censoring thought

AHHH but the rules very clearly state
The Tavern
Kick off your shoes and sit back with your favorite beverage and enjoy talking about whatever you like.

and just where is this discussion taking place? and pay very close attention to the
words whatever you like

It's nice to follow the rules, that is unless it inconveniences someone in power.
and this is the Tavern you are welcome to keep to the parts that are just about
motor assisted bikes, nobodies stopping you and nobody makes you read post's
that aren't related to bikes! LOL
and may I remind you discussing the rules of a forum about anything is NEVER
off topic!
how do you know the rules if you don't discuss them reasonably?
Last Last Last words
Ahhh but the deleted posts where not in the tavern. Thats what the tavern was made for. (I think?) That's why its more or less ok here and not in the general forums. (but what do I know?)
As long as you don't brake the rules that is.
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I said my last last words LOL


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Ahhh but the deleted posts where not in the tavern. Thats what the tavern was made for. (I think?) That's why its more or less ok here and not in the general forums. (but what do I know?)
As long as you don't brake the rules that is.
while the posts that were erased were not posted here in the tavern, the heavy-handed use of power to delete EVERYTHING that MIGHT be offensive to SOME is posted here in hopes of illustrating how emasculating it is to protect everyone from everything.

sometimes children need to be prodded and to delete the prod only serves to weaken the member and the site.

frankly, i thought we were all adults here, or at least adult enough to take a little constructive criticism.

i for one don't like being stifled when i am attempting to help someone just because someone with power is afraid that the person i'm trying to help might be offended by the tone of my assistance.

...and frankly, if i am ever guilty of wallowing in self pity i would hope someone would have the stones to call me on it and give me a metaphorical smack upside the head rather that just to allow me to feel sorry for myself. (something that of course won't happen here because that post would be immediately deleted and i would lose the opportunity to grow)

...which is why from now on i'll confine myself to specific questions to specific members, i will no longer offer advice as it appears my urging people to stand up is unappreciated and unwelcome.

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I have noticed that not all adults are special
but if all kids are special
at what point do you stop being special?
and isn't that wakeup call somewhat cruel to those un specials that think they are special
and that was desert rats last last last last words lol

guys we do the best we can. if we think someone is going to be offended or a post is going to start an argument or a war we edit or delete it. we are not always right and sometimes we jump a little to fast but we are human. I have the utmost respect for the mods and their judgment and they have the same for me. as I said we do the best we can to make this a nice place to learn about our bikes and get the most out of them. are we going to make mistakes and use bad judgment sometimes? you bet we will because we are only human and trying to do what is best for all which is about impossible but we try
Maybe I should have said this earlier but since it appears that I'm the one who is being accused of overstepping my authority let me clear the air.

I didn't remove the post in question. That was done by another staff member who saw it as inappropriate. I stepped in to explain the situation when the staff was being accused of deleting posts without explanation. Nevertheless I stand by the other mod's decision because he did what is expected of him in his role.

As far as the 'Tavern" being for discussion of topics other than motorized bikes, yes it is. Nevertheless, the forum rules still apply to the 'Tavern' as well as all other sub-sections. Open discussion is encouraged but offensive language or content is still subject to removal when the staff determines it necessary. Judgment call? Correct. But the moderator's judgment is controlled by the rules which are available to every member to read and either agree to, or move on.

It appears that a signature line has been used here to validate a member's reticence to follow those rules. An effort was made to explain to him my position and I was then accused of "being part of the problem". So be it.

Maybe I should have said this earlier but since it appears that I'm the one who is being accused of overstepping my authority let me clear the air.

I didn't remove the post in question. That was done by another staff member who saw it as inappropriate. I stepped in to explain the situation when the staff was being accused of deleting posts without explanation. Nevertheless I stand by the other mod's decision because he did what is expected of him in his role.

As far as the 'Tavern" being for discussion of topics other than motorized bikes, yes it is. Nevertheless, the forum rules still apply to the 'Tavern' as well as all other sub-sections. Open discussion is encouraged but offensive language or content is still subject to removal when the staff determines it necessary. Judgment call? Correct. But the moderator's judgment is controlled by the rules which are available to every member to read and either agree to, or move on.

It appears that a signature line has been used here to validate a member's reticence to follow those rules. An effort was made to explain to him my position and I was then accused of "being part of the problem". So be it.

i used no offensive language or content, instead my post was deleted because a moderator didn't like my tone.

...so i take offense at your implications.

...some disagreement is a healthy thing and helps everyone involved to grow.

stifling everything that might offend leads to stagnation.

...and my signature quote is in regards to oppressive laws of the land and not meant as a rationalization for disobeying rules i don't like.

