Cannonballs Abbynormal 3Speed.

I agree with SB. I have seen a few done but you never here any reports on how they work,or if they are still working. Manual shifting is il eagle here but you could hid this and make it appear as jack shaft..LOL........Curt

For anyone else following this thread, there is another(above) which is related in later posts using the old 3 speeds from 1960's and later skinny wheel bikes. In his Maytag thread CB2 has experimented with the old Shimano hub...which is proving to be too weak to hold up. Things look more promising for the older Sturmey Archer hubs with freewheel (not like the new fixie hub in this thread). He is going to give the S.A. a shot with one I'm sending out in the mail today as the guinea pig (hereafter known as "Miss Piggy"). It is heavier and more robust than the Shimano hubs and of a better design. In the Maytag application it is being used as a friction drive and looks like it will be a winner. There are lots of these old S.A. hubs out there waiting to be salvaged and put to new use, so we're all hopeful. Hat's off to CB2 for experimenting. Miss Piggy has been crated and will start her journey south today.
Yup it's better than my plan to run a double pressure plate one bolted atop the other w/welded 14 t to the 2nd plate to connect my Nexus so long as it don't freewheel the hub freewheels and you never get the thing started . But what are you waiting on ? I'd hoped to see a sprocket attached to the opposite side by now linked to the single speed brake hub .Yup thought about this myself the automatics are trouble I'm planning to link the Nexus 3 with two sprockets welded and spaced a a third bolted up to the wheel to lock the hub with a couple of short slide bolts "unthreaded" and possibly a cotter key passed through one of welded pair to the piece bolted to the hub and yeah get off the bike every time I want to start it and employ the 3 rather than the single.Until then you can carry on then as if you knew what you where doing........
Yup I was attempting the same link more or less I'm unsure how you got the 3 speed hub to turn in the correct direction I wish you would explain where you got a 3 speed hub that can do what your claiming the one featured does. Hey not jealous only annoyed my Nexus won't turn the way I need it to but again I'm an expert on the thing or any 3 speed bicycle or parts. Yeah it's a neat setup I can link mine but it won't peddle start but I haven't attempted to set it up lose in the frame to make it counter rotate maybe that's all I need to do but my 66 is anything but smooth which I'm also attempting to contend with..
BGF, its a fixie hub it doesn't coast or freewheel it will happily turn in either direction. Read through this thread, it will explain what is necessary to run a common hub the way you are trying. Hope you do we are all waiting to see a backwards turning hub.

So got my baby radiator for the water cooling lunacy. Fits exactly where I wanted it(held on with ties and wire). Is a little rough but functionally sound. Trimmed off the extraneous brackets. Will comb out the fins tonight watching TV and it should be good to go. Not a bad deal for $14 shipped.


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That's a cute little guy and a steal for $14.00 shipped. Your S.A. hub (Miss Piggy) should arrive on Tuesday.
Thanks SB I will be on the look out. I think Miss Piggy will be right at home with the rest of the mechanical contrivance.

Well looks like I cant keep my threads straight, got the Maytag post mixed in up here. I will link it in the other thread.
Hey CB2, using what I had in the box's, I'm not able to find a sproc to fit against the spoke flange. This one still fits on the hub, but would have to weld. The SA sproc is a 19, the other a 22. Should i replace the 19 w/ a 22? My problem will be how to run power to cg come with a single speed type drive sproc? As i see it...its a cg or do like camlifter did..which will for me be less cost.


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You are intending to drive the hub? I see the pics but not sure which way you are going with it.

Maybe an easier way would be to use your jackshaft to drive an IHG rear wheel since the jackshaft is in place already. I realize the hub is in more of a load in the wheel vs being a jackshaft, but with care I believe an old SA will do it. Also a common GC rear sprocket will bolt directly to an 18t coaster sprocket. You may have to open the center hole on some sprockets a bit. I did this on the 49cc build I linked you to.

On the fixie IGH I found the SA 8speed IGH sprocket would go over the hub and fit perfectly against the spoke flange. It took a 23t to make it work.
Yeah im doing this for a future build. The way camlifter did his woyld be for my way because i use centrif clutch 35 chain.yeah the way it is would be driven the hub. But after thinkink about not sure ..but id have to get a CG to power it like you did.
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