anything on boy go fast

hey just wanted to throw in a update on the new chain i got for my bgf.....after upgrading to a 420-100 chain and its was about 5 links too short so now its got 2 master links........if i ever build another kit ill just throw away the chain that comes with it or save it for an emergency back up.....way way better chain and it ran under 10 bucks bought locally from a motorcycle shop........very good upgrade lest so far
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Hello, you need to take the clutch cover off and put some grease on the gears. They dont have a lick on em..That quieted mine down alot and i also cut an old pizza box up and put inside clutch cover to cut down on noise.
Also Ive gotta parts from him with no problems...I bought my motor kit from powerkingshop on ebay so far mine has been the best quality. It was a limited edition , i have ordered a kit from purplefaye off ebay for a neighbor and i wasnt impressed with the rusty tank and no fuel filter and supposed dual pull brake sticking with power kings .
First 66 I got from BGF never ran, wasted last summer dealing with the problems of getting it exchanged. I had to go into extended dispute with them. Dumb S*** let the shipped motor sit at a loading dock until it was almost sent back. The replacement motor fired right off. Then, just a few weeks ago, I was about 1/2 mile from my house when it started to buck and backfire then quit. Bad magneto coil. I ordered a 49 cc. I couldn't get it to fire. Tested the mag

I'm not even going to call him on this, I'll be selling my cheapaZZ Chinee crap to whatever sucker will buy them.

A brand new Morini S6 E is $419 from Herdan. At 3 HP not much more power than a Chinee motor but I'm betting they have more than 3 times the reliability.rmfla
I got a PK-80 kit from BGF for like 139 at the door. He responds to emails which is more than alot do, Just saying. All the parts were there, motor runs fine.
All these engine are like a roll of the dice " the good, the bad & the ugly " in my opinion, some may be a bit better than others but even the ones that seem to be real good can be great one minute and a hunk of junk the next, been there done that and so have many others here, that is just something that goes with the territory concerning these cheap china made engines and most everything else that comes from that part of the world.

They have no reason to improve the quality as long as we keep buying the stuff like it's going out of style, it's all about easy quick $$$$'s for them.

And we manage to have fun with the stuff so I guess even though it may be bad policy for us in some ways I guess it works out for the both of us, they get our dollars and we have cheap fun.........

If I wanted top of the line dependability I'd be going a different route, but for fairly good reliability these engine are ok if set up right and they happen to be a tad bit better quailty than the ones that die quick for whatever reason.
