Why thank you kindly Steve, I'd like to think that any of the Old Timers of the day would approve.
Oh ....... this just arrived this afternoon - repro Burman hand change for early 1900's BSA. I'm planning on hooking up the foot change to it as well. Pulling off might be a bit of a challenge with hand clutch as well !! Have plans for a "real" wood handle / knob.
Here's some goodies I collected a few years ago when I was contemplating building a Boardtracker.
The 2 gallon petrol can will be used as the actual fuel cell mounted low behind the engine and the tank is a dummy [ shape to be modified ] and all the squitter will be hidden underneath - battery, ECU, fuel pump, coils, etc. I have another fuel can which has been cut down to give about 1 1/2 galls.
I've found someone that can do realistic Brass powder coating. Carb body and float, tappet covers and a few odd bits.
Nice build going on here. Pretty certain that hand shifter and quadrant are one of Parkwood Products excellent range of vintage/veteran repro parts. Am I right? Could have done with finding out about PP when I was looking for exactly that hand shifter while I was building my Gnome Rhone special. Would have saved me searching for and buying a broken/rusted original GR quadrant from a guy in France which I ended up using as a pattern from which a new steel quadrant was fabbed.
Scanning through these pics of your build's vintique 'accoutrements' is like playing a game of Snap. We share the same ideas when it comes to tribute builds. Build on!