Thanks guys

Yeah, - I think I'll darn well go anyway and have a good time watching the event.
CT, - I decided against trying to rush my build to take it to the event, so I haven't got anything in a remotely driveable state to take with me anyway. I suppose I wanted to avoid cold stares and silences, but dash it all I should give up calling myself 'Intrepid' if I'm put off by by such a little thing as that.
Thanks for sharing about your sister. As it happens my daughter is a chip off the old block as she was the only woman in most of her computer science classes at university and had to suffer all manner of put downs from one or two Neanderthal tutors as well as her (male) class mates. My daughter works here at home doing software development work and her understanding of the interrelationship between code and the hardware it operates leaves me astounded most of the time.
Basically my plan is to continue with building my three wheeled Colombe which will be all 'me' and my ideas and the Amilcar-Riley will be pretty much a traditional build for 'official' use, but it's highly likely that it will be fitted with that Honda clone motorcycle engine I've got for testing purposes and so it can be driven. As I can afford it I will eventually buy the approved engine and transmission, - only I'm hoping that I might be able to make the rest of the group see sense by then.
We've just started to move into our Autumn here which means that the worst of the very hot and humid weather we've been having is behind us. Summer is a bad time for me because the heat and humidity affects me badly with this illness I have, but now it's getting cooler I should be able to get something done and eventually I will have some photos to show off.
And now something to cheer us all up.......