...it's too bad the offending post isn't here to speak for itself, then everyone would KNOW that i used no offensive language or content.


...btw, isn't it a rule here that what is said in private message should remain in private message? ...or is that only a rule for MEMBERS and not moderators?
Having been cautioned in private myself a few times and had a few posts removed I have had to remind me that this is someones Else's forum and we are using it for free. They are paying the tariff to keep it going.

I now think of it as visiting someones house and having to watch what I say. If I get my chops running and it doesn't sit well with the owner or the moderators who are assisting him to keep the forum riding smoothly it most certainly their right to remove what I have said.
This is my thought only and most people would tell me to get worked but it is my opinion and yes I'm all to willing to share it with everyone.

As a dedicated anarchist, I feel compelled to chime in on the topic.

This is a private forum run by the owner to HIS liking.
If YOU don't like the way the forum is run, you are free not to post or read anything.

I've been a smart a** for years and I have no problem stating my views regardless of how someone else might feel, but I don't expect everyone to agree with me. If I get deleted, I simply move on and do something else since arguing does nothing but annoy the people involved.
I like this forum.
I like the way it is moderated.
If you don't like how the mods act here, try starting your own forum so YOU can decide how to moderate it.
Yup, this is America and you can say whatever you want.

Start up your own website and say whatever you want.
I, for one, am constantly amazed at the number of people that use the term "free speech" and they don't even know what it really means, or its origins. As others have stated, this is a private forum and the owner has every right to tell you what you can or can't say here, is his forum.
Free speech PFFFT! how about common courtesy? honestly, I love this site and my
only complaint would be this, If I post something that offends you, delete it, fine!
but at least have the Cojones to send me an email explaining how something I said
was offensive, don't sneak in in the dead of the night and steal my opinion
like a common thief, if you want me to sing praises of you and send my friends
to your site you owe me that much, after all my reputation is valuable to me.
If I sent a friend to a thief of a car dealer my rep is affected by that.
just something to consider
Now flame on LOL :)

and if you don't and I post it over and over again who's to blame? Me? cause I wasn't
made aware that you find something I said offensive.
Just couldn't resist :)
I, for one, am constantly amazed at the number of people that use the term "free speech" and they don't even know what it really means, or its origins. As others have stated, this is a private forum and the owner has every right to tell you what you can or can't say here, is his forum.
while it's true the owner has the right, and certainly the authority and power to enforce that right, that doesn't make it right that he do so. ...nor does it necessarily make it a better place to be, it just makes it more peaceful.

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- Ben Franklin

i'll say it again that stifling all disagreement, especially all hints at future disagreement, is an unhealthy environment for all involved.

...most especially for those noobs crying for someone to hold their hands, it is far better to teach a man to fish than just to give him a fish and if open discussion is stifled to such a degree that you can't attempt to help someone stand on their own two feet without having your posts silently deleted then that's all you get is peace.

...and that's not enough for me, if i can't have at least a somewhat open discussion then i guess this will be my last discussion on this forum.

...and i of course already know i'll go away without being missed, frankly, i'm too new to have anything to offer yet anyway so of course i won't be missed.

it's too bad really, i was just starting to enjoy the company.

I, for one, am constantly amazed at the number of people that use the term "free speech" and they don't even know what it really means, or its origins. As others have stated, this is a private forum and the owner has every right to tell you what you can or can't say here, is his forum.

btw, your assumption that i don't understand the term 'free speech' is insulting and, if this site were fair in it's heavy handed use of power then your post would be deleted just as mine have been.

...frankly, my posts were at least an honest attempt to help someone, yours is just an insulting attempt to suck up to the powers that be.

It sounds like your initial post that was deleted was an attempt to tell someone to quit their *****in' and stand up for themselves. However, I personally don't see how that had anything to do with the problem they were having. If it did contain that content, maybe the mod thought "screw it, too much drama to edit" and just deleted it instead. His/her prerogative. I probably didn't see the thread in question, or skimmed over the BS to find out information about motorized bicycles.
I don't expect you to understand the nuance. I do expect this post to be reported and deleted however.
Waaay back in the day, before the internet [sarcasm on](Yes, kiddies, there was such a primitive time)[sarcasm off] I ran a BBS (Bulletin Board System) on one of my home computers (from '87 to '93 now that I think about it - yikes).
I guess you could call those the great-grandparents of today's forums.
Some place had "no rules" (not many), some were very restrictive (not many users/members). There were only a few rules we had to keep things on track, the most important being "You are in my living room, please conduct yourself accordingly." (That's where the host machine sat, and anyone in the room could see what you were posting if they looked at the screen).