I've been watching this thread for a few days... It's really bad for everyone when someone gets hurt on one of these things & I strongly advise that you get a better bike than a Huffy for a 212cc engine!!
I did a little searching & found this for you...
It's a much stronger bike for that engine & will also be worth a lot more money when you try to sell it... (& don't forget to buy a good front brake for it).
I also did a little research here on Oregon laws... It seems they're very strict on these bikes & having such a large engine on a bike will probably lead to endless bad encounters with the law... any cop that pulls you over with that CA plate on it will instantly call BS on you & make you register it in your own state... (which you won't be able to do).
Your best bet is to install a small 49cc engine, lights, mirrors & a horn & try to legally register it as moped in your state.