Need Torture Test Ideas!


Master Bike Builder & Forum Sponsor
I rode a lot today.....over hill and dale......jackshaft is working well....I shift it a lot, lots of times under FULL throttle. No clutch - just shifting like an ape. THIS IS NOT RECOMMENDED - :eek:IT'S AN ABUSE TEST:eek:

Anyone got any ideas how I can really abuse this thing more? (aside from hammers, bullets, and thermonuclear devices)
Yeah, hold the front brake tight, throttle it up and drop the clutch....hopefully inducing wheel hop. If that don't tear it a new one, nothing will.

Wheel hop, the great desroyer!
Yeah, hold the front brake tight, throttle it up and drop the clutch....hopefully inducing wheel hop. If that don't tear it a new one, nothing will.

Wheel hop, the great destroyer!

Well I have been dropping the clutch - a LOT - but I have the grandma gear on....and it's just a torque beast....not a lot of wheel spinning or hopping, just torquing away - it is great on grass and dirt.

Seriously, I think the bike parts are more to worry about than the jackshaft kit.

Well - that is my point in a way, folks are concerned their bikes might be damaged. So far my 20 year old bike is not complaining. Wish I had better brakes though!!
what kind of speed you getting with your gear shifting motorized bicycle?

I wear my sunglasses when I ride because my eyes tear up!! And I have lowest gear set on. It's really fun to do a hole shot on the street, tear a corner in 3rd, hit 4th and be ripping and knowing two more gears to go, 5th - blimey 30 something.....6th..........FAST. The speedometer was on test bike #1, I've been riding #2, Ghost0 just finished test bike #3. He has the moderate production gear on that one, so it should be faster, but I don't think the engine is 100% broken in (maybe is though)....we hooked the speedo on that bike. So we shall see.
Uh, I've got this nephew. If it would survive him it will take anything. I bet you could find a 15 year old around there somewhere thats just like him..............:D:D
Hmmmm....Ramp jumping and off road possibly would be hard on man and machine!


I agree with Andrew you need to get the back wheel off the ground while at speed. Like going over a small bump, well to the point where you here the motor revs up a little so you know you broke ground. The way that looks built from the pictures though I think your going to hurt the engine or yourself more than your going to hurt the jackshaft kit.
I rode on some high speed harm.....and the back wheel was hopping...
I did. Gas went everywhere and fuel line popped off carb. No big issue.

So far the only problems:

On one sprocket both set screws came out. I didn't have them super tight, and the manual will recommend Loctite.

The other issue I decided to pedal up my driveway, rather than use the gas (I can easily go up that hill now), and my rather loose bike chain popped off. (My own idiocy - I need to take a link or two out))
here's a torture test idea: drop a large adjustable wrench against the plastic chain guard that comes with the kit. i predict it will shatter like mine did.
here's a torture test idea: drop a large adjustable wrench against the plastic chain guard that comes with the kit. i predict it will shatter like mine did.

I had a guy break his on some rocks.....while going up a 30° incline.
Jeez, so this kit will climb a 30 degree incline?! Thats gonna be great for the offroading I want to do with mine.
The optional 9 tooth gear will be available soon! (all kinds of small print about you are on your own if you go off road, etc)