A long long time ago, it was considered treason to sell out your countrymen, now it is an honorable business maneuver.
Now we have doctors sworn to do no harm, who do great harm by commission as well as omission. Scared that BB will pull their license to practice, cause they gave pain meds to people in pain.
Traitorous government, medical, police...rather soldiers calling themselves police.
Sorry to let all this go out.
But **** when the end is close, who cares what f' in thread it goes in.
I'd ssay we have less than 2 years before we will see what happened in France.
April 27 - The Réveillon Riots in Paris, caused by low wages and food shortages, led to about 25 deaths by troops.
May 5: The Estates-General meets for the first time since 1614
June 20: Tennis Court Oath of dismissed Estates-General members who refuse to adjourn
July 12: Camille Desmoulins gives a speech in the gardens of the Palais Royale, urging the citizens of Paris to take up arms.
July 14: Storming of the Bastille
Let the good times roll!