BGF Hongdu/Solex

I've been busy.

Re-routed the cables so they don't loop over the motor. Comp release now activated by the cable sheath. Got one of those V brake tubes to pretty up the throttle cable.


Added lights. Bought a 6V generator set for $9 and connected the lights to the Solex lighting coil. Threw the generator out - :)

Cut off the tilt handle to make it look real smooth.

My baby. An old Solex rear mounted on an old Worksman.

Took it out for a night ride around the neighborhood with my new lights. Lights work good. You seem to be going much faster at night.

I really like this bike - :)

Yeah, I bought that tank (I think you sic'ed me onto the guy) 'cause the one that came with it was full of rust. One of these days I'll do the naval jelly / pebble gravel / seal routine on it, but I'm in no hurry.

Pulled the plug while I was doing the saw off the handle routine and it was a perfect tan. Picture perfect. Shoulda snapped a pic. So the mixture coming out of this weird "drippy" carburetor is perfect. Amazing.
Got a real price for sure, but the product is assembled in France from all over including China. About the last source of European parts I guess would be the NOS stuff from Hungary. The new Velosolex people dont want to hear the word Hongdu but they are plenty familar with it.
You still motoring along ok?
Thanks Mike B for another picture of your rear mount. I am just starting on my rear mount. I have been inspired by your pictures and the nice clean way you have worked out the mounting over the rear tire. I have tested out my clutch while stopping with the motor at a higher RPM. It does work better without the noise and roughness. I remember reading about this in a previous post but I had forgotten about it. Thank to everyone who has contributed. It is all helpful.

I think you'll really like it. I knew the front mount was not going to work for me. The bike almost went down twice when I was working on it when the fork whipped around with that heavy motor on it.

Yeah, heavy motor. Keep that in mind on your build. My main brackets go right on the axle. I wouldn't trust those little 4 mm fender support holes.

Have fun!
Picked up a unit from our Canadian seller on e-bay last week. Sales must have been down as he put two up for bid. I picked up the first one at the last minute as bidding was low and got it for a buck and a quarter plus obligatory shipping. Came yesterday, no duty asked by UPS. Unpacted last night. Box had lots of Chinese writing, but the engine had no decals. Fuel tank was slightly dinged, didn't look inside yet. Nuts and bolts scattered throughout the box. Fuel and compression release cables looked like they'd been thrown in as an afterthought.
The one page assembly "manual" was a kick. Fuel injection?
I have to resist my urge to rush into installing it and seeing if it'll run, and my desire to take it down, inspect, detail, paint, and sending parts out to have zinced or otherwize plated. To bad the flywheel cove is plastic or I'd do the tank and cover with powder coat.
It's going on my moms old '62 Schwinn Hollywood. She asked me to take a bunch of stuff to the dump one day, and the bike was part of it. I hauled it home and it cleaned up very well, with only some peppering in the chrome.
With a Felt, a Panther, a MTN bike, this "Solex" Hollywood and a '37 Chev under construction, I'd better stay away from e-bay for a while.
Greybeard, might be wise to "work it out" before dressing it up with paint etc. They are all an unknown. I would be inclined to mount it up in a tempory fashion and give it a whirl. Personally I would pull the atleast the head and give it a look see. If you pull the fuel tank you can dismantle the engine in pretty short order. From my experience with the two I have, there was some debris from manufacture in the case. Also I had one that was slightly hard to turn over. There was a piece of flashing on the rods lower end hitting the inner crankcase. The assemblers must have orders to put it together no matter what, I just cant imagine letting some of the stuff we ses with these and other Chinese engines getting out! Once attended to these are wonderful little engines.
I have finished moving my solex from the front to the back. After riding for a couple of days I really like it. It is great to have that motor weight removed from the front fork. It now feels like I have power searing. I like the weight distribution much better. The bike rides better and is more quiet. Actually mounting the motor was easier for me. One added bonus is the center mounted kick stand supports the bike without a problem. I plan to move the motor to the back on my Trek bike.


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Got a real price for sure, but the product is assembled in France from all over including China. About the last source of European parts I guess would be the NOS stuff from Hungary. The new Velosolex people dont want to hear the word Hongdu but they are plenty familar with it.
You still motoring along ok?

Hi Cannonball, Yes sir! I am very pleased with your fine kit, Now if can only find a front wheel with decent bearings, been thru 4 all china wally specials.
Called to ask what it would cost to replace the bearings, yow!

How you and your better half been?
Nice job Willie!

Yeah, I thought you would like it.

We should start a club, "The Cult of the Wrong Way Solex"

Hi Cannonball, Yes sir! I am very pleased with your fine kit, Now if can only find a front wheel with decent bearings, been thru 4 all china wally specials.
Called to ask what it would cost to replace the bearings, yow!

How you and your better half been?

We are fine. Got the coins cleaned. You do pack the bearings on a new bike right? The makers keep the profits up by dabbing a bit in the bearings with a tooth pick on assembly. Keep om motoring!
Ah I do not have the special wrenches to open up the bearings, and the sand down here is in everything.

Can a wheel lock up from bad bearings, rip apart and allow the wheel slide tilt on the axle.

On a budget of no budget, so I am having to solve em as I can an how...

Glad the coins came up for you, will have to send you all a challenge next.

Just saw your homebrew roller setup very sharp idea!

I will have to try that, hoping to bump into someone around here who welds for fun, motored bikes, and pulse jets..weee!
I have attached pictures of my second bicycle (Trek Mountain bicycle) with the Solex moved to the rear tire. Again I like the motor in the rear much better than in the front. The steering is much better and its nice to have the exhaust and noise behind rather than in front. I have not seen any heat problem with the motor in the rear but I have been riding when the temperature is in the 50's and would not expect heat problems. I too have found that the compression release is not necessary for starting, since the motor starts so easy. I put an extension arm on the compression release and reach back and lift to kill the motor. I am still having fun with the Solex motors and enjoy riding the bikes whenever possible. Again thanks to everyone that has contributed to this thread.


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