A typical day on the island


Well-Known Member
as alot of you know i moved to the virgin islands this past week and was nervous about it but here how my day has gone so far.
woke up early and went scuba diving for a few hours. saw an octopus and some really cool fish. water temps around 81 degrees
after that i went for a nice cruise along the north shore looking at the beautiful white sand beaches and watching the pelicans. i had an iguana about 4 foot long cross the road in front of me which was awesome.
i stoped at the store got a news paper came home and jumped in the pool for a while and now gonna take a nap. tonight around 20 of us are going out for dinner and drinks. just another typical day on the island. everyone that moves here has for one reason and that is to get away from the fast pace of everyday life and enjoy them selfs. i love it here
Return when you are out of cash.....how often do you have to work, or do they just call you at the bar when a loaded 747 is coming in? :D

This may explain the devil's triangle!

Stay away from all the brown women, I'll be there soon!

So - you have NOT mentioned motored bike riding. Whad' up with dat?
i dont work many hours lol. i will not tell you how many. rotfl i do not think i will run out of cash. it was about a 12 grand raise to come to an airport that only works as many planes in a day that i used to work in an hour and a half :D i got my bicycle here and waiting on my 4 stroke titan which i hope to have soon. my morning cruises to see the sun rise will be on the motorized bicycle. and will use it to comute to work and ride around the island. i have not seen rain yet but have heard it late at night. for some reason it dosn't rain here during the day. i been trying to think of what i miss in the states and i can honestly say nothing except my family but they will be visiting soon enough.

Seriously - My wife was born and raised on a warm sunny island. She won't go back. Too warm, too slow, to confining, too many ignorant people, etc, so she says......dunno, maybe I should live with her in the summer have a GF on your island for the winter!! (^)
you either love it or hate it no inbetween. i am 50 came here to slow down and bleive me things are slow here. you cannot be in a hurry or you will go crazy. i just laugh and find that part of life funny. i think the temps are perfect. i like living in shorts and sandles and have ac the pool or ocean if i want to cool down
Sounds like it's sure taking you a long time to adapt.:D I'm kind of a fast paced guy, I think the slow pace would make me CRAZIER.....................rotfl
Sound's like you are having a blast (^) What's the gas price on the island? I suspect it's gotta be higher then here.
Hearing about your new life kinda reminds me of that Cheech & Chong movie where they said they always wanted to be "Sun Gods in Paradise"! :D
We're pretty lucky here where we do all the oil drilling. We were only 3.79 yesterday. I was askeered to look today. Avgas was 5.15 at the airport this morning...........:D
Re: A typical day on My island

Well Crusier ya dog:D Im sitting @ the pool watching the babes wifi is So nice. Glad my laptop is heavy, won't say why :) I'm on the Texas Riverera aka
South Texas. Just made a run to the store and gas here is 3.79 a /gal. There must be a shortage of fabric in this part of the state because these girls have little on out here. The 1" T-Bone in the fridge is just about ready to put on the grill I have had it soaking in itialian dressing all night. Since we have mostly Mesquite here we grill with it a lot. Sorry your having a rough time getting used to your new homerotfl Time for a new beer, later Tramp(c)
i am nursing a hangover today lol. filled up tank today and it was 3.34 a gallon. well i am gonna soak in the pool. these hang overs suck when you get old :eek: