anything on boy go fast

Hello, Im new here.

I got BGF kit about a week ago. Good price. Good shipping. "Typical" chinese quality.

My only real concern so far is the clutch throwout lever (the one on the engine) was poorly welded and will soon break because it is only "tacked" together. Although I am going to contact BGF about this, I might need another

Otherwise, the engine has worked okay, except for the muffler shooting out the baffle (common) which promptly got driven over, and that the locator pin in the main crank drive gear came out, causing the bike to loose all power on a test ride.

I bought a BGF kit a few weeks ago off ebay.

Fast shipping, low, low, price.

I wasn't expecting it to be as good as the kit we got from Chris at bike-to-moped, and it wasn't.

I don't care because most of the parts I won't be using anyway.

The rear sprocket was scrap. Otherwise everything looks good. I'm satisfied with their price and service.

just an update on mine.........after about 5 miles i broke the chain which is odd to me cause that chain is huge .... it may be user error though i took out about 3 inches of it and strung it ultra tight "had too cause i took off too much" and that may have weakend it a bit... really a bummer as it was just starting to break in and run smooth....well im off to find a chain
just an update on mine.........after about 5 miles i broke the chain which is odd to me cause that chain is huge .... it may be user error though i took out about 3 inches of it and strung it ultra tight "had too cause i took off too much" and that may have weakend it a bit... really a bummer as it was just starting to break in and run smooth....well im off to find a chain

check with lowes they sell half links, in that size or very close to that size. so you don't have to put it on super tight, you will find it in the hardware section. they also have the chain break tool in that section as well.
ive bought 2 engines and several service...i have 700 hundred on one and its fine other than changing out all the studs and far as the mufflers...the first one the cap kept coming off...i wieled it on...the second fit the muffler cap was tac wielded on...thank God...dennis
i think BGF just sell whatever kits he gets the best deal on. i just recieved one that has all crap components. crappy intake manifold, crappy muffler, multi pattern rear sprocket, and thinner motor mount bracket (the steel piece that's closest to the lock washers and nuts). I just hope the motor runs well, seems loose (thought i did have to free up a slightly sticking clutch but not a big deal) and put together properly. just cheap components to keep the cost down. but who else do you know can provide a "80cc" china girl for less than 150 shipped on a single piece?
Update: I won't be buying anything more from boygofast.

I wrote:

Hi, thank you for prompt shipment. I wanted to take this opportunity to give you some honest feedback directly. I bought 3 items (about $80)from you and asked in good faith for a shipping discount (I paid $43 s/h). You gave me an $8 discount, Thanks. However you shipped everything in 1 box loose in bags w/ no packing materials. The hub you sent me is pretty beat up from the sprocket banging against it and the cranks are scratched. Your shipping costs were < $15 so I paid you >$20 to throw my items in a box. I'm not new to ebay this is a new acct. I build show quality bikes and expect that when I buy new parts they will arrive in new condition. If I pay > $20 for someone to pack a box It should be professionally packed. I would encourage you to consider how this affects your business as well as mine. There is much discussion in the community about your business practices, some good, some not. I don't want to give negative feedback here or elsewhere. Please let me know your thoughts.

He Responded:

thank u email to me.
u r right.
the product we r selling is not high-end item. this item is for some one want to DIY.
and save gas and have fun.
few hundred $$ can make happy and save $$, it is worth.
u may notice we have the low price on the market.
if u we add shipping on top of the item ( make it as free shipping) ( no one will complain it)
even u will not want to combine on shipping
am I right.
more cost , buyers pay more. it is golden rules.
I don't want to buyer pay more. so we cut on many to save the $ for buyers.
feel free to reply

