There is always room for misunderstandings; someone saying something meaning one thing and it is taken another way. Someone is offended and pretty soon a flame is going. I have little interest is such negative drama. I come here for sharing about motorbicycles. Often to maintain a sense of community we refrain from stating every negative thought which comes to mind. Sometimes people say things here which offend me. I tend to leave those people alone and not read their threads.
What are moderators? How much to they get paid for their work here? What kind of hours do they put in? Answer? They don't get paid anything. They are asked to serve and they give of their time, their consideration for the rest of us and for the love of motor bicycling. I for one appreciate their efforts on my behalf. And I don't expect them to be perfect or for the site to be just exactly the way I want it to suit me best. And yet... this is the best community on the internet I have been privileged to be a part of.
There was a competing site at one time which became notoriously negative and many members were banned for minor "offenses". The moderators truly were high handed and the site suffered for it. Many of you know what I'm referring to.
I have served as a moderator on another site having nothing to do with motor bicycling and I can say from experience that it is a thankless, time consuming service and some of the people are very difficult to work with. I'm glad we have people here willing to moderate and who do a pretty darned good job of keeping this place somewhere I'm comfortable being. Each of you has my thanks. I have learned so much here, made so many friends. If errors are made I would prefer them to be on the side of keeping this forum civilized and positive. I don't expect anybody to be perfect. I'm certainly not. Carry on...