Being invited out is a PAIN!

Yes it's a great piece of video, I was quite content to watch it until the very end. Lovely exhaust note and lots of straight cut gear transmission sounds :)
I watched it to the end as well. There is definitely something about the sound of straight cut gears and the exhaust note of early motors compared to the more modern cars.

Fun to enjoy it once more.

Thanks guys :) Yeah, - I think I'll darn well go anyway and have a good time watching the event.

CT, - I decided against trying to rush my build to take it to the event, so I haven't got anything in a remotely driveable state to take with me anyway. I suppose I wanted to avoid cold stares and silences, but dash it all I should give up calling myself 'Intrepid' if I'm put off by by such a little thing as that.
Thanks for sharing about your sister. As it happens my daughter is a chip off the old block as she was the only woman in most of her computer science classes at university and had to suffer all manner of put downs from one or two Neanderthal tutors as well as her (male) class mates. My daughter works here at home doing software development work and her understanding of the interrelationship between code and the hardware it operates leaves me astounded most of the time.

Basically my plan is to continue with building my three wheeled Colombe which will be all 'me' and my ideas and the Amilcar-Riley will be pretty much a traditional build for 'official' use, but it's highly likely that it will be fitted with that Honda clone motorcycle engine I've got for testing purposes and so it can be driven. As I can afford it I will eventually buy the approved engine and transmission, - only I'm hoping that I might be able to make the rest of the group see sense by then.
We've just started to move into our Autumn here which means that the worst of the very hot and humid weather we've been having is behind us. Summer is a bad time for me because the heat and humidity affects me badly with this illness I have, but now it's getting cooler I should be able to get something done and eventually I will have some photos to show off.

And now something to cheer us all up.......

Both my sister and I could raise stubborn to sell, if it comes down to it. I admit, I kind of enjoy it when someone tries to tell her she can't do something. I know the fire inside that that kind of comment stokes very well. At 5' 2½", the only thing that has actually stopped her so far was ½ inch in height.. otherwise she'd have been a pilot in the Air Force long ago.

Now that the weather's changing for you, I look forward to seeing more of what you're tinkering with. :)
Both my sister and I could raise stubborn to sell, if it comes down to it. I admit, I kind of enjoy it when someone tries to tell her she can't do something. I know the fire inside that that kind of comment stokes very well. At 5' 2½", the only thing that has actually stopped her so far was ½ inch in height.. otherwise she'd have been a pilot in the Air Force long ago.

Now that the weather's changing for you, I look forward to seeing more of what you're tinkering with. :)

My daughter applied to the air force (RNZAF) and was very serious about doing it for a while. She wanted to train as an aircraft systems technician, but unfortunately started to develop the same disability that I live with and she had to flag it away to her great disappointment. Like me she still has a stubborn streak though and often gets told by her computer programming peers that her approach to solving a particular software problem, 'Won't work', - and then she goes and proves them wrong.

It's been a bad day for me today with pain and systemic weakness which absolutely @!#$% me off. (Yet another appointment made with my doctor, yet more injections and blood tests :( ) I want to do so much and I can't, but I did at least get the washing done today with lots of rest stops which is better than a poke in the eye.
Two wheelers are starting to become more difficult for me so it looks like velocar type vehicles are going to be in my future from now on. The Colombe is going to be my main project from now on as I will need it for local transport, but I'll discuss that more in its own thread.
And yes CT I will post pictures and keep everyone informed as to what I'm doing.
I found this picture and it cheered me up no end. Could spark off the beginning of an exciting new racing formula :D

I should build one and take it to the race meeting next year and claim that it's a cyclekart so why can't I run it on the track? rotfl
That is incredibly cool!
I hear a pack of them piling into turn one at speed sounding like a pack of hornets on steroids!
Best use of a chinagirl EVER!
I think the idea for using a plastic barrel for a body must've been inspired by the American Speedster pedal car plans.



For some reason their website seems to be down at the moment.

But yes, a great deal of fun could be had for cheap racing a China girl powered car and the sound would be amazing.
I like the Snoopy decal on the front in post 86! Is there a cover for inclement weather and also a heat exchanger to get warm vent air?

If I was a younger woman and a little more flexible I'd have a go at building one of those barrel racers :D

I've just bought the plans for one of these which is possibly a little more dignified at my age.

Intrepid Wheelwoman certainly deserves her moniker!
You come up with some of the coolest stuff! The use of a lowly china doll is simply brilliant. I MUST build one!
Well done my dear Lady! Well done!
I found this picture and it cheered me up no end. Could spark off the beginning of an exciting new racing formula :D

I should build one and take it to the race meeting next year and claim that it's a cyclekart so why can't I run it on the track? rotfl

Maybe one wheel out front and some pedals inside? KOOOOOL.......Curt
Don't tempt me Curt ;) a plastic barrel motor trike might get me into all kinds of trouble.

The little MG should make for a nice project. My woodwork skills have got a little rusty over the years so it should be a good practice piece before I get stuck into building the Amilcar-Riley.
The MG is actually a pedal car, only I'm going to increase its size by around 45% or so to fit me better. I'm thinking about building pedal cars as a little cottage industry (well I do live in a cottage, so I've got a head start) to keep my hand in with using tools and a me sized pedal car would be a great advertisement for my project. 'Intrepid Pedalcars', remember you read it here first gentlemen :D
On another note today I was able to obtain a beautiful Autumn weight houndstooth ladies jacket in a retro style for the princely sum of just $NZ5.00. It's virtually new and in lovely condition and will be a better choice of coat for me to wear to the meeting than my full length Winter weight coat.

Some years ago my elder sister gave me a 1920's solid silver broach that she'd found in a second hand shop. It was a custom made piece because it had its former owner's Christian name worked into the centre of the broach. A name that just so happens to be my own name too. I must make sure to wear this broach as it will be the perfect finishing touch to my outfit.
Don't tempt me Curt ;) a plastic barrel motor trike might get me into all kinds of trouble.

The little MG should make for a nice project. My woodwork skills have got a little rusty over the years so it should be a good practice piece before I get stuck into building the Amilcar-Riley.
The MG is actually a pedal car, only I'm going to increase its size by around 45% or so to fit me better. I'm thinking about building pedal cars as a little cottage industry (well I do live in a cottage, so I've got a head start) to keep my hand in with using tools and a me sized pedal car would be a great advertisement for my project. 'Intrepid Pedalcars', remember you read it here first gentlemen :D

Except for the plastic barrel and the newer engine,it looks like it could have been a old build.

Love that pedal car,maybe use bike wheels with plywood disk rims? You never lose the woodworking skills. You just got to remember all the little tricks of the tread