Bike builders that have machine tools/shops

Sorry we missed meeting up this summer,Tom. Hope your brother in law has a great 74th birthday. I'm just 31/2 weeks away from 76 myself. I'm planning my next summer like it was a military operation.

So many people to see and much to do.

So from the replies the votes are in and for now it is run it like you stole it.
When I got home from a very good day at work,
I completed both projects that were my current workload. Grab a barley pop and down to the shop where I got the reduction drive out of the lathe, stored the indicator, and reinstalled the R.D, with shims and spacers to reduce the pedal crankshaft side play, A little more adjusting and it will be ready for chains.

But first thing tomorrow is a road trip to Minneapolis for a couple of days or more. Brother in Law Mark turns 74 and we rarely miss helping him wish he wasn't so old
I was supposed to take advantage of this Northerly trip and extend it to visit Bike Camp but that isn't working out as I had hoped. So do your best to keep this thread alive until I return.
Have a nice Holiday Weekend!
Sorry we missed meeting up this summer,Tom. Hope your brother in law has a great 74th birthday. I'm just 31/2 weeks away from 76 myself. I'm planning my next summer like it was a military operation.

So many people to see and much to do.

Time is short and is always getting shorter the older we get. How time flies I guess and not enough time in a day to get
things done! We have a rain front moving in and that will make this darn grass take off again pulling me off of other things
I have to get done before Fall roles in. This Summer was way too short and Winter is always too long! Have a good
weekend fellas.
Yes i agree. But as we got older cold is not so easy anymore, witch makes the winter longer. Rather stay inside instead of doing what we used to do. Seams to take twice as long to do things, part of don't think we want to do it over again, like used to. All along with procrastination. Golden years only thing golden is the urine..........Curt
Tom I'm doing desk stuff today, rain, praise God...August quite dry till the last week and 3 to 4 inches of the precious stuff in a weeks time...with it still falling and forecast into early Sept. When you live in the arid lands too much rain isn't even a thing.

Glad to hear a family thing in the works, be safe and enjoy! Up & running is also a joyful thing going into Fall. If you spot issues you've got a lot of winter to get them corrected, enjoy riding even when not perfect to suit, identify areas of concern, correct and repeat. Life itself in a capsule.

I'm sure there's enough to occupy our attention whilst you travel...especially if it keeps raining.

Rick C.
I had gas tank plans for the next couple of days then I found out we have a party here on Saturday and I'm involved in the preparations.
You all too right, EZL. Summer isn't long enough and the rest of the year when you can't ride or work on bikes goes on forever.

Curt, we used to have a health card that was gold coloured. We used it when we went to the doctor or hospital so they could bill the provincial government for their services.

Now the number is on our drivers license or a card that looks like a drivers license since to many off shore people would come here and use their relatives health card. Now with your photo on it misuse has been cut down to a minimum.

As you said the only gold in the Golden Years is in the bowl or the music on the oldies radio station.

Here on the Wet Coast summer has been drier than a soda cracker Rick. We now have three days of rain which of course will fall on the last long weekend of the summer. Good to hear that your getting some relief as well. Sounds like EZL will be spending quality time with his lawn mower.

Mostly evergreen trees around us but I was over at one of our local malls where they have a lot of deciduous trees getting some parts for the gas tanks a second time since the first bunch were put away so I could find them quickly and the parking lot was full of fallen leaves.

I'm not ready for the seasons to change but who is other than the skiers and snowmobile crowd.

Here on the Wet Coast summer has been drier than a soda cracker Rick. We now have three days of rain which of course will fall on the last long weekend of the summer. Good to hear that your getting some relief as well. Sounds like EZL will be spending quality time with his lawn mower.

Mostly evergreen trees around us but I was over at one of our local malls where they have a lot of deciduous trees getting some parts for the gas tanks a second time since the first bunch were put away so I could find them quickly and the parking lot was full of fallen leaves.

I'm not ready for the seasons to change but who is other than the skiers and snowmobile crowd.

Well, we got 1/2" of rain here this AM and now the grass will really be popping up to greater heights! :( I got the tractor blades
resharpened and on that ole beater lawn tractor yesterday just in time and now I'm waiting on a new starter for it since I am hoping
the winding on it were getting bad. The 17 hp Briggs has always been hard to crank over and I hope this new starter fixes it.
I get through this season then I'll probably have to buy something new since this one has been nickle-and-diming me over the
last few years so it's time to retire the old one. Going to try a 32-tooth sprocket on the bike when ever I get time.
That must be a old mower with starter windings yet! Most starters are solid magnets now, just glued in. To bad I didn’t live closer, could of gave you one. Good luck with it, now that you will have everything fixed maybe it will last a while, LOL..........Curt
That must be a old mower with starter windings yet! Most starters are solid magnets now, just glued in. To bad I didn’t live closer, could of gave you one. Good luck with it, now that you will have everything fixed maybe it will last a while, LOL..........Curt
Curtis, thanks I ordered a brandnew one off of Ebay for $40 and I see on Craig's list the prices on lawn tractors are getting
reasonable in price. I'll have to save up this Winter and see what might come around in the next few months. Darn tractor has
cost more this Summer than it's worth I guess. I'd rather put the money into bike goodies! .bld.
LOL. KOOL. That would be fun, but not aloud here.closest thing you could do now would, be a garden tractor with a slow moving triangle sign on it.

