anything on boy go fast

I shipped my defective motor and clutch lever back to BGF today. He also agreed to pay the shipping charge. I'll let you know when and if my replacement parts arrive and if he actually pays for the shipping charge.
BGF did reply to my request for a new coil modual! He said remove kill switch and try again... That pist me off, considering I was clear that I had gone thrue that, and much more accurate testing with voltmeter. The unit looked used when i got it. the wires looked like they had been melted together and had what looks like blue ink on them. After sitting a week to have machine shop open hole on sprocket to fit hub, I dont need any more delays. I let him know how i felt about it, and that I would be torching his service on this site. I got no reply. Why are their so many flakes in the world??
I shipped my defective motor and clutch lever back to BGF today. He also agreed to pay the shipping charge. I'll let you know when and if my replacement parts arrive and if he actually pays for the shipping charge.

BGF did keep his word and refunded the cost of shipping the defective parts back to him. I received the replacements in a timely manner. The motor has the 6mm head bolts instead of the 8mm that were on the defective one but so far the motor seems to run OK.
I'm still waiting on replacement parts from dax that were shipped back to him at my cost over a month ago. IMO BGF gets a thuimbs up for customer service and Dax gets a thumbs down. It seems like his new business ventures are taking presidence over his customer support. Just my opinion.
Let me play devil's advocate here. Some of the kit salesmen are just that kit salesmen they don't really do anything else with the kits. They sell you a product that takes some skill to install or some patience.

When I had my problems bgf sent me to the other forum because it was the only one. They helped me to trash the engine. It was not bgf's mistake, and there was nothing wrong with his kit.

that said at the time the only clutch lever available on any kit was the chromes piece of dog crap. I don't fault him for selling the same thing that everyone else was selling. It was still a piece of crap though.

It is the only kit I ever bought and after the bugs were worked out I'm pretty satisfied with it. Those kits are pretty much the same in my opinion.
hi dek; i found a new hook up for 2stroke engines and what appera to be quality parts. i bought a pull start 49cc for $99.00. they have many parts--76mm clutch $19.50...mitch
hey guys i just got my bgf kit im pretty happy with it but have yet to fire it.....having problems and i know its obvouis but i dont see how to connect the carb to the throttle cable.... im the kind of person if i dont know how it works i just dont touch it.....any suggestions would be welcome
compression is very good on the bike and clutch went togather fine.... i must say im proud of the chain its probably way too tight but i cut off about 3 inches to make it fit better and that was too much....after an hour of making inhuman sounds i finally got it to fit and im sure it will stretch......anyhow on connecting the throttle cable to the carb what is the secret?
I bought my first kit from BGF, and three others elsewhere, the BGF kit is JUNK. The large gear (clutch) has wobbled from the day I got it... sorry no more BGF for me....
hi dek; i found a new hook up for 2stroke engines and what appera to be quality parts. i bought a pull start 49cc for $99.00. they have many parts--76mm clutch $19.50...mitch

would you mind sharing with us where you found this 99 dollar source?

also i purchase atleast 6-7 kits from BGF for my customers, and i am happy to say that none of them have sent me an email saying it doesnt work. My kit is a BGF and its worked properly from day one, yes i have that cheesy clutch lever and it still works (i agree the lever should lock a little further in), no problems with fitting my muffler, yes i did get the cheap tensioner pulley (but i also paid the lowest price i could find for the kit), my throttle grip required modification to work properly (but what do you expect from someone that clearly states there is no warranty and has the lowest price).

i Don't understand why people are surprised, when you shop in the daewoo dealership and expect to drive off with a BMW rotfl.

His customer service does suck, but the price is right, and they ship the same or next day.

i would and will purchase from BGF again for now.
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Just bought some stuff from bgf, very fast shipper vs. not a very good packer. Bought the left side freewheel, Wider crank and pull start. The sprocket stuff loose in 1 bag, the crank stuff loose in another and again w the pull start and no packing material. Each bag contents rattling/banging against each other. The only thing "damaged" is the hub it looks bead blasted from the sprocket. Of course I don't know how shiny it was in the 1st place. Juries still out w/ me I'm gonna email him. Also I paid $43 shipping for that stuff and asked for a discount. He refunded $8 and sent it all in one box (I didn't get prior agreement so I took my chances). Just not how I do it!
i got a 2 stroke ("80cc") from powerkingshop from ebay,

i got the upgade one, save the extra $20-$30 and just get a normal one, and save the $20-$30 for an extra MAG, CDI, sparkplug and outher parts that will need replaceing.

