Caliper brakes on a motorized, NO WAY BRO, They work loose at the mount bolt And that same bolt will SNAP under constant 30mph abuse. I tried to tell my shop manager about them, His reply was, I'm only gonna use em untill I find better ones, He got better ones sooner than expected when the entire assembly wound up in his spokes. He's a believer now. Cantilever or V brakes, either one works Ok for motorized. Calipers are fine on a regular kids bike. I learned my lesson the first 6 months into building motorized bikes. The first time one fell apart on me. And by the way, they were Dia-compe's. and no argument here about disc being best.I like V brakes best also and I have one old MTN bike with the canti lever brakes that is OK.
some of my bikes are just set up for the Caliper Brakes which do a good job if they're good quality C Brake units and you use good quality shoes on them.
I just ordered this set for one of my bikes just a few minutes ago, these are good ones and at a good price.
KC is dead on right, a front and rear C brake is way better than none at all and will do a much better job than an old wore out K-Stop coaster hub only like comes on a lot of the big box store bikes.
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