O yes.. I think,, Think I remember now. You sent me parts for clutch hub and wanted them replaced under warranty. I did not stock those parts and offered to replace your whole motor under warranty and asked that you send me your old motor and once I received your old motor I would then send you a brand new motor under warranty. But.. You declined and asked that I just send your broken parts back to you. Was that it? Do I have it right now? Forgive me if I do not remember all the details being that I have a lot of customers. But I can tell you this. I take care of my Customers...... And Lately.. A lot that are not my Customers. I will not mention names, but I can say this, it is a name known in this thread. I have been getting a ton of Calls for help from Customers that did not buy from me. When I find out that they did not buy from me, I ask them why are they calling me for help on an engine or part that is not mine? I ask them why are they not calling the person they bought it from for help. The typical reply is, well... They do not answer their emails, or they never call me back, or.. They tell me.. I am going to buy from you or I did buy a sprocket from you and if I want to do any future business with them I better help them now. No kidding.. I get a bunch of these. I hang up at that point. I can tell you this. I provide support for everything we sell. We have been in Business for over 21 years selling product, engineering, design, and service. We have a crew of 5 and several are engineers with many many years of experience of service and support. So.. Remember this. We do not please everyone all the time. But we support our customers always. Our Customers are the best . Our Customers are number 1 !! Bottom line is this. I support the products I sell. I do not support the products sold by others. If you buy my products, I will support them. Thanks. Enjoy the ride..