NFL Football 2014

Bitter sweet game for me today....

I'm a fan of the Packers and the Hawks, I'm an athlete follower more than a team follower and I like several fellas on each of these teams, I lean more to the Packers since Arron Rogers could pass for the double of one of our sons, his name is Jeff so when Arron pulls off and excellent play or pass in the game I always tell my wife that Jeff is doing real good in the game, she wont watch sports with me so I just update her like this to make her feel just a little bit of a part of what I'm doing when i watch football..LOL!

So I have to say GO....! PACKERS...!

But if the Seahawks win I'll be happy form them also, Packers are gonna have a very tough job ahead of them today and I'm not really sure they can pull off a win with Arron having the bum calf, it should be a good game either way.
... So I have to say GO....! PACKERS...!

But if the Seahawks win I'll be happy form them also, Packers are gonna have a very tough job ahead of them today and I'm not really sure they can pull off a win with Arron having the bum calf, it should be a good game either way.

Those damn Seahawks... Erggghhhh....

That was one heck of a good NFC championship win over the Packers in overtime yesterday though.
If you left when Green Bay had the ball and lead with ~4 minutes left on the clock you missed the game.

The Colts were a no-show in New England, the Patriot's made the AFC championship game look like a highlight reel for themselves.

It should be a good superbowl here in a couple of weeks.
Seattle Seahawk's vs. New England Patriot's

I am feeling rather Patriotic about that game hehe ;-}

About Team City Names

A team can call itself whatever it wants to, the location part is just a geographic fan inclusion and rivalry element, and as we all know, teams move.

For example we were the Phoenix Cardinal's for awhile but the team couldn't draw enough paying audience so they included everyone in the whole state and changed to the Arizona Cardinal's.

In states like California with multiple NFL teams they narrow the geographic area to bigger cities or regions.

What I am waiting to see is the SoCal Anythings.
Ohh wait they have that, the San Diego Chargers hehe ;-}
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Yep I'm feeling purdy Patriotic also....

I'm not feeling so Patriotic lately...
Getting an edge in sports is crucial, manipulating the ball regardless of the sport however is against the rules for a reason.

I'll just look at the game as Pro Bowl II and enjoy the play.
Maybe play some $1 Squares, then there is something to root for, the score numbers.

I like the new Pro Bowl format, did you notice the skinnier goal posts?
That is supposed to be coming next year.

Bummer about the rain coming in tonight (Thursday) and expected to stick around until Saturday afternoon, it's messing with all kinds of things going on here this week.
I have $20 riding on the game, a 10 person board that pays $200 on final score, I did draw a decent number, I got 0 so if both teams scores end in 0 or the last two numbers in the combined score equals anumer ending in 0 and yeah..babies....I win....!!!

Not a big investment, but I'm ok for chancing $20 with the potential for making an $80 profit.

Especially when I drew such a good number.

Rain suppose to set in here in Texas starting Friday evening and last through weekend, gonna put a damper on my plans working on a bike some, no test and tune just tinkering on the inside if the temp isn't to low, if its cold ill just be hanging out in the house with my little wifely and kicking back.
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I've come to the conclusion over the course of the last couple of seasons that the NFL is rigged, just like everything else where big money is involved (think stock market, price of gold, gasoline). This season seemed even more obvious. There was one game where the officials were seen high fiving each other after one team scored a touchdown.

Then in the playoff game between Green Bay, and the Cowboy's. The catch that was reversed that cost the Cowboy's the game. That play illustrates my point. Even if you argue that was the rules, the rules are purposely rigged for that reason. The play was ruled a catch on the field, then later reversed. If the call had not been reversed, no one would have said anything about it. After it was reversed, the media, which is just an extension of the money, was quick to make the case that, that's the rules. But I'm saying the rules are made that way on purpose just for this reason, so the game can be decided any way necessary for the money (owners).

In other words since the owners already know who's going to win, they don't care who wins, because no matter who wins, they always win.

And don't forget flabbyballgate.
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Sit back and marvel at the Patriots snack food and drink things. Boston area grabs yet another big league trophy
I've come to the conclusion over the course of the last couple of seasons that the NFL is rigged, just like everything else where big money is involved (think stock market, price of gold, gasoline). This season seemed even more obvious. There was one game where the officials were seen high fiving each other after one team scored a touchdown.

Then in the playoff game between Green Bay, and the Cowboy's. The catch that was reversed that cost the Cowboy's the game. That play illustrates my point. Even if you argue that was the rules, the rules are purposely rigged for that reason. The play was ruled a catch on the field, then later reversed. If the call had not been reversed, no one would have said anything about it. After it was reversed, the media, which is just an extension of the money, was quick to make the case that, that's the rules. But I'm saying the rules are made that way on purpose just for this reason, so the game can be decided any way necessary for the money (owners).

In other words since the owners already know who's going to win, they don't care who wins, because no matter who wins, they always win.

And don't forget flabbyballgate.

Im starting to think you have some good points here sir.

a couple friends and myself have had this same discussion, when there is big money involved there is always some level of corruption all ready there or just around the corner, these people get paid way to much mo ey and then they'll turn around and be a spokesman for some benefit or charity and beg for money from average working people, these pro athletes could all come together and just chip in a small amount of their multi million dollar salaries and fund many of these programs like feeding childrsn and such.

I think they should make a living at what they do but at some point how much is to much for an athlete that doesn't actually do a thing to contribute to American society or infastructure

We have farmers loosing there farms, old folks loosing there homes, little kids going to bed hungry, a National Debt that is scary out of control.corruption at almost every level of government, but hey we have a whole pile of over paid over grown boys and gang banger running up and down courts and fields to keep us comfortably numb as our country and founding American principles burn down around us.

