Deacon, there are master links you can use so breaking the chain is no problem, but there is something else more prominent on my mind.
I am not in the same exact situation, but I am building or rather once done with an off road type motor bike... pedal crank removed ... motor bike I am finishing up building, I should want to modify it to go slower than 5 mph.
Besides getting a bigger gearing down, so as not to burn out a centrifugal clutch, I will need something so that if sometimes un-even ground it won’t have a tipping problem.
Going slow there is less gyro force to keep you stable on a two wheeler. Additionally I will have a fair amount of artistic work assembled to the bike, which will add weight and mess with the close in center of gravity I want something to help out so I can retain stability.
Since it was mentioned about the turning radius…. Something which on 4 wheel vehicle with fixed rear wheels, the tires just scrape away. The reasons that you rotate the tires to get more time before you throw away the tires with un-even wear pattern when otherwise they would have lasted longer before low spots made them prone to flats or worse.
Now not that this is specific to needing the front wheels off a trashed wheel chair, but I save on my parts bill by looking around the dumpsters and I got the two front wheels off a wheel chair. They have a way of swiveling. I thought if they were assemble onto the rear of the frame, but a little aft of the rear wheel, they would track as they desire and leaning not be needed for whatever that radius stuff had do with a fixed addition two rear wheels.
In addition I would want to have suspension on these outrigger type wheels so that the un-even ground would not have the rear drive wheel affected adversely and also the frame given excessive stresses.
I know this is a lot to do when I yet have not finished what I am building right now, but those are my thoughts. Comments?
The video with the motorcycles with the stabilizers, are they manually raised once the rider feels they should come up, or automated by speed or something else? I cannot see them being useful in the down position if in a turn banking at a fair rate of speed, for if they make the bike pivot if they gouge the ground… even if there is that small wheel on the end.
I have purchase flip up foot pegs for the case where something otherwise my make my OHV get caught in the ground or hit a root or rock or whatever and have a spill
Measure Twice
PS again, stupid me! Yea hope to see you get better real quick!