I built a small one back in the 50’s and the cops were after me, stoped me a few times and then had to give it up, had motor bikes after that, till I got my model A. .......Curt
LOL. KOOL. That would be fun, but not aloud here.closest thing you could do now would, be a garden tractor with a slow moving triangle sign on it.

I built a small one back in the 50’s and the cops were after me, stoped me a few times and then had to give it up, had motor bikes after that, till I got my model A. .......Curt
Ha Ha, yeah when we were A LOT YOUNGER(^) we were fearless and would try all kinds of stunts. I never had a go kart
and my Dad was too busy with farming about as far as we got was getting two go kart wheels and I turned down two front
spindles for the wheels. We never did get to putting together a frame for the kart. I instead got a Cushman scooter which I
ran the wheels off running around the country and never did get close to any cops. The Cushman was my "go fishing"
vehicle. I wish I still had that thing it had a old Briggs engine on it with a kickstart and was pretty dependable.

The youngster should be on the watchout for the cops after posting on YouTube this little escapade since they will probably
be watching for him. I came across a fella that posted a YouTube escapade who was driving a race kart on the street and
met a cop going the other way. He had a GoPro camera on his helmet and he recorded what he did with the kart since
the cop thought he could catch him on the kart. The kart was strictly for racing and would do well over a hundred mph.
He just played "catch-the-mouse" with the kart and went through the streets in a small city with the cop trying to catch
him and as soon as he hit the outskirts of town hit high gear and was gone. That thing would out handle any car in the
turns and curves. I don't know if that review is still on the tube but the kart was really radical and he was belted in wearing
a helmet and racing gear. It's a wonder that kid didn't meet a cop on that highway with all of the laws he was breaking!
Some of these cops will try to catch some of the dirt bikes and even the big gun bikes that can do well over 200 mph.
One cop commented about chasing the big bikes and was told to not chase them because of the danger. Messing
around on the highways like that is way too dangerous. Kids these days will try anything to showoff and get kicks.
If I were you and have a lot to mow, get a zero turn, ya hearts when it takes money form fun stuff.........Curt.
Well, zero-turn would be nice but I'm on fixed budget and the idea of spending big bucks on a nice new mower and mowing
the Landlords property isn't something I'd want to do! I found a farmer not far from me that has a posting on Craig's List
that has a brandnew lawn tractor that supposedly fell off of a trailer that broke a rear axle for $500. The mower never was
used after that and runs good except for the axle being broken. I need to look at it to make sure the housing isn't cracked
and if the axle is all that is broken maybe new bearings and a axle would make it a good deal? I really doubt that the housing
on it is ok?
LOL, my kart frame was made out bed rail and pipe for steering wheel hoop, with hard rubber tires on rear. Good thing as only last one summer before I had to park it.

After I was first married I bought one new push mower, neighbor bow ward it, and his kids put sand in the oil pan. Ever since it has been used ones, or free. Always want a zero turn but to new to by even used. No need in town now, that I sold my lake place. Got a 30” rear engine rider this summer off FB market place that had a fire and burnt the wires $150, fixed all the bad stuff and have it running now.

If the housing is cracked or broke you may be able to find another on eBay, just make sure you get the module number off the rear end while looking. Lot of tractors used the same parts...........Curt
LOL, my kart frame was made out bed rail and pipe for steering wheel hoop, with hard rubber tires on rear. Good thing as only last one summer before I had to park it.

After I was first married I bought one new push mower, neighbor bow ward it, and his kids put sand in the oil pan. Ever since it has been used ones, or free. Always want a zero turn but to new to by even used. No need in town now, that I sold my lake place. Got a 30” rear engine rider this summer off FB market place that had a fire and burnt the wires $150, fixed all the bad stuff and have it running now.

If the housing is cracked or broke you may be able to find another on eBay, just make sure you get the module number off the rear end while looking. Lot of tractors used the same parts...........Curt
I'm not set on it but I thought the fella was crazy for not strapping it down correctly. A friend of mine has a restored '67 Dodge Dart
with the 273 High-Performance engine, 4-speed and a 391:1 rearend that he took to a car show several years ago and he learned
the hard way on how to strap cars down on a trailer. The car rolled of of the trailer onto the road and dinged up things on it.
He had a body man go through it and straighten it out. He wasn't crossing the nylon straps on the front and back, he had them
tied down in a straight line. :eek: I wasn't there when he hooked up the car otherwise I would have told him he wasn't doing it
right. I'm hoping to get through this Summer before I get another lawn tractor hoping I can get through without more problems.
I hate to shell out a bunch of money just to have another tractor sitting around all Winter.
LOL. KOOL. That would be fun, but not aloud here.closest thing you could do now would, be a garden tractor with a slow moving triangle sign on it.

I built a small one back in the 50’s and the cops were after me, stoped me a few times and then had to give it up, had motor bikes after that, till I got my model A. .......Curt
One ole timer in a small town 5 miles from here use to ride his tractor up town to the tavern even though he lost his license
and lived about 6 blocks from the tavern. The cops really frowned on that probably because he would get wasted on beer
at the tavern and drive the tractor home. :D His son lost his license later on and tried to do the same thing but he never
parked his lawn tractor at the tavern he walked and used the tractor and trailer with push mowers around town to mow
yards but he also went to the Casey's General Store to get a case of beer on the tractor pulling the trailer and mowers
around. The cops never bothered him after his dad got warned about using a tractor for transportation to the tavern. ;)
Darn cops are getting real bad and it's easier for them to harass the citizens than to catch real criminals!