the $200- includes the actual engines or will i have to buy them from a R/C supply house?
this would be wicked to build a wing system/ quasy rocket belt/ejection seat for the bike!
now couldnt you use the standard twist throttle for mechanical controll or is their a degree of electrical contoll as in fly by wire?
If its a electrical fly by wire setup then why not just go with the line of Texas instruments MSP430 micro controllers for the whole setup. I know a very reputable electronics company i used to work for that would be more then happy to provide afordable R&D and fabrication of the controllers. just feel free to give me a ping at mdklegin at yahoo dot com.
Well obviously it seems that you have gotten something other than the glass jar to work...let's see it! Have you tested to see how much push force you can get from it?
Thrust is something that we need to get right. This size of engine isn't gunna take you to the moon, but at the same time we don't want an engine that'll catapult people to literally break neck speed. We guesstimate 8lbs - 10lbs to be sufficient but this will only become apparent when the prototype is tested. Patience my friend, you'll be punching sound waves soon enough!