Brainstorm 2-stroke bogging with me....

Interesting. My gas cap leaks a little so I didn't think it was a sealed system.
Yes but I fixed mine and it did the same things as before so I cut one from a cereal box and I sealed it on both sides and it stopped. I had removed the manifold to work on the engine and broken the seal when I reinstalled it I didn't use gasket seal so it had a leak somewhere from not being sealed. it might seem that I have had about everything go wrong with mine because I DID
The possibility exists that it is leaking....I'll get some gasket material tomorrow.

But also I do want to try the lean groove on the needle first.

If neither of those things work, I'll open the carb back up and check the float needle...
I'm really starting to think it just may be a high RPM spark problem......
OR that somehow my needle and jet fit are just defective. It's always done this even though I've rode the bike I never went full throttle without the booooooooggggggggg.....I just stayed away from that region, so to speak.

I will take the carb off again after I try the lean clip position.

I will measure the jet size.......
Just so anyone reading this thread knows - I solved this problem with a new $22 same as carb and have yet to determine what was wrong with the old carb.
Old carb US Posted to Der Normeister. $4.60 express flight to Pampa Techsass.:p
ive had a carby that had to have choke on half to ride, O ringed it, silicon sealant, no change. adjusted needle settings, no change. i fiddled till i couldnt fiddle no more so hit the company up, who sold motor, to give me a new carby at cost price. friends of mine have had same issues and resolved problem by lightly sanding needle. makes sense as i understand if not enough fuel is getting through less air is needed, ie choke on. try putting needle in a drill where the drill bit would go, even sanding. not too much mind you. baby steps.
The thought had crossed my mind....along the lines of the jet being too small.
Re-tapering the needle-

If you use a drill, be VERY EXTREMELY careful not to damage the needle.

I rolled mine on the benchtop while pinching it with some 320 wet-or-dry sandpaper, tiny drop of WD-40 on it too.

You want to take of only at the top just short of where the taper ends.


It doesn't take much, and you can get things really out of whack fast if you're not careful.
On mine I figured it was more of a jet size issue than a needle size - let's wait to see what stormin' Norman says.
I anxious to hear the verdict since I've developed a similar problem.Runs great for about 5 miles But when warmed up or hot begins to cut out under full throttle.Definitely something that occurs after the engine gets hot.Ron
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Thanks Mr. Darth!!!(^)(^)(^)

He told me my needle was too fat. .005" over.....that seems like a LOT
well that would do it I guess. Not that I have a clue lol.. Seems I have heard of that recently on another kit. had to be sanded. I think Joe was giving directions abut how to do that.
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Well I was too chicken to go messing with it....I don't even know what the diameter and taper are supposed to be. I think I read the jet diameter somewhere, but not the pin. too large - open throttle, lots of air but not enough fuel coming up the jet way.......