ChickenShirt Motorbikers

Chickens are incredibly tough! A few years back,one was outside crowing it's fool head off every morning- on top of all the other dog barking train noise and intentional redneck motor noise being thrown at your friendly neighborhood transgen woman, in another feeble right wing Establishment attempt to move me from yet another home and deprive me of my rights to life liberty and the pursuit of hapiness.

After a few days of it I'd had enough and decided to stick my head out the back door and see just what friggin hillbilly was trying to bother me away now, and had gotten a chicken to add to the TWELVE (YES, count 'em TWELVE barking dogs they'd surounded my yard with.)

When I opened the back door, I couldn't believeit but the offensive little fowl was standing right there on my back deck, crowing it's fool head off.

So I went and got my pellet rifle- slayer of many woodpeckers, and effective dog quieter-

and I opened the door again and plugged that chicken POINT BLANK-

right in the side from about 5 feet. I was figuring I'd have to throw the carcase in the lake, but the friggin thing just ran off and went about 100 yards down the street, where it crowed every morning for a few more weeks

until I and my pellet gun moved it away further.

later on, God sent the rains, and washed every living thing intent on my death from that valley.

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Any of you guys ever been to a chicken drop.Take a 4x8 sheet of plywood and mark it out in 32 even squares.Put a fence around it and turn a chicken loose,take bets, witch ever square he dumps in is the winner.WE CALL IT REDNECK ROULETT.
Any of you guys ever been to a chicken drop.Take a 4x8 sheet of plywood and mark it out in 32 even squares.Put a fence around it and turn a chicken loose,take bets, witch ever square he dumps in is the winner.WE CALL IT REDNECK ROULETT.


Give me a 6 pack and some bubble wrap and I could watch that all day.
Chickens are incredibly tough! A few years back,one was outside crowing it's fool head off every morning- on top of all the other dog barking train noise and intentional redneck motor noise being thrown at your friendly neighborhood transgen woman, in another feeble right wing Establishment attempt to move me from yet another home and deprive me of my rights to life liberty and the pursuit of hapiness.

After a few days of it I'd had enough and decided to stick my head out the back door and see just what friggin hillbilly was trying to bother me away now, and had gotten a chicken to add to the TWELVE (YES, count 'em TWELVE barking dogs they'd surounded my yard with.)

When I opened the back door, I couldn't believeit but the offensive little fowl was standing right there on my back deck, crowing it's fool head off.

So I went and got my pellet rifle- slayer of many woodpeckers, and effective dog quieter-

and I opened the door again and plugged that chicken POINT BLANK-

right in the side from about 5 feet. I was figuring I'd have to throw the carcase in the lake, but the friggin thing just ran off and went about 100 yards down the street, where it crowed every morning for a few more weeks

until I and my pellet gun moved it away further.

later on, God sent the rains, and washed every living thing intent on my death from that valley.


Laughing to hard to respond. Hope your kidding publicly but laughing to hard to care. that were funny!
Keep those feathers numbered!


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one time on my uncle paul's ranch in nebraska, he filled this roosters water thing up with jack daniels. the rooster drank so much of it that we all thought he died, so we threw his limp body onto the burn pile. (it wasnt lit yet). we drove some round bales out to the cattle and when we got back, the rooster was gone!
we looked around all of the usual places and didnt see him. hmmm.
the next morning as the sun was coming up, my uncle rick stopped over. as soon as he got out of his silverado the (previously amiable) rooster flew up onto his back, screeching and pecking and kicking his feet at rick's back, neck and head. we heard all this ruckus thru the kitchen window and by the time we got outside, we saw rick carrying the rooster in one hand and an ax handle in the other.
back to the burn pile. for keeps.
Har! lol Spun. 2 funny. hedes hath not fury like a POed um rooster. ( was funnier with the other word for roosters but sounded wrong)

Who can blame him. All hung over and startled like that. Just kickin' an pecking. Trying to get by.

Never thought about it, but how come folks don't eat em? Wouldn't they taste just like chicken?
LOL Gator and Kat! Now I got a vision of Dirty Harry pointing a .357 at a tuff NYC street game cock with a defiant look stuck in my head.

"You feel lucky game cock, you feeling lucky? This is a Smith and Wesson .357. The most powerful hand gun...."
LOL Gator! PM me your addy! I am adding "Wut the cluck" and "cluck you"

No kidding I have a list of bad joke bumper stickers. One of my favorite MB ones is "if you can read this, please don't kill me" Another is "my other MB is a 4 stroke" (Like my other car is a jag" lol)
All of em are trully bad and should not be viewed. By any humans living or dead.

Will send Monday. I gotta put "" on the bottoms. Need to ask Paul
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but how come folks don't eat em? Wouldn't they taste just like chicken?

roosters? i dunno, man. might be pretty tough and stringy. there was an entire pasture full of baseball cattle, so they went first. whats baseball cattle, you ask? safe at home plate!
lol Happy

Always wondered, does chicken taste bad and we just don't know it? Snake, gator and a shockingly large amount of insects are reported to "taste just like chicken"

So how bad could roosters be? snork

is killing me to not type the truly bad jokes that are screaming in my head. The voices can be funlaff