Not as fancy as some replicas but still a fun build.
Not much I can do for a build thread as I do not take many photos and no vids. however here are a few photos I have. This was a 26" frame but cut it down to 24" due to my short stature.I love that its a "convertable" like my POPE. Looks fantastic! Need a build thread on this one because very little of what I see here looks off the shelf.
The mags for this are scarce, I am looking for a back-up. The capacitors in this model are known for failure due to age.I love that engine! Do you happen to have any more magnetos? I need one for my project.
I have noticed that because of the low RPM, to get 2-1/2 HP you need good torque. And you notice the great torque on hills.I've a friend who prizes the old Gravely and has rebuilt garden tools of all types powered by them in his collection, but none are ever for sale...sadly.
Yours is the first Gravely I've seen on a bicycle frame, though one was mounted on a Simplex frame and that looked and sounded awesome. It also sold a couple of years back reportedly fetching more than $10,000. Though they are rated at low horsepower, the horses are Clydesdales not Shetlands...huge torque & pull a load at idle!
Video may still be up on youtube.
Rick C.
Indian22 Thanks for the linkI have noticed that because of the low RPM, to get 2-1/2 HP you need good torque. And you notice the great torque on hills.
The mags for this are scarce, I am looking for a back-up. The capacitors in this model are known for failure due to age.
Well I know why they stopped making this one, We went to war against them! LOL It then became American Boschbummer. The bosch style magnetos are so useful. I wonder why they stopped producing them?