bicycle shops hate us !!!

I laud thee on your extreme luck in finding a sympathetic person at a bike shop....seldom do they even give us MBers the time of day .....for some inexplicable reason they simply DO NOT like us weird that way huh ? :D


It actually turns out that the could not fix it since Schwinn does not sell replacement hubs, and that they were not a Schwinn dealer, but they still helped me. I ended up buying a whole new rear wheel from Home - Choppers U.S., LLC. Then I brought the new wheel and old wheel back to the bike shop for them to match the freewheel and install a new one on the new wheel. They don't seem to mind that my repairs are for a motorized bike, in fact they complement me on converting a regular bike into a motorbike. I guess I am lucky to find a dependable bike shop to go to if need be.
what model was the Honda 125 street bike? i know its off topic but i would like to know more about it, thanks
Not sure of the model but he was wrong about not needing a license i checked.
It actually turns out that the could not fix it since Schwinn does not sell replacement hubs, and that they were not a Schwinn dealer, but they still helped me. I ended up buying a whole new rear wheel from Home - Choppers U.S., LLC. Then I brought the new wheel and old wheel back to the bike shop for them to match the freewheel and install a new one on the new wheel. They don't seem to mind that my repairs are for a motorized bike, in fact they complement me on converting a regular bike into a motorbike. I guess I am lucky to find a dependable bike shop to go to if need be.

Indeed you are lucky sir.....but will they deal with you if you bring the actual bike in...motor and all ?....and perform mods such as warping an exhaust ?.....helping install the sprocket ?...modifying an intake pipe?....these things I've just stated are simply alien to the bike shops in the town I live in and they simply won't even talk to you soon as I say something like that on the phone they hang up on me ......I don't get it really .....

Indeed you are lucky sir.....but will they deal with you if you bring the actual bike in...motor and all ?....and perform mods such as warping an exhaust ?.....helping install the sprocket ?...modifying an intake pipe?....these things I've just stated are simply alien to the bike shops in the town I live in and they simply won't even talk to you soon as I say something like that on the phone they hang up on me ......I don't get it really .....

Bike shops really are not equipped to do most of those things. so why expect it. If you want that try a go kart or MOTORcycle shop.
Indeed you are lucky sir.....but will they deal with you if you bring the actual bike in...motor and all ?....and perform mods such as warping an exhaust ?.....helping install the sprocket ?...modifying an intake pipe?....these things I've just stated are simply alien to the bike shops in the town I live in and they simply won't even talk to you soon as I say something like that on the phone they hang up on me ......I don't get it really .....


I never brought my entire bike in, because I do most all of the work myself, including wraping the exhaust, complete lighting/electrical system, welding, painting, etc. A bicycle shop is just what it says, meaning they are only able to work on the bicycle part of your bike, not the engine kit part. For that try going to a motorcycle shop, small engine shop, metal fabrication shop, etc. If there is something that I can't do as far as engine kit wise, There are a couple local places that I go to for small engine parts, including a custom moped/motorcycle/auto shop that can do complete builds, fabrication, parts, etc.
COULD SOMEONE FOM BRITAIN OR EUROPE RESPOND ?? the reason for this is they have many more mopeds and people interested in them-- they used them for years for transportation
I work in a bike shop and i love getting MB's in. Im the go to guy.

Our bike shop is a mom and pop shop.
wow i thought i was the only one! the bike shops seem aggravated that we dont pedal out bikes, i dont really care, il tell him to rela or im getting my parts from canadian tire, he usually stops nagging by then
Thats so unfortunate that you guys have to deal with that....

You guys should all come to my shop! haha...

Facebook us! Back Alley Bikes, in Yorktown Va.
we just made a page not too long ago, so its pretty bare right now.
What ya need to do is eat pickled eggs and have a few beers the day b4 your trip to the bike shop and tell em peddlin makes you strain too much causing more negative effects.
LOL! The spandex mafia has some kind of ego problem (or they're sitting on a pine cone) so just smile and wave!
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LOL! The spandex mafia has some kind of ego problem (or they're sitting on a pine cone) so just smile and wave!

if you think about it, they get they're satisfaction from forcing themselves to do something hard, we get ours from making something hard into something easy. they don't like it because it reminds them that they don't HAVE to be pedaling that bike. lolbrnot
Im the middle man on this. I road bike/mountain bike, etc...

I, personally, dont care what people do with bikes. I enjoy the exercise, but i also enjoy saving gas and getting places on time (thus why i built my chopper besides the fact that its so much fun!)

Some people are just jealous and show it in their special way
In the early 80's I frequented a bikr shop that was across the stree from the beach. a "surf shack. I had a nice Ass Schwinn 5 speed and I wanted to upgrade teh derailer. ( i got fleeced ) My all chrome AS style cabe stays were stripped off and He put in cable ties. I lost a hundred bucks worth of chome. He had two Whizzers in the lobby slash linoleum sales flor that + dissappeared + when someone lifted the sliding glass door out and solled them away.
We've got two bicycle shops in my town, one that treats you like dirt because you didn't buy a way overpriced piece from them and absolutely won't work on anything they didn't sell you brand new. (won't even work on the used ones they sell) Then theirs the new guys in town who will work on anything even the walmart bikes and are just happy to have people walking in the door. They took one look at mine and were very excited asking me all about it, how much it costs etc. The only people in town who want one to sell in their showroom is the local chainsaw shop. Go figure :).
When I first got into MB's over a year ago (going on two), I realized quickly that in Gainesville FL there ARE a lot of bike shops. Most of them are elitist. I did get lucky with a shop at 23rd and 6th (my way of not mentioning them by name) They were pretty helpful and did look at the chopper. THey sold me a good coaster brake for it and did some work on my beach cruiser (Pee Wee).

THey were pretty decent to me. Also the shop at 441 and 5th did some welding for me and seemed pretty decent. Other shops though would look at you like they had a turd under their nose. And I agree with Salty about them refusing to work on a bike that had a motor on it. Something about liability...

Remember the good ole days when your safety was YOUR responsiblilty? No lawsuits. The only old fasioned business in town that i have run across is Georges hardware. He'll let you look through his stuff and not feel like a shoplifter. Seems to have everything. Nice atmosphere. I wish there were more people oriented businesses around.
What ya need to do is eat pickled eggs and have a few beers the day b4 your trip to the bike shop and tell em peddlin makes you strain too much causing more negative effects.

Thats my favorite time to go to the video movie rental. LOL. Nobody crowding up on me when I am trying to read the titles. Theres also when everybody's piled up ten deep in line at the register. Just keep my stink eye look going.laff This time of year try Oats Guiness and Eggnog!

The shops here will work on any old bike there gonna charge you an arm and a leg though. Thats just a bike. Thanks to the great American dream of that golden lawsuit doubt anyones gonna touch a motor bike.

With bike shops I deal with them as little as possible. N.M. economy might be one the nations poorest. That reflects prices. I Internet shop for my stuff mostly. Time going across town traffic gas etc. Unless I need it now I shop around and stock up on what I need. I just don't want anybody but me fixing my stuff. It pays these days to have an education! Like being a mechanic for a living I get paid for my knowledge.

Don't get me wrong I like to support the local business. Yet some times I need to save money, time and resources..
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I have found a great reception from my LBS. Even though I find I get a hard time from one of the older gentlemen that work there. I find he treats me with a kind of "you young whipper snappers" attitude.
