Very Slow Fuel Flow


New Member
I have always noticed that when I open the fuel valve I don't get a stream of fuel, just a drip to the filter. Today when I was riding it ran out of fuel and died. There was plenty in the tank, so I waited (about 15 minutes) for it to drip enough to the filter and rode home. I pulled the valve off to see if the little internal screen was plugged. It was perfectly clean. I went ahead and removed it since I am running a good inline filter thinking that would solve the problem. Put the gas back in the tank, opened the valve and just get a slow drip to the filter. Whats up with that? Do you guys get a steady flow to the filter. I'm thinking of getting a better valve, but not sure it thats the problem. Oh this is with the standard tank with the vented cap.

Are you sure your cap is venting? How does it flow with the cap off? If it still will not flow with the cap off I'd say go ahead and replace it. SBP has a cool one...
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Mine when I first turn it on I barley see any fuel flow out, sometimes none at all. But once I fire the motor up you can see it flow, So far I have had no problems.
Are you sure your cap is venting? How does it flow with the cap off? If it still will not flow with the cap off I'd say go ahead and replace it. SBP has a cool one...
Sick Bike Parts Products

Mine when I first turn it on I barley see any fuel flow out, sometimes none at all. But once I fire the motor up you can see it flow, So far I have had no problems.

It doesn't make any difference with the cap off. I think I will go ahead and order one of those from SBP. Those look pretty sweet. I need a couple other small parts anyway.
Thanks FR, We will be in Az. later this week, can't wait, haven't seen either of my sons for over a year.

I have never really taken a close look but I wonder if you can get those apart and maybe get them to flow better. Hmmmm... something for me to do tomorrow.
They said we would have rain this week..and maybe snow on Tuesday. But then again, I have heard that many times and had nothing but sunny days.

It has been nice and warm for the past few weeks
DO you think you could have a blockage in the gas tank right at the point where the fuel line hooks up. Take your gas tank off the bike make sure it is empty and use an air gun to blow air through the fuel line hook up to get anything out of the way. Couldn't hurt to try it out.
you might need to find the sweet spot on the fuel valve some need to be tweaked or opened just so to get a good fuel flow.
you might need to find the sweet spot on the fuel valve some need to be tweaked or opened just so to get a good fuel flow.

Thats a very good point Norman, mine if I do not get it in the right spot it will not shut the fuel off.

If I have the lever pointed away from the bike, it will still drip, if I point it toward the bike it shuts it off completely.
Most fuel valves flow with the lever pointing up at the tank & down at the carb; but some valves only flow fuel in one of these positions! Check it??
i disassembled my stock petcock (i love that word) when having the same issues. I found that the rubber gasket inside was poorly molded and particles were actually stuck in the inner openings of the valve. the way the stock valve flows is very odd. I posted some pics of the internals. I replaced my valve from the local lawn mower shop for 4 bucks but i had to retap the threads..


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    Jan 07 2009 - VID00002_1.jpg
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I assume you have a Happytime valve. I got tired of leaning out on top and went to the lawnmower shop for a $6 shutoff with a screen. I have an inline also. The HT valve looks like a gas chromatography sampling valve. Just a lil bitty scratch. I guess one could open it up with a Dremel, but why bother? A 1/8NPT tap goes in nicely. Be sure and slosh out the cuttings. My HT tank for my 20" B&S Schwinn was delivered today but the wife didn't make it in time to sign and Fed Ex will try again Tuesday. DANG IT, Also my ally HT clutch handle with a lock button for the HT. The B&S gets a settling bowl with a built in needlevalve.
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One more thought- if you have a rubber seal, replace it with Viton as the ETOH-bearing gasoline is swelling the Norton and AJS cocks shut.
The 1/8" NPT mini ball valve like SBP sells is the way to go.

I've had factory petcocks that were fine. I've had them not flow. I had one that wouldn't shut off!

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