So I don't think he is malicious or anything, I just don't think we share the same quality standards. I was aware that I was buying Chinese quality parts but what I recieved was Chinese parts w/ scratches an such. Also it is clear that there is a language barrier but I'm not sure how to work around that efficiently. So it's just easier and worth a little $ for me to work w/ more customer service oriented businesses.
not to spam........but after some home work i think im gonna return my chain i got and get one of these - RK GB420MXZ Heavy Duty RK Drive Chain
i have no affilation with this company but this chain is made for 125 motorcross racing........not cheap but its local so no shipping.......i think 30 bucks at my local motorbike shop..........mabey this needs to be on the chains thread but its a bgf motor........which so far im very happy with "for the money" the petcock leaks.......need to find some way to fix that its the threading between the tank and the pet cock ........mabey silicon but would that get dissolved by the gas.......i dont want to "glue it perm" just make it not leak....
on the compression of the motor and came very well shipped with black muffler and fast........compression is such "and ive loaded trucks for alot of years" when i was trying to spin the tire with one arm "i farted" i weigh 200+ and if i try to start it on a dirt road it skids.......mabey i got lucky and got a good one........mabey he thought i was cool cause i didnt knock his lack of english i dont know........but so far very happy chain will go on in morning "tues"
ps the "selling point" of this chain is that its prestretched and heat nightmare is broken chain 15 miles from home........or 40 miles once i get it broke in good.......mabey im an optimast
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Update: I won't be buying anything more from boygofast.

He Responded:

thank u email to me.
u r right.
the product we r selling is not high-end item. this item is for some one want to DIY.
and save gas and have fun.
few hundred $$ can make happy and save $$, it is worth.
u may notice we have the low price on the market.
if u we add shipping on top of the item ( make it as free shipping) ( no one will complain it)
even u will not want to combine on shipping
am I right.
more cost , buyers pay more. it is golden rules.
I don't want to buyer pay more. so we cut on many to save the $ for buyers.
feel free to reply

So I don't think he is malicious or anything, I just don't think we share the same quality standards. I was aware that I was buying Chinese quality parts but what I recieved was Chinese parts w/ scratches an such. Also it is clear that there is a language barrier but I'm not sure how to work around that efficiently. So it's just easier and worth a little $ for me to work w/ more customer service oriented businesses.

Sounds like double talk BS to me....
I totally agree. And it's not the language barrier. It's the language barrier coupled w/ poor service. If he would have packed it right I wouldn't know about the language barrier. I just meant to say that it made a difficult situation more difficult.
You buy from one of the least expensive sellers and expect what? He communicates and does not do anything dishonest or misleading. Free shipping, no, but his packing is not much different than anybody else doing this as I have seen. I may try another soon but BoyGoFast has done fine for me.!! I have 2 complete 48 cc slant head kits, about a dozen piston rings, a 4 stroke frame mount platform and ball bearing pulleys all from him at different times and no bad deals.
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Lenny you're right. However this thread started because someone asked to read of others experience w/ bgf. I merely shared my experience; I don't typically complain about people and don't really think I am now. I've sold a lot on ebay and I hold myself and others to a higher standard of shipping, especially if I pay or charge handling fees. And that is the 1st time I payed anyone $20 to put a few items in a box. So that is my experience and those are my thoughts. Thanks, and forgive me please if in writing this I came off harsh 'cause I didn't intend on making a big deal about it.
Sounds like he's honest, not very well spoken and has the attitude of "You buy cheap, you get cheap, we keep prices cheap by being cheap".

That's kinda the whole shtick with these china built kits ya' know?
I don't think the guy is dishonest, just "sloppy" as far as business ethics is concerned. I don't think it's cheap that's the issue, I paid more for the kit I bought from BGF, than from another vendor, the BGF kit was packed very well (from factory).. but any subsequent inquiries have been responded to by similar "doublespeak" and never really answered any questions with a "clear" understandable response. This "language barrier excuse" is just that; an EXCUSE and, as long as we accept "excuses" nothing is going to change. I say it's BS..
I got my kit from him and was happy to receive my kit in one week and have 900 miles on it so far. I have purchased several other gaskets and such from them. They obviously do not have a very good grasp on english but at the time they were the cheapest so they got my money and no regrets.
I have zero experience with Boy go fast. I purchase my 49cc kit from Powerking in Canada. Many pros and cons on them so I've read. My dual line brake/throttle combo was cracked. Everything else worked and is 400+ miles going strong.