Ive always enjoyed watching Pro Football, but its getting harder and harder as we continue to have more and more scandals.

A rich idiot is no less of an idiot.....!!
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Im starting to think you have some good points here sir.

a couple friends and myself have had this same discussion, when there is big money involved there is always some level of corruption all ready there or just around the corner, these people get paid way to much mo ey and then they'll turn around and be a spokesman for some benefit or charity and beg for money from average working people, these pro athletes could all come together and just chip in a small amount of their multi million dollar salaries and fund many of these programs like feeding childrsn and such.

I think they should make a living at what they do but at some point how much is to much for an athlete that doesn't actually do a thing to contribute to American society or infastructure

We have farmers loosing there farms, old folks loosing there homes, little kids going to bed hungry, a National Debt that is scary out of control.corruption at almost every level of government, but hey we have a whole pile of over paid over grown boys and gang banger running up and down courts and fields to keep us comfortably numb as our country and founding American principles burn down around us.

Ive always enjoyed watching Pro Football, but its getting harder and harder as we continue to have more and more scandals.

A rich idiot is no less of an idiot.....!!

I sort of doubt the players are in on it, or at least not very many. All it takes is a few refs. How much money would it take to influence a ref's decision process so that he sees things a certain way about how the game is being played. It's not really even cheating if the rules are such that you can make a call either way.

Pass interference is a good example. There's a lot of room to call it or not call it on both sides of the ball. If it gets too obvious, they can always say he's just a bad ref, which could just mean he's bad at cheating.
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It's just like playing Lotto.....they don't have to rig it as the odds are stacked against you. But they can and I think they do rig it just by weighting the balls.

That is how the money can be dispersed where they think it ought to go, usually out into the back country somewhere that needs it.

As far as money going into the school system as originally proposed???

Yes, rigged sums it all up......
It's just like playing Lotto.....they don't have to rig it as the odds are stacked against you. But they can and I think they do rig it just by weighting the balls.

That is how the money can be dispersed where they think it ought to go, usually out into the back country somewhere that needs it.

As far as money going into the school system as originally proposed???

Yes, rigged sums it all up......

I agree scotto

big money= corruption in the form of stacking the odds in their favor.

Just like Vegas was is sustained and built by losers, they give you just enough to keep you coming back.
The weather is getting a bit friendlier here this afternoon.
Not all nice and sunny but no wind and just occasional drizzle and over 60F.

Back to mid 70's next week but it doesn't seem to be dampening spirits any.

Just saw the Met Life Snoopy blimp pass by out my office door going from the Phoenix Open out to Cardinal's Stadium.
I live in the Bermuda Triangle between the 3 major event locations in the area.

But back to making watching the game fun without liking either team...

It's pretty fun actually.
All you need is a sheet of paper with 100 squares with room on the top and left margins for the random numbers and team names.


Just pick a price to buy a square and let everyone put their mark on a square to buy it.

It depends on the number of people but $1 a square is usually good but heck play dime a square, and only buy the number of squares you can afford with cash in hand as the pot needs to be square before and all 100 spots taken part 2.

Then just pull the A-10 cards from a deck, shuffle them up, and then filling in row with numbers 1-10 with 10 being zero.
Shuffle again and do the other teams row.

This is based on the last digit of each teams score and one square at any given time has the match.

Award a piece of the pot whenever you like, we like the end of every quarter.
$1 a square, $25 each quarter is fun, you look at what your numbers are and hope the teams score to one of your picks.

For a game I would like to see both teams loose I have something to root for ;-}
Do you think the officials on the field will scrutinize the Patriots a little bit more to compensate for the possibility of them playing with deflated footballs?
Do you think the officials on the field will scrutinize the Patriots a little bit more to compensate for the possibility of them playing with deflated footballs?

a very good possibility, they'll probably get called for everything no matter what.

it mayget ugly
Do you think the officials on the field will scrutinize the Patriots a little bit more to compensate for the possibility of them playing with deflated footballs?
For normal games each team submits 12 balls for a game.
For the bowl it's 54 balls.
All 108 are under tight security until 3 hours before kick-off.

This looks to be an interesting day, we have a fluke fog covering the Valley this morning, kind of like how horror movies start...
What an outstanding Super Bowl!
The best I can remember in a long long time.

The conditions were perfect, the refs stayed out of it, there were plenty of spectacular plays, and drama at the end with the Seahawks beating themselves ;-}

I'm not a half time show guy but that was really an impressive show, especially when Katie was hooked up to the floating camera and flown around inside the stadium with indoor and outdoor fireworks and the 3D floor.

It's been quite a week here and now we can get back to normal.
It's amazing how quickly the work crews can take down and pack up entire venues it took a week to construct, downtown was almost completely back to normal by 8 this morning.

So, farewell NFL until August.
Yes that was a great Super Bowl, Seahawks managed to pull off one the if not the worst call in Super Bowl history, they had it won easy.... Lynch could have drove that in with ease and game over, everyone knew that and knows that and my question is why the absolutely brainless call of that passing play......!!!!!

I don't know if it should be said that the best team won, but I will say no doubt the smartest coach on that day won.

Now we have the question about whether any of this stuff is rigged/planned...?
I couldn't believe it, if I've got the best running back in the league (statistically ) for two years in a row we run the ball. If he doesn't score we call a time out and run it again. This ranks right up near the top as far as bad calls by a coach goes.