Yeah, im sure it gets bigger each time I look at it

I think this is going to be my camping/fishing trailer, I built one last year with wheelchair wheels but haven't gotten around to finishing it yet.
The idea of the big/camping trailer was to have an enclosed plywood box with a removable lid. Once at your camping/fishing site and the trailer was parked up, I would remove the lid/roof and place 4/6 poles in the trailer, then replace the lid/roof atop the poles and unfurl a tent/tarpaulin that sits inside the lid/roof down the sides of the trailer. The end result would look something like a 4 poster bed with wheels.
I seen this one done by a German guy who use's it for touring...
Andr on Radtour
This site also shows the construction of the folding top trailer. Use Bablefish webpage translator if you wish to brows the site in english -
Yahoo! UK & Ireland Babel Fish - Online Translator | Free Translation
Another German made camping trailer...
Homepage eines Verrückten - Bilder 1
Aint they a couple of beauties
I wished I had a nice big workshop so I could attempt to build something on this level.