212 build

With the jackshaft pictured above mounted on a bicycle, you would still need an additional jaclshaft for proper chain alignment, just like a CVT. The only other way to use it is to off-set the engine an inch or two to the right in the frame. Just a little heads up. With the AGK jackshaft, this problem is eliminated by it's design. There is a diff.

look at the last pic I posted then at the cvt backing plate you posted
the jackshaft plate is slooted because there is a chain from the clutch to the shaft that makes up the jackshft in that system now explain to me how a cvt backing plate can adjust the tension of the first chain!!!!!


like so...

You are correct, slotted for chain adjustment.

The CVT plate I pictured is the exact plate for the Comet Torq-Verter. It should work with a chain tensioner.
You really don't need a chain tensioner on the primary chain.....it's not going anywhere. Just add a half-link if it gets to sloppy.

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scotto, could you please pm me with some recommendations and advice for a relatively inexpensive transmission for the 99cc predator, I am not too concerned with top speed. I am looking for reliability, a wide range of performance with focus on climb, and I will be running a 44t rear. looking for a ratio around 9:1 for climb. just go ahead and pm me. thanks.
How's the 212 running in your bike? A lot of people are watching, as yours is the only 212 build I've seen on an aluminum bike.

How's your gearing working out for you?
How's the 212 running in your bike? A lot of people are watching, as yours is the only 212 build I've seen on an aluminum bike.

How's your gearing working out for you?

Flexman put one on his Felt Slater which is also aluminum framed.

I was going to put my 212cc hf engine on a workman.but it to small for that frame, so iam going to put it in a Electra retro runner.i hope I can do some.wee..wee.
I'm running a Briggs 3.5 hp,9 c.i. or 147cc. with a DIY jaxkshaft setup. 2 good pillow blocks-27.00 ea. 12" of shaft 8.00, max torque clutch-42.00, 2 gears for shaft-12.00 ea, 10' #35 chain-20.00. 4' #415 chain 15.00 . $129 is sounding pretty good now huh?
Getting ready to start finishing the build, I bought a chrome 1 gal. tank. I painted it dark candy red over the chrome. The chrome was very rough so I made it very dark. I'm painting the rest of the bike about the same with some black or silver accents.


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candy over chrome !!!
looks great (^)

back when I was still driving, my tow-truck was candy red over silver ;)
over chrome is way sweeter :)
candy over chrome !!!
looks great (^)

back when I was still driving, my tow-truck was candy red over silver ;)
over chrome is way sweeter :)

That had to be a sweet tow truck. I have a passion for candy red. My last paint on my bike was that. (I change it often.)


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Been working out details and bugs on bike. My first chain to jack shaft was too loose and I didn't plan for an adjustment. Tried to add a roller bearing tension er, but was always noisy on deceleration. Changing the driven sprocket from 10 to 9 teeth and using 1/2 link will work when links get here.
Using a headlight with an hid set-up, 35 watts vs. 55 watts for regular. Gonna try running a wheel driven generator to keep the battery charged with lights on.
Haven't been back in awhile. It rained every day here for about a month.Changed sprockets to 10:9 14:48. Still takes off ok, takes a little longer to wind out, about a block & a half, over 40 mph gps with the governor hooked up. cruises 30-40 comfortably. Hooked up an hid headlight and a big led tailight from a truck. Battery box on bars right now. want to use a wheel generator to keep battery up.
No pics yet. painted my fenders and working on gas tank. Need to weld in a plate for the chain tensioner and the kickstand lengthened.
Still working on it.
Old motorbike I would like to know where did u get that gps mount. One more thing that bike is good & tough.what are you runnin on your clutch? from the clutch to your jackstaft . What I mean is what spockets are you using on your jackstaft and chain size . Iam going to use some of my letover parts from my other builts:-||
Old motorbike I would like to know where did u get that gps mount. One more thing that bike is good & tough.what are you runnin on your clutch? from the clutch to your jackstaft . What I mean is what spockets are you using on your jackstaft and chain size . Iam going to use some of my letover parts from my other builts:-||

Right now the gps is velcroed to the bars and tie strapped. was velcroed to the tank.
Using #40 chain from 10 tooth to a 9 tooth on jackshaft (was 10). Then a 14 to 48 on wheel.
Ratio is a little high, but just what I want to cruise at low rpms.
Good success with your build.


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