Cops: Man hit motorbike driver with shovel

i like to keep the cops right out of my affairs. Calling them myself would be a last, last resort. But I only know the UK and australia.....
The dude looks like a reject from "Happy Days" and should be put in the klink, The lawyer should be tared & feathered, and the biker jap slapped for letting someone with a shovel get that close to him to begin with.
horsing around out in the roadway? i thought he was on a motor bike.
next they will say that the guy on the bike came riding in the yard with a gun and the guy with the shovel was defending himself.

there is no way this can be justified. i am glad he did not hit him in the head.
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Yay for shovels, one of the most versatile tools ever. Shovel man had some serious cajones to get that close to a bike going fast enought to justify a smack. And if he was going so fast how come nothing is wrong with shovel man's shoulders?
That whole thing there is just a defense strategy by the attorneys. If the news paper report says Motorized Peddle Bicycle, then its just a regular MB. Nothing suped up about it. Al is totally right that guys shoulders/back/forelimbs would be tweaked bad from a full speed mb strike, so we can gather the man probably wasn't "speeding through the neigborhood" also I would bet he either swung that shovel and whacked him on purpose unless the other guy is just blind. I mean really would you keep riding and play chicken with a shovel or turn slightly and avoid it? Now if he was running a loud pipe it might have been annoying but just because someone or something is annoying doesn't give anyone a right to hurt them. If it was really that loud the police could have been called and the 44 yo guy would have had a noise infraction, and probably get a quieter pipe.
Personally Mr. Milder if I saw you try to hit me with a shovel I'd be the one going to prison because I would wipe the sidewalk clean with the side of your face! POS
Bottom line for me is MB or not, the guy attacked and hit another human being with a long stick with a metal and sharpened end. A good mid evil weapon if ever there was one. I for one hope he is an unpleasant cell mate who drops the soap.
no business being with that contraption.
He forgot the word "infernal".

Why do I get the feeling that this is Mr. Milder's lawyer?

"Suped-up, home-made contraption" Clearly trying to put the blame on the biker, claiming we have no right to ride our bikes in the street. well, we do, the law says so. Furthermore, this guy had no business taking matters into his own hands. If the biker was truley being reckless, he should have called the cops, not confronted the man himself. I don't see his defense holding up in court. Hope he gets the whole ten years.

Right on Butch!!! You took the words right out of my mouth!!!

I'm glad I'm not the one hit with the shovel I'd be in jail right now for homiocide.