BGF Hongdu/Solex

my moped has a decompression valve on it .
i like to hit it every once in a while when the motor is running , cause i like the funky sound it makes .
Has anyone checked the timing of the solex motor with the electronic ignition. I have two of the hongu motors that I have run on the bench. I have adjusted the gas Jet for maximum RPM. One motor has a jet dia. of .022" and max RPM of 3800. The other motor has a jet dia. of .019" and has a max RPM of 4100. I think the diference must be timing. The flywheels do not have a timing mark that I have found. Is it the key that designated top dead center? I see the timing marks on the flange next to the flywheel. How is the timing adjusted? Do you need to remove the key from the flywheel and rotate it slightly on the crankshaft?
You could remove the key, and lap the flywheel to the crank for a good fit, then the timing would be adjustable. Trick is knowing just where it fires the plug in relation to the coil. If you can determine that then degree wheel it to 28-30 degrees BTDC. I have always thought the timing was probably on the conserative side, and some advance might wake it up a bit.
It seems BGF has only the china girl, and that nightmare that rides on the side near the axle.

He had FD and the solex.

It seems that he/ they maybe about to go under.

I wrote to the fellow in Canada, and he said that they are doing a more though inspection of the kits, they sell.
Whether that is true?

Seems that he'd want to look at all he bought, to see if HE was ripped off, before he rips off another.

A damn shame that we do not manufacture anything in this country anymore.
Other than debt and fascists.

To honor our new rulers, I have started my Chinese lessons!
Good idea.

A young man today would do well with an engineering or business degree and be fluent in Mandarin.
No he will do well if he speaks Mandarin, knows how to run a shovel, lay railroad track, and kiss azz.

Well I'm an old guy an old hippie, it will be unpleasant for me to see the blood bath that is coming as revolution rips thru this den of vipers, we call the home of the free.

Geld uber alles!
Nah, he will get rich if he knows how to spec and verify Chinese made goods, select the best manufacturers to produce and be able to correct and modify design specs on the fly.

Labor jobs are toast here.

That's why they all do it in China now.
A long long time ago, it was considered treason to sell out your countrymen, now it is an honorable business maneuver.

Now we have doctors sworn to do no harm, who do great harm by commission as well as omission. Scared that BB will pull their license to practice, cause they gave pain meds to people in pain.

Traitorous government, medical, police...rather soldiers calling themselves police.

Sorry to let all this go out.

But **** when the end is close, who cares what f' in thread it goes in.
I'd ssay we have less than 2 years before we will see what happened in France.


April 27 - The Réveillon Riots in Paris, caused by low wages and food shortages, led to about 25 deaths by troops.
May 5: The Estates-General meets for the first time since 1614
June 20: Tennis Court Oath of dismissed Estates-General members who refuse to adjourn
July 12: Camille Desmoulins gives a speech in the gardens of the Palais Royale, urging the citizens of Paris to take up arms.
July 14: Storming of the Bastille

Let the good times roll!
And "let them eat cake" and "off with their heads"

Yeah, it sucks.

I'm from Detroit and worked at Ford for summer jobs when I was in school back in the 70's

All the work you wanted. Plants worked 24-7. Guys would pull max time and buy new cars for cash.

All gone now. Malls bulldozed, plants shut and resteraunts empty.

Makes me cry what happened to my home town. Every time I went back it was worse.

What’s that old quote?
When fascism comes to America, it’ll be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke
Put a couple of miles on the Solex today doin the slo ride around the hood. Rode by a couple of cops too. No problem.

I just love this bike. I just let it roll down the driveway, let out the compression release and off it goes. It is the easiest starting bike I have and the quietest. Also the slowest. I finally got a bike that will go as slow as I want.

Of my 3 motorbikes, this is my fav. The one I hop on when I just want to go for a ride.
We all have a fav. If I didnt live in the land of hills, I think mine would be it also. It never fails to amuse me. Im fond of mine out front, love to see the fuel returing to the tank, and just hear it working. I do have a plan to use the left overs to build a rear driver though. A great little engine!
Yeah, I love my little Hongdu's. I realy like their old school retro look. I like their easy starting and the smooth quiet non stress inducing performance.
I like that you actualy have to pedal and help it on hills, and get some easy exercise LOL.
I stuck one on an old trike , and this is what I grab first when I need to check the mail(long driveway) or have a relaxing ride.

If I need excitement when I'm ridin it,I get it over on 2 wheels and drive it like that for a while.
When was the last time someone saw & bought the BGF Hongdu/Solex engine kit? I am dying to get one. I don't know if it works well with a fairly lightweight Schwinn hybrid women's bike though. Also, how does the Shimano automatic gear system work with a motorized bike. I am thinking it doesn't. I am also wondering if I should switch out the brake system. My bike has coaster brakes. Where can I buy this engine kit? I see one on ebay that might be it...
it doesn't ship to California though... What is the deal with that? How do I get on in CA? Thanks!
Thats what you are looking for. If you havent read the high points of this thread I would do so. Cant help you with the Ca shipping problem. There are a worthwhile little engine, but usually require some tweaks to make em optimum.
They are all a little bit different, tweaks are what ever it takes, some more some less. Scan the thread its all in there.