Cops: Man hit motorbike driver with shovel

This shovel incident occurred 8/01/09 does anyone have information of the justice if any was served in this assault. By now it would seem enough time has passed for this matter to be settled in the courts.
In my younger and more reckless years, I would drive my Nova as fast as I could down a very steep road. One weekend I must have driven down it to many times because one off the residents threw a rack at my car, luckily the windows where down and it landed in my back seat. Needless to say I learned a lesson and I still have the rack in the garage.

a rack of what? You put things on a rack, you throw a rock:-||:-||:-||
Many years ago I used to race and build dirt bikes..motocross and enduro..I used to ride along the railroad tracks near my house. It did have a lot of houses backed up to it and by bike had a Bassini pipe (expansion chamber) and was pretty loud. One day this guy was standing on the trail with a shovel cocked backed over his shoulder. I stopped and we had words, did a few wheelies closer. I guess he figured I was ready to run him down,which I was , and lowered the shovel and walked back to his house. I went on my way but figured maybe the noise of my bike was maybe to much for these older folks that lived along these railroad tracks so I found a new place to practice..Now days , I am an old man and more considerate but I do carry a pistol at all times. Any way you look at it , someone coming at you with a shovel is attempted murder , nothing more needs to be said.
Shovel is a perfect tool, kill some body with it and then you can bury them... Any one ever watch the History Channel Modern Marvels, the shovel one was fascinating, I did not think shovels could be so cool.