
