Active Member
heres some pics of the hub, don't know if this is the right section for it, but since we don't have a hub section and some morini guys are using it i'll put it here for now. crap, pics are small. hit view and zoom to 400%
i'll try and get some better pics up, but for now i'll try and explain what i've found, i posted before that my hub broke and quit working, well after taking it apart i found nothing wrong inside. this thing is made very heavy duty and there are few moving parts, it should be able to handle lots of power. there is no direct conection of any of the parts inside, it all runs from fluid pressure of which there is only about 2 oz. of fluid. whats happening in mine is the fluid has over heated and broken down and can no longer work the hub, like an auto trans that slips from burnt fluid, the piece in the 3rd pic is kind of like a clutch pack, when the fluid thins out that part can skip from lack of pressure holding it against the plate it drive and it makes a skipping sound and the hub no longer works, if i put new fluid in this thing it should work again but will most likely soon over heat and kill the fluid again. the fluid does all the work and i need to find a way to keep it from over heating.
i'll try and get some better pics up, but for now i'll try and explain what i've found, i posted before that my hub broke and quit working, well after taking it apart i found nothing wrong inside. this thing is made very heavy duty and there are few moving parts, it should be able to handle lots of power. there is no direct conection of any of the parts inside, it all runs from fluid pressure of which there is only about 2 oz. of fluid. whats happening in mine is the fluid has over heated and broken down and can no longer work the hub, like an auto trans that slips from burnt fluid, the piece in the 3rd pic is kind of like a clutch pack, when the fluid thins out that part can skip from lack of pressure holding it against the plate it drive and it makes a skipping sound and the hub no longer works, if i put new fluid in this thing it should work again but will most likely soon over heat and kill the fluid again. the fluid does all the work and i need to find a way to keep it from over heating.
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