bicycle shops hate us !!!

i went to three bike shops today looking fo brake noodles. (here's why:

the first shop didn't have any, so i have nothing really bad to say about them, 'cause at least the guy looked for them.

the second shop was "two wheels one planet" on 17th in Costa Mesa. i walked up to the "service" counter and no one was there to help me, so i walked up to the weird kiosk they have in the center where you pay, and asked a lady there. meanwhile, two guys with a crashed expensive mountain bike and a rich looking lady walked in after me.

the chick took me to the service counter, where all three of us were waiting.

2 guys walked out of the back and immediately walked up to the other customers. the two guys with the crap bike didn't say anything, but the rich lady pointed at me and said i was there first.

didn't help.

some kook who looked like he couldn't fix a frisbee or a hackey sack took the junk bike, and the other guy ignored me to help the lady.

i asked the hippy politely if he could just grab a coupla noodles for me, and he looked at me all smug-like and told me to wait my turn.

so i decided to walk out and the lady at the kiosk yells "hey! you need to pay for that!" assuming i got what i needed, and i told her "i didn't know you guys charged to be a**holes..."

there's another bike shop down the street, and even though they're a high end road bike place, they sold me 3 noodles for a whopping 7 dollars without getting all uppity.
Were you riding your motorbike baird? There is a local schwinn shop here in fresno, also a felt dealer... I was considering buying a felt cruiser from them a couple months back... but made the mistake of telling the person waiting on me i would be putting an engine on it... within 2 or three minutes he had moved off and would not help me...he had told me there were several bikes in the back possibly the model i was looking for but after the motor comment he would not even make eye contact with me..... needless to say we wont be going back.. and now when my customers need anything from a bike shop i send them across town to Sumners Schwinn ...their competitor and a really great guy... David
yeah, i was riding my motored bike. i've been into that shop a few times for minor things like tubes and grease. funny thing is, last time i went i wanted Phil Wood bearing grease, and they were out, and the time before that they had no thorn-resistant tubes.

they must see me coming and hide whatever i need.

there's a shop in Fountain Valley calld Bicycle Discovery, and they've given me great deals, and even took a bunch of my business cards to give to other motorized bikers. they're not against motors, they just don't know about them and don't want the liability, which is understandable.
I think the odd reactions from bike shops stems from a genuine fear of motor bicycles. They don't understand them, so they fear them.
There's a a shop in my town named "Bikes and More" who will work with me as long as I don't bring the bike Bairdco mentioned it's a liability issue....however there's another shop named " Mr. Goodbike"....who love me and my bikes.....I even have helped a guy who works there install a motor on one of in a university town ( Gainesville Florida ) it would make sense to me to adapt to the motor bike revolution but sadly some bike shops simply won't do it.....I've had pedalers dis me as cheating.....even after I explain to them that it is difficult for me to pedal a bike for extended distances due to a titanium spine fusion and a whole myriad of other issues that makes pedaling kill me....I also tell them....I can go a whole lot further....a whole lot faster....and have a whole lot more fun doing it...than YOU !

Very few bike shops in Buffalo. Could be the long winter. One downtown, great guy (owner) and one out in Orchard Park (worker -bees) nice also. Both interested in my steed.
Could also be that people around here are pretty decent anyway.
It is an extremely rare driver that doesn't give me a lot of room on the road.
There is only one bicycle shop in Mobile that I could find. The other ones closed down I think. Every time I come in there to buy parts I get nothing but glares from the staff. I don't get it why they don't like me, I am spending money there. The only other wierd thing is that I seem to be the only one in mobile with MotorizedBike. You would think there would be more in a fairly large city..crt.
The really simple answer is hate them back...
That's funny lol. I have done that but then later thought about the next poor guy customer unprepared that got a thrashing because I wound them up and abruptly left.. That all to sad but true domino effect. ''Karma'' And yeah I recon I can be pretty brutal at timeslaff

I usually try to be a polite as possible and get to the point but it does not always work out that way. I am getting better as I get older or is cynical. lol:)
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Two bike shops in our Town. One told me to bring the bike by when I was finished so they could see it and the mechanics wanted to know how I built it. Lots of advice from the owner about the bike part for brakes ect.

The other bike shop they wear spandex all day and talk down to you because they don't see you on the bike tours.

One shop is busy and the other isn't to the point I don't know how they survive.


I think the odd reactions from bike shops stems from a genuine fear of motor bicycles. They don't understand them, so they fear them.

that is so true.. But i'm a little ignorant at the best of times I walk my bike right into there shop turn the fuel off of coure just in case, its good to be courteous(if thats how ya spell it). Get what I want and get out I've bought all the bicycle tools or recieved them in kits so I say #@$&'em if they got a problem get over it. LOL
I went to a big hardware store they have in OZ called bunnings I asked the fella at the front nicely if I could quickly chain it up near the front doors dash in ( tried to explain i knew what I wanted and knew exactly where it was only be a sec) immediately this hater yells no way uh ah to me so as he continues carrying on I just just continued on chaining up my bike he was going nuts at the point when my bike was chained to the pole I looked at him gave him a pleasant smile and a nod and just walked straight in. The short time I was in the store he pulls another attendant aside and starts carrying on to her about it waving his arms around and just being a right tool I could see him the whole time from where I was going. I get back told him told him to go %^$& yourself and enjoy the rest of your day...;)
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hate most shops, and the spandex warriors. "bicycle mechanic".as for the spandexters, beep at them, glare at them....their a real problem here in jersey, riding 3 wide in huge packs.cant wait to get a diesel truck to smoke em' out.anyway i found that you dont want to be in the shop as much as you want to be in their dumpster.these animals throw out tons of good stuff that went "bad".lots of scrap metal to, these people must fall off their bikes alot because i always find race frames that are screwed up. ive pulled alot of whole bikes to.
Yeah i gotta say I know shaving your arms and legs and whatever else they shave has its pro's but its not for me either mind you though there usually alot fitter than me or we are sometimes its best just to thrash past them and leave it at that..
after reading all of the posts on this thread I am so lucky, the two bike shops within 5 miles of me love my MB. They treat ALL customers as if we were there bread and butter
Castle Hill Cycles & Fitness are gr8 too, excellent customer service, they have everything you could need or will get it the next day and they will bend over backwards to help with any issues and teach you a trick or 2 along the way. Very happy with them.
I just mentioned I prefer buying from brick & mortar stores rather than online usually changes their attitude. The ultra spandex shop near Whiterock Lake in Dallas was standoffish till I said that to what I believed was the owner or manager LOL!
I just mentioned I prefer buying from brick & mortar stores rather than online usually changes their attitude. The ultra spandex shop near Whiterock Lake in Dallas was standoffish till I said that to what I believed was the owner or manager LOL!

Another Dallas rider.

Hello, that makes 3 of us
I first heard about motor bicycles from a catalog at a local bike shop. (Its a BMX and "family" bike store. They sell box bikes but "will gladly order anything you want".)

The store doesn't mind my motor bicycle, if it is not leaking of course. I can come in for any parts, tubes, etc, and they are conversational. I even have one of the shop techs on my facebook page.

Look around a while.

And act like a bicycle rider, not some "anti-spandex" hipsters. There are different bikes, and different riders, and some of us like multiple disciplines. I enjoy recreational road racing and mtn cross country riding, and use my mb for cheap transportation more than a hobby.