Racing pictures & info for 10/17/15

Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Mar 20, 2008
Los Angeles, CA.
I want to start this thread for the racers (& spectators) of the last race on 10/17/15 at Grange to post any pictures or info (such as race results).

I'm going to go through my pics & post them later tonight.

Please share what you have here... Thanks! (^)


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2010
Southern California
Saw some awesome racing Saturday along with the old crowd and a bunch of new racers. The karts and gopeds were a real treat for me as I missed a couple of years attending these events.
I didn't race but I took my good friend Jeff and his son Wyatt to race my 24'' bike.

He rides dirt bikes all the time, but had to admit pavement is a whole different world. Wyatt adapted quickly and made pretty good lap times warming up before the heats.

The carb loosened up and was trying to fall off, so I had to reinforce the connection with a Dr. Pepper can wrapped around the vinyl sleeve with zip ties holding it onto the cylinder. I traded some of my short ties with Andy for longer ones. I originally wanted to sign him up in the beginner class but being a 4 stroke, we were put in the 4hp midrange. I'm glad because he was able to race the full track and held his own well. He made it through the heats fine. My bike was a big hit and ran well all day. Several people came by my pit and wished Wyatt luck.

The ten lap final was going well until Wyatt crashed half way through. He has some pavement rash and scratched up the bike a little but totally enjoyed racing and can't wait for his dad to build him a bike for the next event.

We loaded up and left right after that because Wyatt was going fishing and had to make it to the boat. He's 13 and keeps real busy with lots of activities.

Thanks Neil for another fun event and it was great seeing everyone again.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2010
SoCal Baby!!!
Huge thanks to everyone that showed up on Oct 17th to make one of the best races ever! :D

Great to see the long time racers as well as a lot of new racers coming together for an awesome fun weekend at Grange Motor Circuit.

Motorized Bicycle Racing is alive and well in Socal. dnut

We had a local guy come to take a lot of pics. You can see some of them and more here:

Actually there were quite a few racers attending not in this group shot taken
after the riders meeting on Sat.

I got to Grange on Friday 16th before 1pm to find a really big crowd already there and to have a shower come down.
There were 3 brief showers during the day with the track drying off fast and everyone getting back out to practice.

No rain in the evening and overnight with excellent weather all Saturday raceday.

The weather gods were smiling on us!

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Active Member
Dec 4, 2010
lakewood ca
i'm sure the rain washed the oil off the track and made for some good times. i was excited to attend, but my grandson had a water polo tournament that day. see you guys next time. keep it up neil! dennis


Custom 4-Stroke Bike Builder
Jun 3, 2010
Ridin' inSane Diego, CA.
Here are the unofficial, official Results from the Race @ Grange Motor Circuit October 17, 2015

Neil Senior‎ to Socal Motor Bicycle Racing
2 hrs · Los Angeles, CA ·
FINAL RESULTS Oct 17th 2015:
Midrange Class: 10 lap Final:
1st #79 Gilbert
2nd #3 Scotto 1st 4 HP under class
3rd #444 Killian
4th #38 John
5th #0 Mike
6th #888 Bill Kelton
7th #43 Dan
#98 Nashmoto DNF
#59 Andy DNF
#21 Wyatt DNF
GoPed Hard Tire:
1st #316 cupcake
2nd #57 Derek Short
3rd #26 Collin
4th #388 Jason P
5th #27 Shaun B
6th #52 Cody S
7th #74 Alex P
8th #724 Jeremiah
Beginner China girl:
1st #108 Sander Sindell
2nd #73 Jason Winkler
3rd #2014 Anthony or #77 Jacob ??
4th #127
5th #951 Jim Castro
6th #261 Kevin Harris
7th #124 Shaun Davis
8th #154 John Davis
9th #634 Carlos
10th #72 Andrew C
11th #148 Marquis
GoPed Air Tire:
1st #1 Derek Short
2nd #57 Dan Cicileo
3rd #388 Jason P
4th #93 Alex R
5th #2 Steve
6th #85 Alex P
7th #69 Cody M
8th #13 Jamie C
9th #316 cupcake
10th #517 Carlos
11th #305 Jonathan
12th #52 Cody S
13th #54 Gab
14th #74 Albert C
Novice & Expert China girl:
1st #40 Ryan B
2nd #68 Norm Neal
3rd #52 JNMotors
4th #108 Sander Sindell 1st Novice
5th #71 Tony R 2nd Novice
6th #54 Gabriel 3rd Novice
7th #98 Nashmoto 50 cc 4 stroke
8th #808 Dan Kelton 4th Novice
9th #72 Tim 5th Novice
10th #130 Mickey 6th Novice
DNF #59 Andy Casarez Expert
1st #007 cupcake
2nd #138
3rd #388
4th #2 Steve
5th #57 Dan Cicileo
6th #74
7th #411
8th #42
9th #41
10th #517
11th #52
12th #88
13th #44
14th #59
15th #00
16th #88
1st #3 Scotto
2nd #86 Craig eMotoped
3rd #19 Brandon Moped
4th #187 Jake
5th #144 Killian
ULTIMATE RACE: Gopeds & Motorized Bikes:
1st #1 Derek Short Goped
2nd #3 Scotto Bike
3rd #93 Alex R Goped
4th #72
5th #57 Dan Cicileo
6th #388 Jason P
7th #19 Ryan Lewis Moped
8th #85
9th #13
10th #69
11th #27
12th #951

