Reserve your Jet engine kit!

thats wicked. just thinkin about it i havent read any legislation over here in down under saying no jet powered bike :P.

and it doesnt have any cc so the skys the limit.
interesting to see what happens
good luck
Mine and dan's thoughts exactly!! Of course there are always reasons and i doubt its because they forgot to mention it in parliament, i imagine its more the fact its never been thought practical or realistic! lets see how long it takes them to catch up eh! hehehehe
Heres the 360 rotation.

hey tigertooth, are you saying this bike is possible to make . The one in the rotating picture is incredibly sexy, but it doesnt look anything like your engine at the start of this post. If you can actually make that engine in the rotating picture work . I will be one of those standing inline to purchase it , even if your company isnt Here(USA).

it would be pretty funny and worth the money just to see people's faces as you hit the burners and that jet sound emitted from your bike . lol
Anything is possible my dear Commander! The engine featured was changed "in translation" however it is entirely feasible it would work. Will be building and testing both designs. I have a feeling however, the one featured will need starting prior to hopping on, the other we're hoping can be started whilst in motion as its a self aspirating engine. The one featured i fear would need a blast of compressed air to get going....time will tell, time will tell.....
awesome tiger, hope you and your team get this engine up and running very soon since interest is high right now. I really like how the engines are mounted also. just makes the bike look very hi tech
Flaming crotch rocket, ignited by the finest cigars and sounds like the heat in your shorts.
lol Pablo, but the only true advantage i see with these engines is the size of them. not sure if they would stay on all the time like a normal engine ? But if they were quiet and small I think there is a market for them.
I know that is just a concept but you might want to conceptualize some disc brakes on there instead of those caliper ones because they won't be any good at all stopping that bike.
lol Pablo, but the only true advantage i see with these engines is the size of them. not sure if they would stay on all the time like a normal engine ? But if they were quiet and small I think there is a market for them.

Small yes, quiet, probably not

what kind of fuel pump and ignition system do you have in mind? am very interested in this, later frank

The original idea was to have a motorcycle fuel pump and the engine running on gasoline or methanol/ However its looking more like propane. Will ultimately be offering a choice.

I know that is just a concept but you might want to conceptualize some disc brakes on there instead of those caliper ones because they won't be any good at all stopping that bike.

Thats highly advisable! would like to make it clear we will not be selling the fully built bikes, just the kits.