I know what you are saying and I appreciate the concern I really do.
I got to tell you a story...
over twelve years ago II had a heart attack that landed me in the hospital. The heart doc says you need to have a bipass your left main is 90% closed. If you don't do this you might be dead by Thursday. I said no. He had my family scared to death. He had chaplains from all over the place coming in to pray with me. I mean he really believed it and was trying hard to get me to do the right thing. That was several years ago,
On one of my last checkups before I stopped all treatment he says to me. Charlie you don't understand, if that artery blocks, it isn't a trip to the heart catheter lab, it is to the morgue. In less than two minutes you are dead.
I finally explained that I have a brain tumor that can not be operated on again. If nothing else kills me first, I'm going to end my days in a nursing home unable to do much of anything for myself. So I asked him. Doctor you tell me which is worse, the twenty second heart attack or the year or two being a vegetable..
If none of us take a chance and always live life safe and comfortable, that's our end. A long slow painful death somewhere. So I don't tell anyone else what to do, but I eat bacon, eggs, red meat, and I ride bikes. Bikes I build which are only more or less safe, as opposed to big old cars that if in an accident because my mind "Wanders" I might survive but the kids at the bus stop might not.
I appreciate the concern honest I do, but I choose to do the things I do, knowing full well tomorrow I might fall off the bike, have the big one and die laying in my bed, or not be able to get out of bed because the room won't stop spinning. My preference would be to just have the heart attack while on the bike. Seems like a fitting end. That is not to say that I don't appreciate that you guys are concerned and would feel bad if you didn't at least try to make me do the right thing. But honest, I think I am doing the right thing.