Thanks to everyone who participated and attended this fantastic event!

#3 scotto-


Active Member
Jul 29, 2012
Central Illinois
It certainly does look like a good time.

I'm not capable yet of building a bike that could compete. But I could enjoy being a spectator.

If I didn't live two thousand miles away, that is. Oh, well......


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2010
Yep looks like a freakin blast. I was looking at the group picture and have a ? Who is the guy on the far right with the Handlebar mustache?


Custom 4-Stroke Bike Builder
Jun 3, 2010
Ridin' inSane Diego, CA.
Awesome pics Scott!! (^)
Thanks Norm, my Son Neil took those with his GoPro assortment....unfortunately I didn't have time to set up my inferior cams :D

Maybe next time...

Wild Bill (and Son Dan), Nashmoto, Gingi & Ody sure got some great footage and pics of the action!

And a HUGE thanks to Neil and sponsors for making this event the super fun racing scene that it has become. Keep up the good work and don't get discouraged.......patience is all it takes (and money, time, as well as communication).....hang in there!


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Los angeles
Hey Everybody,

I don't have any action photos, but I could not resist getting a shot of my bike and the awesomely large trophy I picked up on Saturday. I know these little bike/goped/gokart races are a bit silly, but I am damn proud of finally being able to win one of these! I have been attending the races since 2012 and have got close, but never was able to snatch the 1st place spot.

I need to give a big thanks to Andy and Brian for not being able to finish, if you two or Chris were at the finish line, I am sure I would have been behind you, you guys are fast and draw some quick lines around those turns.

I also want to thank Neil and whoever donated all those huge trophies, that was a very impressive award table.

I had a few mechanical problems along the way. My rear coaster brake seized in practice, thus twisting and bending my brake arm like a pretzel. I spent the rest of the morning before heat 1 getting the hub apart, hammering the brake arm back to relatively straight and re-packing the bearing. I had to also re-true the back rim. A bunch of spokes were super loose causing it to be way out of true. I made it into heat 1, but halfway through, my pedal chain popped off leaving me with no back brake and a rubbing chain.

In heat two I didn't even get to turn one, the pedal chain popped off again while pedaling at the start. The chain was too loose. I fiddled with my belt and chain tension and got it together during lunch, then took one last test run and after that my spokes were loose again. Reworked all the spokes and crossed my fingers for the final. The old jalopy held up for that final. I managed to get into 2nd place after Andy ran out of gas, then I found myself catching up to Brian (Nashmoto). That seemed odd, I have never been able to do that. On one of the laps I noticed him being noticeably slow on the straight, later I found out his clutch was failing. Suddenly I was in the lead with a few laps to go, I was then passed a couple laps before the end, but it ended up being a bike with an engine belonging to the unlimited class, so I was handed the win.

So it wasn't pretty, but I am claiming that 1st place and am really proud of my briggs powered racer. Flatheads forever!

Thanks again for everyone who participated, it was a really good turn out this time.




Custom 4-Stroke Bike Builder
Jun 3, 2010
Ridin' inSane Diego, CA.
I wish I had my helmet or chest cam while breathing down Gilberts neck in Midclass heat1 or 2.......he'd turn around with eyes as big as half dollars. The look was priceless as I think he was amazed a 99cc slowboat was on his tail ;)

That was some really fun racing!