Being invited out is a PAIN!

Actually Curt there was a very interesting cyclecar built with that very same layout. It was named the 'Schasche', - and don't ask me to pronounce that.

The original plans for the MG pedal car use some kind of all plywood built up wheel with the tyre stretched on. This makes for a non-pneumatic wheel which does not fascinate me much at all. I will be using spoked wheels, but lightweight cover discs over the spokes could very much be a possibility.
It is a German cyclecar so I guess your pronunciation would be on the money.
I know of at least one Cyclekart Club member who is planning on building a cyclekart based on one of these little cars.

Even without a side mounted engine that rig has very nice lines and perfect proportions for CycleKart!

At first, I thought that barrel racer was made from a keg. That's when it hit me that building a racing keg was possible. You could have a whole subcategory of cyclekarts:
You'd have the "Hummin' Heineken",
the "Grolsch Gasser",
the "Potent Pabst" might even take a blue ribbon,
the "Schlitz-'n-Gitz".
Feel free to add. Or to just ignore me too. I've been in a strange mood today (as though that'd be different from any other day).
No Pschitt!

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Well I'm definitely not going to the race meeting. For some reason the guys who were going to bring their cyclekarts to the race meeting have decided at the last minute not to bring them. No real point in going now if there won't be any cyclekarts at the event.
I did think about going anyway just to see the vintage bike and car races, but I've been having more problems with pain and fatigue lately and I don't much fancy driving all that distance if I'm not so well. What finally made up my mind for me was my daughter wanting to buy a new guitar and needing a little help with getting the necessary cash together for the guitar she wanted. My daughter is a very good musician and when she was still at university had quite a following at open microphone nights when she would sing and play her own compositions. So I did what any good Mum would do and contributed the money I would have spent on petrol and entrance fees. Afterall there's always next year's race meeting and I should have my own cyclekart built by then.

With my health problems I almost gave up on working on my vehicle projects and went back to building with Lego. Then my stubborn streak came to the fore and I decided that I was going to build myself a cyclecar as I'd planned (dammit) and if some days I can only manage to do only a little then that's just how it will be.
If I was there, I'd drive you.
I love vintage shows, especially when with the company of some one so Knowledgeable.
I hope you still get to go.
I'd also love to help on your Cycle car, as It sounds like something I would like to build also..
So keep up the hard work, we all have good and bad days, I also suffer pain, and can't spend to much time on my feet some days. But with a project like yours there is always some small 'detail' you can spend the day on, when not up to the heavier work.
Sounds like you need an 'apprentice' to help with some of the 'bigger' jobs, I'd be getting your Daughter 'on the tools' for your help with her Guitar.
Best of Luck,
And happy Motor-Cycle-Karting.
I need to get my Trike's back out again, nearly got by bikes back together.
Thanks guys :)

Don't worry xseler the hat will get worn. During the year there are a lot of vintage events of one sort or another around here so the hat will get an outing eventually. At least I do now have a HAT. (cue dramatic music).

Theon, thank you. Even though you are so far away I know your offer was from the heart. And yes with this cyclecar project of mine there will always be some smaller job that I can do. Now that the main chassis frame is together in one piece and I can start building up the various bits and pieces onto the chassis all manner of little jobs will reveal themselves to me just by the good old process of creative staring on those days when I'm not so well.

I would have loved to have an Austin 7, - and the silly thing is in my twenties I did own a rolling Austin 7 chassis complete with engine and gearbox that I bought for the princely sum of just $NZ50.00. Of course these days Austin 7's in any shape or form are horribly expensive to buy, - which led quite naturally to me deciding to build my own little 'vintage' car which by the time it's complete should have cost me no more than $NZ1000.00 to build.
Fortunately by its very nature nothing on my little cyclecar is too heavy or awkward to handle so I can generally manage most things even on my off days. And yes if I asked my daughter for a hand with something she would help me out. She is very mechanically minded and rebuilt the engine on the last car she owned with just a very small amount of help from me.

As to the vintage race meeting there's always next year and I will be better prepared for it then. I am going to join the local branch of the Vintage Car Club this year so I'll be able to be closer to the action and will know what's going on a lot sooner.
