New Huasheng won't break 22mph, why?


New Member
I'm having an issue with my huasheng 4stroke stock with 44t pinapple rear sprocket. Old one was great, hit about 28-35mph on the regular, slight knocking once in a while on inclines. New kit won't clear 22mph but runs smooth. Would like to hit 30 again though. First, everything ,bike and all kit setup is the same, but the new HS transfer case is a dual chain from bike berry. The old one was a single chain, didn't think it would make that big a difference. I got a flex poopoo exhaust and 40t rear hub sprocket, only increased from 20mph to the now 22 mph Max. Do the engines vary that much? Could it be just the dual chain trans vs the single. Any help to what would cause that mph difference would be great?
Well you need to break it in! a brand new engine has no compression. Break it in hard after a complete warmup; the first 10 miles are critical. Change your oil after the first 10 miles. Run regular oil for the first few oil changes, absolutely no synthetic.

Those engines are crap. Could be you got lucky with your first one. I knew a guy that went through two of those motors and only ever topped out at 28mph.
Any other advise about break-in. This is where I am so far...
-250 miles clockes now
-using only bike berry break-in oil so far,
First change was at about 15-20 miles
Second change at 100 and 3rd at 200.
- haven't full throttled for more then 10sec maybe 8 or 9 times total, I was advised to vary the speeds but mostly at quarter to 3 quarter throttle.
I've been gentle on engine use and the torque feels fine. Is there any indication of when the engine is ready? Is it time to go for the normal oil I used before? Thanks
Honestly... just get on it & ride it like you stole it!! (^)

If you want it to go faster, you can install a 2-stroke carb & manifold kit & also drill out the exhaust pipe
Riding it like you stole it ensures the best possible ring seal...
Lol can't tell if your being sarcastic. Although my last Huasheng on this same bike with stock everything moved fast and I rode it pretty hard. It was used though so no idea how it was broken in. Some one said newer Huasheng are governed, I thought that was a myth?
Well I stripped it down and mixed parts with my old build. So far what seems to have been the barrier of 22mph is the old cdi let's the engine rev past 6800. Hitting 25 now but seems timing is off and stlls starts to chop up in the high end. Any advise? With epa rev limit gone I think it might be valve or jet now but I read if the cdi was limited the fly or cam may have a spec issue. Idk. 25 is fine, as long as it's strong and stable. Wish HS still had the old specs from pre 2015. Those parts are harder and harder to find and I don't know other 4strokes like I know this one, maybe it's time to let go of the nastalgia and find a better engine.
The dual chain transfer case from bikeberry is a 5:1 if i'm not mistaken while your older tc is most likely a 3:1, so you should notice an increase in torque to the wheel with a decrease in top speed. If you want your speed back get a smaller rear sprocket. At a 20:1 overall ratio I'm seeing 35mph with the ungoverned magneto.
Edit: you'll also need to put the old flywheel on with the older magneto, it's timed 20° off from the new one.