ocho ninja
Maybe one day I'll see you around and get to see it in person
Maybe one day I'll see you around and get to see it in person
Well it's coming together. Cutting those jackshaft plates with a jigsaw, drill, and angle grinder was a huge pita but I did it... Last time I ever do that. Next time will pay a machine shop whatever they ask to do it.
I just finished the spacings and just figuring out what direction the bearings and sprockets are pointing in relation to he plates. My final drive sprocket will be just outside of the two bearings, and the alignment for my pedal chain is off by about a quarter inch but I really don't give a damn at this point. The first gear freewheel is an ACS fat FW at 3/16" thick. If it fails I can swap it with the pedal freewheel which is a standard 1/8" and also 16t. Now it is time to straighten he bearings (they swivel in their friggin mounts!), break the chains and figure out what height and slack adjustment to set everything at. The problem with thing having too many adjustments is setting it up... Huge pita ahead!
looking good. Must be heavy. How much does it weigh?
Man, you have done some awesome work so far!
I have to second the idea that curtisfox has on having a steel supply house cut the plates for you. I once solicited quotes from a few machinist shops to have the center hole enlarged on a 44T chinagirl rear sprocket. The cheapest bid I received was $120.00.
Holy crap Batman! $120 to machine a $20 sprocket!?!
looking good. Must be heavy. How much does it weigh?
Nice job on your 2 speed. I was hoping I wouldn't be the only member who fabricated one from scratch. I would be interested in a three speed but 2 seems to be adequate once the shift point is established. Great looking bike, overall design is nice and strong.