the sprocket i got was not a crome one as listed, it was cheep. the muff looks like a horrable crome job(im just going to paint it black).

i put on my mounten bike with no problems(outher then i didnt have a strong enuff chain braker)

life is funny, it started with no problem, whent for a 10mile ride, and then next morning, it wont start!! turn out the mag was bad(after 10mile :eek:)

so i am waiting for a new CDI and a MAG to get it to start. (thanks DAX)

this forum is the best help for any motorbicycling person.

thanx (^)
Hey butch? What were the parts you sent me and wanted replaced under warranty? Let me know. Thanks..

I had sent you a broken throttle assembly and a presure plate that had the hole way off center. You offered to replace the motor because you couldn't find a replacement pressure plate but because I already had the motor mounted and didn't want to pay for additional shipping charges I declined the offer. At my request you sent a replacement throttle and returned the defective pressure plate. I did appreciate the offer to replace the motor and I was able to get another pressure plate from another motored biker so it all worked out OK.
BGF did reply to my request for a new coil modual! He said remove kill switch and try again... That pist me off, considering I was clear that I had gone thrue that, and much more accurate testing with voltmeter. The unit looked used when i got it. the wires looked like they had been melted together and had what looks like blue ink on them. After sitting a week to have machine shop open hole on sprocket to fit hub, I dont need any more delays. I let him know how i felt about it, and that I would be torching his service on this site. I got no reply. Why are their so many flakes in the world??

I purchased 2 kits from BGF and this is what the sprockets looked like. And what he had to say about them. I will use a different source for future purchases.

Quote: "the holes on the sprocket is for use on 9hole and 6hole( disc brake ) and 5 hole sprocket mounting. it can use on many ways."


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have you tried to use them at all? I don't see anything wrong with a universal style sprocket as long as they do indeed work and fit. After all this is a "univeral" motor kit.
have you tried to use them at all? I don't see anything wrong with a universal style sprocket as long as they do indeed work and fit. After all this is a "univeral" motor kit.

DUDE! did you not see the holes that open into each other. I'm not using anything like that. I will either weld them up and re-drill or get replacements. Either way, to call this a universal sprocket is a stretch at the least. It's a cop-out to RE-Drill 5 hole sprockets in old kits to try to sell them as UPGRADED. LOL rotfl
O yes.. I think,, Think I remember now. You sent me parts for clutch hub and wanted them replaced under warranty. I did not stock those parts and offered to replace your whole motor under warranty and asked that you send me your old motor and once I received your old motor I would then send you a brand new motor under warranty. But.. You declined and asked that I just send your broken parts back to you. Was that it? Do I have it right now? Forgive me if I do not remember all the details being that I have a lot of customers. But I can tell you this. I take care of my Customers...... And Lately.. A lot that are not my Customers. I will not mention names, but I can say this, it is a name known in this thread. I have been getting a ton of Calls for help from Customers that did not buy from me. When I find out that they did not buy from me, I ask them why are they calling me for help on an engine or part that is not mine? I ask them why are they not calling the person they bought it from for help. The typical reply is, well... They do not answer their emails, or they never call me back, or.. They tell me.. I am going to buy from you or I did buy a sprocket from you and if I want to do any future business with them I better help them now. No kidding.. I get a bunch of these. I hang up at that point. I can tell you this. I provide support for everything we sell. We have been in Business for over 21 years selling product, engineering, design, and service. We have a crew of 5 and several are engineers with many many years of experience of service and support. So.. Remember this. We do not please everyone all the time. But we support our customers always. Our Customers are the best . Our Customers are number 1 !! Bottom line is this. I support the products I sell. I do not support the products sold by others. If you buy my products, I will support them. Thanks. Enjoy the ride..
I ordered the pull start from BGF to use on my Powerking 80. It seems to be a tad too big and doesn't fit right. I tightened it a little too much and it broke.
I was satisfied with mine. Shipping was ok. The kit is good considering the cost. I had a problem with starting and they worked with me with e mails good.