Cops: Man hit motorbike driver with shovel

Daily Herald | Cops: Man hit motorbike driver with shovel

I agree with the shovel wielder that the rider was probably horsing around. But still, a shovel??

The shovel wielder should be charged with attempted murder - a felony. Even if the motored biker was breaking the law, which at worst is still a civil/traffic offense. That's how the law sees it. We don't take the law into our hands, and God knows I've been tempted!
"Suped-up, home-made contraption" Clearly trying to put the blame on the biker, claiming we have no right to ride our bikes in the street. well, we do, the law says so. Furthermore, this guy had no business taking matters into his own hands. If the biker was truley being reckless, he should have called the cops, not confronted the man himself. I don't see his defense holding up in court. Hope he gets the whole ten years.
In my younger and more reckless years, I would drive my Nova as fast as I could down a very steep road. One weekend I must have driven down it to many times because one off the residents threw a rack at my car, luckily the windows where down and it landed in my back seat. Needless to say I learned a lesson and I still have the rack in the garage.
Suped up, home made contraption or man on motor bike. What do you think will sell more papers?

Not in any way condoning the actions of the shovel guy, he's an idiot, but I'd like to know a few things about the biker too. 1. Was his bike muffled properly? 2. Was he exceeding the posted speed limit? 3. Was he actually riding recklessly or just just making multiple passes up and down a residential steet? There's always two sides to any confrontation like this and all of us know, or should know, that our bikes can be annoying if used improperly. I seriously doubt that either party in this event was completely innocent. It's just extremely unfortunate that the news media was so ill informed as to describe the motorized bicycle in a blatantly derogatory manner. These kinds of things and the unfortunate event we all know that happened last week will be the biggest threat to the survival of our hobby
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"My client didn't hit the operator of that infernal contraption with his shovel, he just stuck it in front of him at the last moment and the 'scorcher' ran into it!"

"Whatcha in for? I shot 4 people at a liquor store"
"I uh, hit a moped rider with a shovel..."
"Man, you ain't even worth a whole pack o' smokes..."
I am glad mr. MILDER was not in my town,cause i know where he would be sleeping,and what he would be eating for the next 15 years.Harleys"X COP"Dad
this story happened 2 towns south of me and now i have to look over my shoulder cause of some idiot like this???? if it would of been me the guy who hit me with a shovel would of been hospitalized. ive already have had the cops called on me while breaking in my engine and testing out my bike by ***hole neighbors. but NEVER once did i try to be disturbing with it. my street has tons of people who fly down it blasting loud mufflers and no exhausts on their cars,or the ones who like to creep thru the neighborhood all slow blasting loud music out of their car like they are the ice cream man and never once do they call the cops on those people. agh! this story has me mad,i guess im gonna start carrying my pistol on me while i ride.
I'm with OutlawBiker however i like to take things to the extreme i think all IL MB riders should go to the 600 block of state st in st Charles and ride our bikes up and down this ****** bags street till he comes out and we all take turns hitting him with a shovel see how he likes it, us MB bikers need to stick together
i know outlawbiker would ride with me
whos with me???
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It's unfortunate that this incident has happened, it will somewhat tarnish the gas bicycle rider. There will be two lines of thought on this, the conservative side will conjure up with he got what he deserved, annoying, reckless biker. The liberal side will say it's outrageous he take matters into his own hands, and like most articles in the newspaper there kind of vague.
After reading the story from the newspaper, it made me think of a post on this forum I recently read, that this 70 year old guy was bragging about running his gas bike up and down his street with no muffler. This kind of behavior will turn your neighbors and other motorist against us as a group.
first off this guy on the bike was 44 years old, not 15 or 16.chances are if he was going up and down the street at 4:30 pm he was getting a feel for the bike or making adjustments and not trying to be unruly and as reckless as some might think.this is the Chicago suburbs and there really isn't anywhere else to drive or brake in our MB's without being on the street.regardless this is also state law that bicyclist have to ride in the street. so what if our engines make noise,so do cars and by law we have to share the street with them! so im sposed to stand out on my street with a shovel and hit peoples cars with it cause i can hear their exhaust system or i feel they are going to fast?????

so lets see,how would you approach this on your MB? maybe your concerned that your bike isn't running right and you want to make some adjustments before you go for a long ride and brake down in the middle of nowhere,so you ride up and down your street trying to make the needed adjustments while staying close enough to home to get your bike back if it brakes down and some whack job comes out of nowhere and takes you off your bike with a shovel or with any other object? how would you react? is it funny? this could happen to you,your kids, a friend and some people here want to condone this? this is ridiculous and entirely uncalled for!

if this guy was so pissed off about it he should of called the cops,its that plain and simple. instead of trying to play vigilante. in no way was this guy right or even justified for his actions. i can tell you from my experience with the legal system here, this guy is gonna only get probation,with a clean background and a first felony offense,hes gonna walk.if he was coming to my cell id make him my punk and that's all there is to it.
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ive read the story more than once and i prosonly think this guy should get the worst punishment possible i know if this had happened to me i would have propley ended up in jail this happend two towns south of where i live. i would love to go to this numb nuts house and straighten this bag of worthless maggot crap

have you seen this guy's pic? hes so god damn ugly he could be a modern day art peice

Daily Herald | Cops: Man hit motorbike driver with shovel

hoorah!!! semper fi