I haven't read every post but there was a question about installing the piston rings (broken ring upon installing). Since installing new (or reusing) rings, that means that the cylinder is off. Remove the piston from the wrist pin (only take 1 snap ring off) Once you get the rings on the (proper position) piston, take the cylinder and place it on a flat surface (head side down) that's easy to work with. Insert the piston in the cylinder, the rings will keep the piston from inserting. Now with your thumb and forefinger (on each cut out side of the cylinder) squeeze the top ring, and lightly tap the piston down, stopping short of the bottom ring. Next work with the bottom ring. The cylinder is beveled outward on the bottom and helps sliding the piston in, acting like a ring compressor. Once both rings are up in the cylinder, you can install the cylinder on the wrist pin (remember to install the snap ring) and onto the case.. In 50 years I have never broken a ring when installing a piston, these Chinese cylinders makes it very easily. Remember, only a light bump on the bottom of the piston is all that is needed...any more then that, the ring is not ready for instillation.