The 'goat' wasn't fast enough to be concerned with aerodynamics" I can't tell one car from another."
One reason cars look so similar these days is aerodynamics.
The group that designed the 66 GTO wasn't too concerned about aerodynamic drag because they had 389 cubic cubic inches, 3 carburators and 11:1 compression to overcome it. Amen.
I feel privileged to have experienced the 60s and early 70s, though I was too young to drive.
-Zora Arkus Duntov was our King Arthur and Detroit was our Camelot.
-Harley Earl, Carroll Shelby, John Delorean, Smokey Yunick and the Woods brothers were some of the knights of his round table.
-I guess Ralph Nader would be Mordred. I'm still trying to figure out who would be Guinevere.
-Maybe Smokey Yunick was Merlin, rather than a knight. Hmmmm.
I think Shirley Muldowney could sit in for Guinevere.