Weather in Rubicon has been chilly since last I posted. Got to the point of layering with long johns = 50's.
Still have to do a overhaul of the 110 hub before going back on the road to find out if all the monkey farting with a new engine port, polish, head deck, and 18Lb valve spring is worth the trouble.
Having a wife with cancer, and something different effecting her wellbeing just occurred. May affect everything, may effect nothing.
Holiday prevents a sooner visit for doctor consultations.
High priority in the coming week, reluctantly will be to get our estate in Trust.
Having been the Executor twice to manage estates, the latter. Nothing was put into Thrust, open to probate.
We are of the age, where waking up is a good thing, maybe.
Reply's expected..
Happy Memorial Day!
I had a ancestor in Grant's army standing at Appomattox court house at the dissolution of the rebellion.
Both sides of my family, Uncles did WWII. Dad's brother Vic was Army Air Corp in Hawaii Dec. 7. A few days from completing his service term. It was extended Vic and me, to rusty bolts in the same bucket. I miss him.
Memorial Day, and remember.